Has anyone checked out the trailer for Joss Whedon's film Serenity? It's based on his sci-fi series Firefly, yet another series that Fox axed prematurely for reality TV shows.
The trailer looks really, really good! I cannot wait for the film to be released here. If you haven't already, go check out Firefly, there is only 13 episodes but they are great, the writing is extremely good.
It has all the good things, smugglers, mercenaries, rikety old ship, all set in a space/western type theme.
Think Han Solo when he used to shoot first, ask questions later!
Here's a link to the fullscreen version if anyone's interested, 40mb
Personally I'm pretty psyched for it but I am a fan of the original series.
Most definitely, for fans of the series watching the trailer a flood of memories comes back of all the characters and their storylines that were built up in the series (and sadly cut short when it was getting interesting), if you're watching it without having seen Firefly then you're coming in cold and have no idea who anyone is or what their relationships are to each other and so all you can really judge it on is what you see (Ooh, spaceships, explosions, mystery girl who can KUNG FU!, pretty dull on the surface). Let's hope it balances out for fans and newcomers alike, he could bore the fans with repetition of character building or could lose newcomers by not giving them enough detail to be interested. I'm sure Joss will do a decent job though, fingers crossed.
Shepard Book is in the film, they just didn't show him in the trailer... I guess making River a kung fu chick was a bit cliche, but they were heading in the assassin direction in the series. With Joss writing the screenplay and directing I'm sure it will all be true to character, if anything a little darker. Fox originally made Joss make the characters more funny and light hearted after the pilot episode.
I think being a trailer that mainly focusses on the action, its hard to see that characters coming through. From people who have seen pre screenings, reports are that the characters are all true to the series.
Seen it, the series looked a tad more interesting (story-wise) than the movie. Tho I initially didn't like Firefly because it got Dark Angel cancelled, and then itself.
The trailer does look interesting, but it would've been all the sweeter if they'd built up the world and story in the series more.