Ive been wanting do have a go at creating some character sheets however Im looking for some (realisticilly proportioned) reference to base my work off of. So does anyone one have any good character sheet references. That is front, side and back with arms at 45degrees (or just straight out) and legs shoulder length apart?
Ive been searching for awhile, so if anyone does please let me know!!
here is the back front and side which makes up part of sumeas header[:)]
looks like the 'www.fineart.sk' site had nude front, side and back photos too. As well as Loomis anatomy books! bonus
I don?t know of any hand drawn reference sheets, but here?s a great site for photographic 3D reference sheets. [url]http://www.fineart.sk/index.php?cat=16[/url]I suppose for exact proportions you can?t do much better real humans? [?] The ones that don?t lean to the side, anyway.