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<insert intelligent topic subject here>

Submitted by GooberMan on

Well, Sumea is all about game developers, and I know there are a few working in the industry lurking about (myself included). I'm interested in finding out what everyone's favourite games are, just to see the diversity of everyone's tastes.

My all time faves are:
Civilisation 2
Day Of The Tentacle
Ghosts 'n' Goblins (the first game I REALLY liked, still fun to play today)

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by Pantmonger on Thu, 27/02/03 - 1:27 AMPermalink

Res Evil 0 till forever
Silent Hill 1 & 2
Parisite Eve 2(Pic the theme anyone)
FF 7
Fallout 1
Another World


Submitted by Brain on Thu, 27/02/03 - 2:34 AMPermalink

Warcraft 3
Tony Hawk whichever
Tribes 2 (massive games of this are the bomb)
Sam and Max
Dance Dance Revolution
Metal Slug

I feel I'll go on forever @:-)

Chris Bowden

Submitted by inglis on Thu, 27/02/03 - 2:46 AMPermalink

grantourismo3 (the cars [8D] i got that game 87% complete in 1/2 weeks then had to give the ps2 back to my friend [:(!] damn him!)
master of magic (first game i ever played on a computer)

anything thats has good multiplayer...
could go forever as well.

lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP:

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 27/02/03 - 3:03 AMPermalink

Jedi knights
Heroes of might and magic 4
Return to castle wolfenstein
warcraft 2, yes 2
heaps of old school stuff but I'd be here forever
Inglis: Master of magic! lol yeah go the mighty paladins.

Dean Ferguson - 3D/2D Artist

Submitted by Daemin on Thu, 27/02/03 - 3:44 AMPermalink

Warcraft 3 is pretty damn good, but I don't have a powerful enough computer to really play it
Counter-Strike and Quake3 are usual favourites at lans

My favourite game though is X-Com - the first one, its soo damn cool!
The Mechwarrior 2 series is also pretty good, especially MW2:Mercs with the latest patch applied
Civ 2 is fun to play around with still, and I wish I could have a game of Sam 'n' Max just now.

Submitted by davidcoen on Thu, 27/02/03 - 6:32 AMPermalink

dungeon master (amiga)
daggerfall (pc)
dark reign (pc)

Submitted by lava monkey on Thu, 27/02/03 - 8:33 AMPermalink

MONKEY ISLAND - "how come no one else has said this yet.."
Shadow Warrior
Hero's of Might and Magic III
and Larry 4 [:p]

Submitted by Sertan on Thu, 27/02/03 - 8:43 AMPermalink

Final Fantasy VI and VII
Doom and Doom II
Half-Life (including Day of Defeat, amongst other mods)
Metal Gear series
Devil May Cry
Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2
Super Mario World 1 and 2
Chrono Trigger

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 27/02/03 - 9:29 AMPermalink

quote:MONKEY ISLAND - "how come no one else has said this yet.."

I wish I knew the answer to that one.

Okay my list...
1. System Shock (Not SS2 - that was sacrilige when compared to the original) has to be at top of my list, it was so badly marketed and came out right at the time of Doom, and Doom had some better gimmicks to work with :)

And some honourable mentions....

Quake - an all too popular game, but I remember seeing my first ever perfect mapped polygon, and loved the simple gameplay and the multiplayer was awesome.

Monkey Island - as I kid this was a favourite, Guybrush was such a doofus and the game has so much endearing charm.

Day Of The Tentacle - the closest thing to an interactive cartoon, one of the most fun games I played as a young'in.

Azrael's Tear - very little known game but tried some ground breaking concepts but fell apart in some other areas.

Ultima 7 and onwards - sure I played the first few, but the later ones were far more playable especially when I started to get more jaded about graphics quality.

DreamWeb - disgusting and started a huge debate, but had bloody good atmosphere and character story etc etc, and I played it when I was like 11 or something and I'm fine - I'll kill all of you!!!

Grand Prix Legends - I tend to think of this as a sim more than a game, but it kicks arse and takes up alot of my computer time. :)

Snootchie bootchies!
Any off-topic issues send to

Submitted by souri on Thu, 27/02/03 - 10:41 AMPermalink

I might have mentioned it before, but I still have my boxed Amiga version of Monkey Island on my shelf... Loved that game.. played most of Lucasfilm's (or LucasArts as it was called then) adventures. I'm not sure if I have the patience for those types of games now though.. boy, when you get stuck in those type of games, you REALLY do get stuck.

Grand Theft Auto 3 was the first game in a long while that I played sometime at night, then realised it was 5am.. Lots of fun things to do in that game. Lots of silly things to do too..
Frontier (Elite 2).. (I think David Braben is starting to work on a follow up to that now actually)
Resident Evil (1 and 2.. 3 got boring...)
Silent Hill..
Half Life and Quake 2 ... great games.. didn't want to put it down.
The Settlers.... loved that game on the Amiga.. played it waaayyy too much.. and then I realised it was seriously killing too much time. [:)]
Starcraft.. (it's a faster version of Settlers, kinda... [:)])..
Counterstrike .. I still like this game.. the only reason I don't enjoy it as much these days is that everyone plays the same damn map, over and over and over.. or worst still, they play a deathmatch map.. which kinda defeats the purpose of playing Counterstrike.

Oh, I have a soft spot for Tetris and Puzzle Bubble too... and Pang!.. [:)]

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 28/02/03 - 12:45 AMPermalink

Nolf 1 and 2
Thief 1 and 2
the longest journey
Broken Sword 2
System Shock 2
Zelda 3
Super Metroid
Zombies ate my neighbours
Perfect Dark
Eternal Darkness
Resident evil series
Duke Nukem 3d
Chrono Trigger
Secret of mana

Ninja commando on commodore 64, the game that got me hooked on gaming, got a copy for an emulator but it didnt work, havent played it in years :(

"when it comes to angry killing machines, nothing beats the Lord Jesus!"

Submitted by GooberMan on Fri, 28/02/03 - 5:37 AMPermalink

Malus: Yeah, I tried to keep that list short for the same reason that I could go on forever listing all the old games I liked.

Lava_Monkey: DOTT > Monkey Island > every other Lucasarts game... I had to prioritise :P

Souri: He already did a followup to Elite 2 (Frontier: First Encounters), but yeah, there is some sort of work happening for Elite 4 :) Kinda surprised I didn't see Impossible Mission on your list... :P

And interesting... Most people's tastes seem to be from games made within the past 10 years.

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by inglis on Fri, 28/02/03 - 5:42 AMPermalink

quote:And interesting... Most people's tastes seem to be from games made within the past 10 years.

my excuse: ive only been using computers for the past *counts fingers*... 4/5 years....:)

lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP:

Submitted by StrkEagle on Fri, 28/02/03 - 8:41 AMPermalink

in no particular order my faves would be:
Grand Theft Auto 3
Gran Turismo 3
Project IGI
Delta Force series
Counterstrike (LAN not internet)
Battlefield 1942
Alien vs Predator
Red Alert 2
Need for Speed 4
NHL 99
Colin McRae 2 (PC)
Jetfighter II (<--kickass)
Descent 3
Janes Longbow 2

Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 10:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by GooberMan

Souri: He already did a followup to Elite 2 (Frontier: First Encounters), but yeah, there is some sort of work happening for Elite 4 :) Kinda surprised I didn't see Impossible Mission on your list... :P

There's a bajillian C64 and Arcade games that I could mention, but I didn't want to bore the 'youngins.. [;)] .. arcade games.. 1942, Last Ninja, Rygar, Rtype, Wonderboy, Pacland.. I could go on and on.. (yes, at some stage, these were my favourites :)) I used to play so many c64 and arcade games (and finished them too), it's not funny. I made it to the end of Ghost 'n Goblins in the arcades with one credit. You had to fight two demons, and I made it past the first one on my first attempt, but got killed by the second demon. A few days later, they replaced the machine with something else.. Doh!

Submitted by redwyre on Fri, 28/02/03 - 12:27 PMPermalink

Bugger, I had a nice big list and lost it :/

So I'll give you the short version:

System Shock (The first one) is the BEST GAME EVER MADE.

If you haven't played it, you are deprived of the greatest creation of the greatest game development studio.


Submitted by redwyre on Fri, 28/02/03 - 12:29 PMPermalink

And yes Ethan, we all know about your new job. [:(!]


Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 10:08 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by inglis

grantourismo3 (the cars [8D] i got that game 87% complete in 1/2 weeks then had to give the ps2 back to my friend [:(!] damn him!)

Gran Tourismo has always been very cool.. seems to get better and better.. I've read that GT4 will come out mid 2004 with online capabilities, plus world rankings.. you'd also be able to trade cars too.. GT3 came out early in the PS2's life, and what they did with the machine was really cool.. I wonder how much they can squeaze out of it now..!

Submitted by GooberMan on Sat, 01/03/03 - 1:07 AMPermalink

Souri: Yeah, I remember all them games :) Pretty kewl games. I could only ever get up to the sixth stage on one credit for arcade Ghosts n Goblins. The sequel, Ghouls n Ghosts, wasn't anywhere near as good as the original, but still fun for a while. I hear they're making an online Ghouls n Ghosts game though :)

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by Maitrek on Sat, 01/03/03 - 3:59 AMPermalink

Re : the 10 years question
I've been playing games since around 1987ish, but because I was young (like 5 years old) and couldn't afford good games I had to wait a few years for some kick ass games to come my way. Although some of the really old games that I liked are probably Sierra stuff, Microprose F1 GP maybe Lemmings :) I dunno what else, it's all too vague now.

Redwyre is on to something everyone, play SS1 if you haven't!!! Even though the graphics look terrible today, it still beats the garbage out of the sequel, and beats alot of other plain boring shooters we get nowadays.

Snootchie bootchies!
Any off-topic issues send to

Submitted by rezn0r on Sat, 01/03/03 - 8:56 AMPermalink

Jagged Alliance 2 is the best game I've ever played. Kinda like Fallout only a real world scenario and more advanced squad based warfare.

Leisure Suit Larry 7 is champion, its too bad Al Lowe got the ass. (Anyone remember "Wheres Dildo?")

Quake 2 is still the best multiplayer FPS out there (the joints on my little finger have fused from holding it rigid while I Q2'd)

I love Hitman 1 & 2 for their polished gameplay, and sexy verlet integration.

Ye Olde stuff like Artic Adventure (CGA!), Mission to Mars, Secret Agent, Duke Nukem, Zak McCraken + Alien Mind Benders, Delphine stuff, LucasfilmLucasarts stuff blah blah.

Freecell is like crack to me, but my favourite games of ALL TIME are Alien Hunter (For the intro movie alone!!), Steel Carcass, FalCOM8, and He-Man masters the universe... mainly because I made them. :)

Current Job: Programmer, Centerlink ;P

Submitted by GooberMan on Tue, 04/03/03 - 2:01 AMPermalink

No one's said Pong yet? :P

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by souri on Tue, 04/03/03 - 11:48 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by GooberMan

Souri: Yeah, I remember all them games :) Pretty kewl games. I could only ever get up to the sixth stage on one credit for arcade Ghosts n Goblins. The sequel, Ghouls n Ghosts, wasn't anywhere near as good as the original, but still fun for a while. I hear they're making an online Ghouls n Ghosts game though :)

I will have to admit though that I cheated to get to the last level on Ghost'n Goblins with one credit. There was a bug in the game (I think it was the 3rd level?) - anyway, its in the cave with the bats, zombies, and those poles with mouths that shoot at you.. just hang around there at a certain spot, shooting left, right, left, right etc (because the zombies seem to spawn from the sides - best to use a dagger, because you kill faster). You get heaps of points doing this, and as the timer runs down to 3 seconds left, duck down and shoot those rocks so the magician guy shoots some magic to turn you into a frog.. the trick is to time it so that you turn to a bunch of bones before the timer hits zero, but the magic spiral will still continue and hit you, turning you into a frog.. hop around abit and avoid the zombies, and you eventually turn back into a knight, but with the timer stuck at 0.. go back to that point where you shot the daggers left, right etc, and keep scoring... do it for about 15 minutes, and you should have about 8 or 9 men total.. [:)].. you can do this forever and get even more men, btw.. the timer is stuck.

Submitted by Kris on Tue, 04/03/03 - 1:05 PMPermalink

Too many to list all of them, but some of my more recent favourites:

Battlefield 1942
Vice City
C&C Generals
Age of Mythology

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 04/03/03 - 5:59 PMPermalink

My favourite game at the arcade:

Dance Dance Revolution!!!!!!


Posted by GooberMan on

Well, Sumea is all about game developers, and I know there are a few working in the industry lurking about (myself included). I'm interested in finding out what everyone's favourite games are, just to see the diversity of everyone's tastes.

My all time faves are:
Civilisation 2
Day Of The Tentacle
Ghosts 'n' Goblins (the first game I REALLY liked, still fun to play today)

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by Pantmonger on Thu, 27/02/03 - 1:27 AMPermalink

Res Evil 0 till forever
Silent Hill 1 & 2
Parisite Eve 2(Pic the theme anyone)
FF 7
Fallout 1
Another World


Submitted by Brain on Thu, 27/02/03 - 2:34 AMPermalink

Warcraft 3
Tony Hawk whichever
Tribes 2 (massive games of this are the bomb)
Sam and Max
Dance Dance Revolution
Metal Slug

I feel I'll go on forever @:-)

Chris Bowden

Submitted by inglis on Thu, 27/02/03 - 2:46 AMPermalink

grantourismo3 (the cars [8D] i got that game 87% complete in 1/2 weeks then had to give the ps2 back to my friend [:(!] damn him!)
master of magic (first game i ever played on a computer)

anything thats has good multiplayer...
could go forever as well.

lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP:

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 27/02/03 - 3:03 AMPermalink

Jedi knights
Heroes of might and magic 4
Return to castle wolfenstein
warcraft 2, yes 2
heaps of old school stuff but I'd be here forever
Inglis: Master of magic! lol yeah go the mighty paladins.

Dean Ferguson - 3D/2D Artist

Submitted by Daemin on Thu, 27/02/03 - 3:44 AMPermalink

Warcraft 3 is pretty damn good, but I don't have a powerful enough computer to really play it
Counter-Strike and Quake3 are usual favourites at lans

My favourite game though is X-Com - the first one, its soo damn cool!
The Mechwarrior 2 series is also pretty good, especially MW2:Mercs with the latest patch applied
Civ 2 is fun to play around with still, and I wish I could have a game of Sam 'n' Max just now.

Submitted by davidcoen on Thu, 27/02/03 - 6:32 AMPermalink

dungeon master (amiga)
daggerfall (pc)
dark reign (pc)

Submitted by lava monkey on Thu, 27/02/03 - 8:33 AMPermalink

MONKEY ISLAND - "how come no one else has said this yet.."
Shadow Warrior
Hero's of Might and Magic III
and Larry 4 [:p]

Submitted by Sertan on Thu, 27/02/03 - 8:43 AMPermalink

Final Fantasy VI and VII
Doom and Doom II
Half-Life (including Day of Defeat, amongst other mods)
Metal Gear series
Devil May Cry
Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2
Super Mario World 1 and 2
Chrono Trigger

We like a man who comes right out and says what he thinks - when he agrees with us.

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 27/02/03 - 9:29 AMPermalink

quote:MONKEY ISLAND - "how come no one else has said this yet.."

I wish I knew the answer to that one.

Okay my list...
1. System Shock (Not SS2 - that was sacrilige when compared to the original) has to be at top of my list, it was so badly marketed and came out right at the time of Doom, and Doom had some better gimmicks to work with :)

And some honourable mentions....

Quake - an all too popular game, but I remember seeing my first ever perfect mapped polygon, and loved the simple gameplay and the multiplayer was awesome.

Monkey Island - as I kid this was a favourite, Guybrush was such a doofus and the game has so much endearing charm.

Day Of The Tentacle - the closest thing to an interactive cartoon, one of the most fun games I played as a young'in.

Azrael's Tear - very little known game but tried some ground breaking concepts but fell apart in some other areas.

Ultima 7 and onwards - sure I played the first few, but the later ones were far more playable especially when I started to get more jaded about graphics quality.

DreamWeb - disgusting and started a huge debate, but had bloody good atmosphere and character story etc etc, and I played it when I was like 11 or something and I'm fine - I'll kill all of you!!!

Grand Prix Legends - I tend to think of this as a sim more than a game, but it kicks arse and takes up alot of my computer time. :)

Snootchie bootchies!
Any off-topic issues send to

Submitted by souri on Thu, 27/02/03 - 10:41 AMPermalink

I might have mentioned it before, but I still have my boxed Amiga version of Monkey Island on my shelf... Loved that game.. played most of Lucasfilm's (or LucasArts as it was called then) adventures. I'm not sure if I have the patience for those types of games now though.. boy, when you get stuck in those type of games, you REALLY do get stuck.

Grand Theft Auto 3 was the first game in a long while that I played sometime at night, then realised it was 5am.. Lots of fun things to do in that game. Lots of silly things to do too..
Frontier (Elite 2).. (I think David Braben is starting to work on a follow up to that now actually)
Resident Evil (1 and 2.. 3 got boring...)
Silent Hill..
Half Life and Quake 2 ... great games.. didn't want to put it down.
The Settlers.... loved that game on the Amiga.. played it waaayyy too much.. and then I realised it was seriously killing too much time. [:)]
Starcraft.. (it's a faster version of Settlers, kinda... [:)])..
Counterstrike .. I still like this game.. the only reason I don't enjoy it as much these days is that everyone plays the same damn map, over and over and over.. or worst still, they play a deathmatch map.. which kinda defeats the purpose of playing Counterstrike.

Oh, I have a soft spot for Tetris and Puzzle Bubble too... and Pang!.. [:)]

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 28/02/03 - 12:45 AMPermalink

Nolf 1 and 2
Thief 1 and 2
the longest journey
Broken Sword 2
System Shock 2
Zelda 3
Super Metroid
Zombies ate my neighbours
Perfect Dark
Eternal Darkness
Resident evil series
Duke Nukem 3d
Chrono Trigger
Secret of mana

Ninja commando on commodore 64, the game that got me hooked on gaming, got a copy for an emulator but it didnt work, havent played it in years :(

"when it comes to angry killing machines, nothing beats the Lord Jesus!"

Submitted by GooberMan on Fri, 28/02/03 - 5:37 AMPermalink

Malus: Yeah, I tried to keep that list short for the same reason that I could go on forever listing all the old games I liked.

Lava_Monkey: DOTT > Monkey Island > every other Lucasarts game... I had to prioritise :P

Souri: He already did a followup to Elite 2 (Frontier: First Encounters), but yeah, there is some sort of work happening for Elite 4 :) Kinda surprised I didn't see Impossible Mission on your list... :P

And interesting... Most people's tastes seem to be from games made within the past 10 years.

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by inglis on Fri, 28/02/03 - 5:42 AMPermalink

quote:And interesting... Most people's tastes seem to be from games made within the past 10 years.

my excuse: ive only been using computers for the past *counts fingers*... 4/5 years....:)

lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP:

Submitted by StrkEagle on Fri, 28/02/03 - 8:41 AMPermalink

in no particular order my faves would be:
Grand Theft Auto 3
Gran Turismo 3
Project IGI
Delta Force series
Counterstrike (LAN not internet)
Battlefield 1942
Alien vs Predator
Red Alert 2
Need for Speed 4
NHL 99
Colin McRae 2 (PC)
Jetfighter II (<--kickass)
Descent 3
Janes Longbow 2

Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 10:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by GooberMan

Souri: He already did a followup to Elite 2 (Frontier: First Encounters), but yeah, there is some sort of work happening for Elite 4 :) Kinda surprised I didn't see Impossible Mission on your list... :P

There's a bajillian C64 and Arcade games that I could mention, but I didn't want to bore the 'youngins.. [;)] .. arcade games.. 1942, Last Ninja, Rygar, Rtype, Wonderboy, Pacland.. I could go on and on.. (yes, at some stage, these were my favourites :)) I used to play so many c64 and arcade games (and finished them too), it's not funny. I made it to the end of Ghost 'n Goblins in the arcades with one credit. You had to fight two demons, and I made it past the first one on my first attempt, but got killed by the second demon. A few days later, they replaced the machine with something else.. Doh!

Submitted by redwyre on Fri, 28/02/03 - 12:27 PMPermalink

Bugger, I had a nice big list and lost it :/

So I'll give you the short version:

System Shock (The first one) is the BEST GAME EVER MADE.

If you haven't played it, you are deprived of the greatest creation of the greatest game development studio.


Submitted by redwyre on Fri, 28/02/03 - 12:29 PMPermalink

And yes Ethan, we all know about your new job. [:(!]


Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 10:08 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by inglis

grantourismo3 (the cars [8D] i got that game 87% complete in 1/2 weeks then had to give the ps2 back to my friend [:(!] damn him!)

Gran Tourismo has always been very cool.. seems to get better and better.. I've read that GT4 will come out mid 2004 with online capabilities, plus world rankings.. you'd also be able to trade cars too.. GT3 came out early in the PS2's life, and what they did with the machine was really cool.. I wonder how much they can squeaze out of it now..!

Submitted by GooberMan on Sat, 01/03/03 - 1:07 AMPermalink

Souri: Yeah, I remember all them games :) Pretty kewl games. I could only ever get up to the sixth stage on one credit for arcade Ghosts n Goblins. The sequel, Ghouls n Ghosts, wasn't anywhere near as good as the original, but still fun for a while. I hear they're making an online Ghouls n Ghosts game though :)

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by Maitrek on Sat, 01/03/03 - 3:59 AMPermalink

Re : the 10 years question
I've been playing games since around 1987ish, but because I was young (like 5 years old) and couldn't afford good games I had to wait a few years for some kick ass games to come my way. Although some of the really old games that I liked are probably Sierra stuff, Microprose F1 GP maybe Lemmings :) I dunno what else, it's all too vague now.

Redwyre is on to something everyone, play SS1 if you haven't!!! Even though the graphics look terrible today, it still beats the garbage out of the sequel, and beats alot of other plain boring shooters we get nowadays.

Snootchie bootchies!
Any off-topic issues send to

Submitted by rezn0r on Sat, 01/03/03 - 8:56 AMPermalink

Jagged Alliance 2 is the best game I've ever played. Kinda like Fallout only a real world scenario and more advanced squad based warfare.

Leisure Suit Larry 7 is champion, its too bad Al Lowe got the ass. (Anyone remember "Wheres Dildo?")

Quake 2 is still the best multiplayer FPS out there (the joints on my little finger have fused from holding it rigid while I Q2'd)

I love Hitman 1 & 2 for their polished gameplay, and sexy verlet integration.

Ye Olde stuff like Artic Adventure (CGA!), Mission to Mars, Secret Agent, Duke Nukem, Zak McCraken + Alien Mind Benders, Delphine stuff, LucasfilmLucasarts stuff blah blah.

Freecell is like crack to me, but my favourite games of ALL TIME are Alien Hunter (For the intro movie alone!!), Steel Carcass, FalCOM8, and He-Man masters the universe... mainly because I made them. :)

Current Job: Programmer, Centerlink ;P

Submitted by GooberMan on Tue, 04/03/03 - 2:01 AMPermalink

No one's said Pong yet? :P

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by souri on Tue, 04/03/03 - 11:48 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by GooberMan

Souri: Yeah, I remember all them games :) Pretty kewl games. I could only ever get up to the sixth stage on one credit for arcade Ghosts n Goblins. The sequel, Ghouls n Ghosts, wasn't anywhere near as good as the original, but still fun for a while. I hear they're making an online Ghouls n Ghosts game though :)

I will have to admit though that I cheated to get to the last level on Ghost'n Goblins with one credit. There was a bug in the game (I think it was the 3rd level?) - anyway, its in the cave with the bats, zombies, and those poles with mouths that shoot at you.. just hang around there at a certain spot, shooting left, right, left, right etc (because the zombies seem to spawn from the sides - best to use a dagger, because you kill faster). You get heaps of points doing this, and as the timer runs down to 3 seconds left, duck down and shoot those rocks so the magician guy shoots some magic to turn you into a frog.. the trick is to time it so that you turn to a bunch of bones before the timer hits zero, but the magic spiral will still continue and hit you, turning you into a frog.. hop around abit and avoid the zombies, and you eventually turn back into a knight, but with the timer stuck at 0.. go back to that point where you shot the daggers left, right etc, and keep scoring... do it for about 15 minutes, and you should have about 8 or 9 men total.. [:)].. you can do this forever and get even more men, btw.. the timer is stuck.

Submitted by Kris on Tue, 04/03/03 - 1:05 PMPermalink

Too many to list all of them, but some of my more recent favourites:

Battlefield 1942
Vice City
C&C Generals
Age of Mythology

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 04/03/03 - 5:59 PMPermalink

My favourite game at the arcade:

Dance Dance Revolution!!!!!!
