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Submitted by codyalday on

Well, last week, I done Work Experience, and since I didn't organise it on time, I had to do it at Big W. It was pretty good I had to say, wasn't crap, but nothing fantastic. Working at the front service desks and check outs was the best, just bludging and talking to these funny chicks. Anyways, I hope I get a job out of this, as they said they are going to call half of us back next week, but those chicks said they will put in a good word for me, so I hope so.

Today was mad, concidering I got my Tax File Number ( TFN ) and opened up a Key Card Account, but most of all, I got my Learners Permit, I scored % 84 in the test, I was very happy.
Just thought I share what has happened to me in the past couple of weeks. Thankaz for your time.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 22/09/04 - 11:43 AMPermalink

Ah, I remember when I first tried to get my learners permit... I failed but still had to shell out ten bucks. [:(!]

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 22/09/04 - 6:34 PMPermalink

I did my L's test and got 97% :P, 1 question wrong. But I couldn't get my L's cos i was born in Sri Lanka an dont have an aussie birth certificate or passport under 2 year old. So now i'm gettin my citizenship just to get my L's :(, but the citizenships a good thing, it's just the whole process.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 22/09/04 - 11:15 PMPermalink

Congrats man :)
I got something like 84% on my L's, got it first time.
I got 95% on the driving test for my P's, though the computer test I screwed up and had to do that again. Apparently, "click to slow down" means "click to STOP" and not actaully to slow down....

Submitted by Jacana on Thu, 23/09/04 - 12:48 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by bullet21

I did my L's test and got 97% :P, 1 question wrong. But I couldn't get my L's cos i was born in Sri Lanka an dont have an aussie birth certificate or passport under 2 year old. So now i'm gettin my citizenship just to get my L's :(, but the citizenships a good thing, it's just the whole process.

I got my L's long before I ever got my citizenship. You may want to check it out better......

Submitted by Blitz on Thu, 23/09/04 - 12:53 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by codyalday

Working at the front service desks and check outs was the best,

Never thought i'd see someone say that...
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 23/09/04 - 2:59 AMPermalink

Originally posted by bullet21

I did my L's test and got 97% :P, 1 question wrong. But I couldn't get my L's cos i was born in Sri Lanka an dont have an aussie birth certificate or passport under 2 year old. So now i'm gettin my citizenship just to get my L's :(, but the citizenships a good thing, it's just the whole process.

I got my L's long before I ever got my citizenship. You may want to check it out better......

Yeah but you prolly had a recent passport. mines 7 years old now. [:(]

Submitted by Major Clod on Thu, 23/09/04 - 7:57 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by codyalday

Working at the front service desks and check outs was the best,

Try doing that at a computer store. The other day I had to try and explain why an Athlon XP 2800+ does not run at 2800MHz and a P4 2.8 does. Man it was a nightmare I swear I tried so many different stories. Eventually I got him with a story using stocking shelves. I basically said an Athlon can put more items on a shelf at a time then a P4, therefore it doesn't need to stock as fast because it can put more products on the shelf at a time than a P4. I had to do the hand actions and all and he finally understood. I don't think he understood what the word efficiency means...

And if anyone asks me the difference between DVD+R and DVD-R again I am going to scream!

Man I need a new job...

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 23/09/04 - 6:13 PMPermalink

quote:Try doing that at a computer store. The other day I had to try and explain why an Athlon XP 2800+ does not run at 2800MHz and a P4 2.8 does. Man it was a nightmare I swear I tried so many different stories. Eventually I got him with a story using stocking shelves. I basically said an Athlon can put more items on a shelf at a time then a P4, therefore it doesn't need to stock as fast because it can put more products on the shelf at a time than a P4. I had to do the hand actions and all and he finally understood. I don't think he understood what the word efficiency means...

And if anyone asks me the difference between DVD+R and DVD-R again I am going to scream!

ROFL, it was probably one of my parents who where asking you the questions[:D]

Cody, i'm surprisesd you like the counter as well. I work at KFC and counter is shit. You have to be polite all the time, even if you are gettin an ear full from a retarded customer who can't understand why the potatoe gravy's are so small[:(!]. I prefer cooking.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Thu, 23/09/04 - 6:44 PMPermalink

Why are the potatoe 'n gravy's so small?

Its important that I know.

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 23/09/04 - 7:23 PMPermalink

Its really hard to harvest the potatoes without the gravy thats inside spilling out so it takes a long and you get less for your money. [:P]

Its a hard life being a patato 'n gravy farmer.

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 23/09/04 - 8:38 PMPermalink

I bet you didn't know that the potatoe's are made from an instant mashed potatoe powder that's mixed with water, and the key ingrediant for the gravy is gungky shit colleced from the cookers, no joke.

Submitted by Kane on Thu, 23/09/04 - 9:41 PMPermalink

but hey...KFC mash and gravy is fricken delicious, I don't mind what it made of!

but lol to the gunky shit...[:D]

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 23/09/04 - 11:08 PMPermalink

Yeah, I don't mind working at the front, pretty fun I have to say. Also, don't mind either on being polite, pretty easy for me, but I will probally start skitzing it when some custormer is being a smart ass. Also, thankaz for the nice responeses to my thread.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 24/09/04 - 1:22 AMPermalink

heh heh luckily it would seem ive never had to deal with customers, im just a janitor >.<

Submitted by Malus on Fri, 24/09/04 - 2:41 AMPermalink

Hang on, isn't the gunky stuff left over when cooking what you always make gravy from? [:P]

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 24/09/04 - 5:05 AMPermalink

Gunky Shit ? [:O] You know i used to think KFC was all good - but ive noticed a really sad decline in quality of the Zinger Works fillets over the past few months from the local KFC. 60% chicken 40% greasy veins and oil wrapped in " The colonels special blend of 11 herbs and spices! "
Very un-cool !

Submitted by Daemin on Sat, 25/09/04 - 9:55 PMPermalink

I think that's called "economizing" (In the American spelling of course)

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 26/09/04 - 8:15 PMPermalink

KFC is ait.

counterwork is great, customers can range from good to bad bu when there good, oh man.... its good :o) .....

but then i work in a resteraunt bar.

Submitted by codyalday on Mon, 27/09/04 - 2:33 AMPermalink

Also, it is a very good way to meet people, like females.

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 27/09/04 - 7:51 AMPermalink

" Okay thats a Zinger Works Combo, will that be all ? Thats $5.95 and your phone number thanks [;)] "

Cody you sly dog you! [:P]

Submitted by Pantmonger on Mon, 27/09/04 - 5:38 PMPermalink

Or do you put a photo of yourself with your phone number smiling away at the bottom of the popcorn chicken box / bucket o? chicken.


Submitted by bullet21 on Mon, 27/09/04 - 6:31 PMPermalink

but Cody doesn't work at KFC does he? it's Big W

Submitted by codyalday on Tue, 28/09/04 - 3:18 AMPermalink

I don't work any yet, Big W still hasn't called back, so I guesse I have to look else where. Also, why is it so bad to hand your number to someone, nothing sus going on there.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Fri, 01/10/04 - 1:14 AMPermalink

So Major Clod, what IS the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R?

Submitted by Major Clod on Fri, 01/10/04 - 10:37 AMPermalink

Lol, already answered that one about five times today!

Aside from getting technical, I just tell people that there is no particular advantage of using + or -, other than what their recorder supports and what their stand alone DVD player supports. At the moment DVD-R seems to be the more popular/compatible. DVD-R Developed by Pioneer, DVD+R by HP, Sony, Dell, Yamaha, heaps of ppls.

Theres a whole bunch of small technical differences with + being supposedly higher tech, but I don't really car that much about it. One interesting thing I was reading a while back was a type of Mouth Rainier support for + being developed for Windows Longhorn. Kind of like DVD-Ram but with better support in stand alone players. You'll need to buy a new burner to support that though.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Fri, 01/10/04 - 11:08 AMPermalink

Cheers for the enlightenment, I didn't even know there was a DVD+R.

Posted by codyalday on

Well, last week, I done Work Experience, and since I didn't organise it on time, I had to do it at Big W. It was pretty good I had to say, wasn't crap, but nothing fantastic. Working at the front service desks and check outs was the best, just bludging and talking to these funny chicks. Anyways, I hope I get a job out of this, as they said they are going to call half of us back next week, but those chicks said they will put in a good word for me, so I hope so.

Today was mad, concidering I got my Tax File Number ( TFN ) and opened up a Key Card Account, but most of all, I got my Learners Permit, I scored % 84 in the test, I was very happy.
Just thought I share what has happened to me in the past couple of weeks. Thankaz for your time.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 22/09/04 - 11:43 AMPermalink

Ah, I remember when I first tried to get my learners permit... I failed but still had to shell out ten bucks. [:(!]

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 22/09/04 - 6:34 PMPermalink

I did my L's test and got 97% :P, 1 question wrong. But I couldn't get my L's cos i was born in Sri Lanka an dont have an aussie birth certificate or passport under 2 year old. So now i'm gettin my citizenship just to get my L's :(, but the citizenships a good thing, it's just the whole process.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 22/09/04 - 11:15 PMPermalink

Congrats man :)
I got something like 84% on my L's, got it first time.
I got 95% on the driving test for my P's, though the computer test I screwed up and had to do that again. Apparently, "click to slow down" means "click to STOP" and not actaully to slow down....

Submitted by Jacana on Thu, 23/09/04 - 12:48 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by bullet21

I did my L's test and got 97% :P, 1 question wrong. But I couldn't get my L's cos i was born in Sri Lanka an dont have an aussie birth certificate or passport under 2 year old. So now i'm gettin my citizenship just to get my L's :(, but the citizenships a good thing, it's just the whole process.

I got my L's long before I ever got my citizenship. You may want to check it out better......

Submitted by Blitz on Thu, 23/09/04 - 12:53 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by codyalday

Working at the front service desks and check outs was the best,

Never thought i'd see someone say that...
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 23/09/04 - 2:59 AMPermalink

Originally posted by bullet21

I did my L's test and got 97% :P, 1 question wrong. But I couldn't get my L's cos i was born in Sri Lanka an dont have an aussie birth certificate or passport under 2 year old. So now i'm gettin my citizenship just to get my L's :(, but the citizenships a good thing, it's just the whole process.

I got my L's long before I ever got my citizenship. You may want to check it out better......

Yeah but you prolly had a recent passport. mines 7 years old now. [:(]

Submitted by Major Clod on Thu, 23/09/04 - 7:57 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by codyalday

Working at the front service desks and check outs was the best,

Try doing that at a computer store. The other day I had to try and explain why an Athlon XP 2800+ does not run at 2800MHz and a P4 2.8 does. Man it was a nightmare I swear I tried so many different stories. Eventually I got him with a story using stocking shelves. I basically said an Athlon can put more items on a shelf at a time then a P4, therefore it doesn't need to stock as fast because it can put more products on the shelf at a time than a P4. I had to do the hand actions and all and he finally understood. I don't think he understood what the word efficiency means...

And if anyone asks me the difference between DVD+R and DVD-R again I am going to scream!

Man I need a new job...

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 23/09/04 - 6:13 PMPermalink

quote:Try doing that at a computer store. The other day I had to try and explain why an Athlon XP 2800+ does not run at 2800MHz and a P4 2.8 does. Man it was a nightmare I swear I tried so many different stories. Eventually I got him with a story using stocking shelves. I basically said an Athlon can put more items on a shelf at a time then a P4, therefore it doesn't need to stock as fast because it can put more products on the shelf at a time than a P4. I had to do the hand actions and all and he finally understood. I don't think he understood what the word efficiency means...

And if anyone asks me the difference between DVD+R and DVD-R again I am going to scream!

ROFL, it was probably one of my parents who where asking you the questions[:D]

Cody, i'm surprisesd you like the counter as well. I work at KFC and counter is shit. You have to be polite all the time, even if you are gettin an ear full from a retarded customer who can't understand why the potatoe gravy's are so small[:(!]. I prefer cooking.

Submitted by Pantmonger on Thu, 23/09/04 - 6:44 PMPermalink

Why are the potatoe 'n gravy's so small?

Its important that I know.

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 23/09/04 - 7:23 PMPermalink

Its really hard to harvest the potatoes without the gravy thats inside spilling out so it takes a long and you get less for your money. [:P]

Its a hard life being a patato 'n gravy farmer.

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 23/09/04 - 8:38 PMPermalink

I bet you didn't know that the potatoe's are made from an instant mashed potatoe powder that's mixed with water, and the key ingrediant for the gravy is gungky shit colleced from the cookers, no joke.

Submitted by Kane on Thu, 23/09/04 - 9:41 PMPermalink

but hey...KFC mash and gravy is fricken delicious, I don't mind what it made of!

but lol to the gunky shit...[:D]

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 23/09/04 - 11:08 PMPermalink

Yeah, I don't mind working at the front, pretty fun I have to say. Also, don't mind either on being polite, pretty easy for me, but I will probally start skitzing it when some custormer is being a smart ass. Also, thankaz for the nice responeses to my thread.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 24/09/04 - 1:22 AMPermalink

heh heh luckily it would seem ive never had to deal with customers, im just a janitor >.<

Submitted by Malus on Fri, 24/09/04 - 2:41 AMPermalink

Hang on, isn't the gunky stuff left over when cooking what you always make gravy from? [:P]

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 24/09/04 - 5:05 AMPermalink

Gunky Shit ? [:O] You know i used to think KFC was all good - but ive noticed a really sad decline in quality of the Zinger Works fillets over the past few months from the local KFC. 60% chicken 40% greasy veins and oil wrapped in " The colonels special blend of 11 herbs and spices! "
Very un-cool !

Submitted by Daemin on Sat, 25/09/04 - 9:55 PMPermalink

I think that's called "economizing" (In the American spelling of course)

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 26/09/04 - 8:15 PMPermalink

KFC is ait.

counterwork is great, customers can range from good to bad bu when there good, oh man.... its good :o) .....

but then i work in a resteraunt bar.

Submitted by codyalday on Mon, 27/09/04 - 2:33 AMPermalink

Also, it is a very good way to meet people, like females.

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 27/09/04 - 7:51 AMPermalink

" Okay thats a Zinger Works Combo, will that be all ? Thats $5.95 and your phone number thanks [;)] "

Cody you sly dog you! [:P]

Submitted by Pantmonger on Mon, 27/09/04 - 5:38 PMPermalink

Or do you put a photo of yourself with your phone number smiling away at the bottom of the popcorn chicken box / bucket o? chicken.


Submitted by bullet21 on Mon, 27/09/04 - 6:31 PMPermalink

but Cody doesn't work at KFC does he? it's Big W

Submitted by codyalday on Tue, 28/09/04 - 3:18 AMPermalink

I don't work any yet, Big W still hasn't called back, so I guesse I have to look else where. Also, why is it so bad to hand your number to someone, nothing sus going on there.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Fri, 01/10/04 - 1:14 AMPermalink

So Major Clod, what IS the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R?

Submitted by Major Clod on Fri, 01/10/04 - 10:37 AMPermalink

Lol, already answered that one about five times today!

Aside from getting technical, I just tell people that there is no particular advantage of using + or -, other than what their recorder supports and what their stand alone DVD player supports. At the moment DVD-R seems to be the more popular/compatible. DVD-R Developed by Pioneer, DVD+R by HP, Sony, Dell, Yamaha, heaps of ppls.

Theres a whole bunch of small technical differences with + being supposedly higher tech, but I don't really car that much about it. One interesting thing I was reading a while back was a type of Mouth Rainier support for + being developed for Windows Longhorn. Kind of like DVD-Ram but with better support in stand alone players. You'll need to buy a new burner to support that though.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Fri, 01/10/04 - 11:08 AMPermalink

Cheers for the enlightenment, I didn't even know there was a DVD+R.