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I need a list of Sydney Games developers/contacts

Submitted by infin8eye on

I recently moved to Sydney from the UK(Scotland) where I previously had my foot in the door in the game industry. Now I'm starting from scratch again and have a lot of work to do before I could apply for a design position. In the meantime I am looking for all the local game developers I can contact for advice and work. So who can I contact in the Sydney area?

Submitted by infin8eye on Mon, 20/09/04 - 6:01 AMPermalink

[:D]Wow, that was fast. UR good! I have been searching this site and others and you end up goin in circles trying to find wats under yer nose. Cheers.
Any other suggestions for contacts or sites that may help are welcomed.[:)]

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 7:53 AMPermalink

You don't have as much opportunities if you want a game dev job in Sydney, but it's not all too bad.. For game development on PC and/or console, I'd try...

Team Bondi (not sure if they're hiring atm, but they'd be on top of my list)
Perception (could be hiring, especially experienced Unreal level editors)
Microforte (hiring lead artist)
Strategic Studies Group (not sure)
Imaginary Numbers (hiring artists)

and for mobile gaming, I'd try...

Spectrum Wired
Viva La Mobile

Now, I don't know if they have openings for design positions, but you've got nothing to lose trying!

Posted by infin8eye on

I recently moved to Sydney from the UK(Scotland) where I previously had my foot in the door in the game industry. Now I'm starting from scratch again and have a lot of work to do before I could apply for a design position. In the meantime I am looking for all the local game developers I can contact for advice and work. So who can I contact in the Sydney area?

Submitted by infin8eye on Mon, 20/09/04 - 6:01 AMPermalink

[:D]Wow, that was fast. UR good! I have been searching this site and others and you end up goin in circles trying to find wats under yer nose. Cheers.
Any other suggestions for contacts or sites that may help are welcomed.[:)]

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 7:53 AMPermalink

You don't have as much opportunities if you want a game dev job in Sydney, but it's not all too bad.. For game development on PC and/or console, I'd try...

Team Bondi (not sure if they're hiring atm, but they'd be on top of my list)
Perception (could be hiring, especially experienced Unreal level editors)
Microforte (hiring lead artist)
Strategic Studies Group (not sure)
Imaginary Numbers (hiring artists)

and for mobile gaming, I'd try...

Spectrum Wired
Viva La Mobile

Now, I don't know if they have openings for design positions, but you've got nothing to lose trying!