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Adelaide Game Developers Meetup 02

Submitted by TyKeiL on

Hello again! this is TyKeiL with the info.
The first one was a sucess now time to see if it can continue.

Sunday 26th September 2004 between 3pm and 6pm

Inquiry details:

SQ restaurant and lounge
55-67 Hindmarsh Square
Adelaide 5000
South Australia
T: 08 8412 3397
F: 08 8412 3344

please email me or post in this thread:
saying that you are coming so the venue can accomodate us more easily. is not necessary, is polite.[:)]

Anyone who would like ongoing emails each month with details for the next meetup contact me on the above adress.

things people can do to make this meetup even better!:

1. if anyone has access to a data projector please email me
2. bring your laptops. also if anyone has a wifi card i have a net connection we can use.
3. [:)]
4. bring a friend.

ps. assume that no one will bring anything, be prepared if someone does, excess is better than lack there of.

see you all there![:D]

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sat, 11/09/04 - 10:55 PMPermalink

so far the people who have rsvp'd are

Myself TyKeiL

Submitted by Soul on Sun, 12/09/04 - 12:27 AMPermalink

I'll be there, assuming I wake up in time.

Submitted by Daemin on Tue, 14/09/04 - 12:14 AMPermalink

I should be there too.

Tho its more than two weeks away so that's not 100%...

I'll update this post if anything cahnges though.

Submitted by Maitrek on Fri, 17/09/04 - 12:27 AMPermalink

Although I'm no developer I'll rock up none the less (at least to catch up with some familiar faces)

Submitted by TyKeiL on Fri, 17/09/04 - 8:26 PMPermalink

hey nice, good to have you on board Maitrek.
that makes 6 confirmed attendee's and 4 unconfirmed attendee's with a couple of people i know unable to make it due to prior stuff..

ive been working on a character movement controll design issue which i will discuss with the group to get feedback on.
will be interesting..

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 19/09/04 - 11:11 PMPermalink

booking confirmed at a generous estimate of 10 people. coffee's and coctails

hold up, misinformation has been getting around the numbers are much greater than this,, about 12 to 14, i will have to re confirm the booking,
i will be back with a more accurate update

Submitted by TyKeiL on Tue, 21/09/04 - 4:38 AMPermalink

ok ok, 16 people the place is booked for, i found more attendee's over at

and was in town today walking around the place and i found the location of the next one!! which i can almost say that it is an even better venue than this one.(more details next month)

yay for adelaide's cafe/resteraunt industry being what it is.

Submitted by TyKeiL on Wed, 22/09/04 - 8:49 PMPermalink

update: everything's going smoothly forward, i have avenues to exlore should i choose to
non profit organisation :O)
advertising with fliers in internet cafe's

i had needs of a piece fo paper with all the details on it the other day when a bunch of ratbagians turned up in the resteraunt that i work in, i had to quickly write it on a piece of paper for them =P

the guy i gave it to was very friendly tho said he would send it round the workplace :O) thanks buddy whatever your name was...

onto work now, i have a split shift today and tomorrow if anyone feels like coming into work
131 pirie street city Fasta Pasta.

see you all soon. and see all the sumeans at the next indie game developers conference(that was sooo cool)...

Submitted by Soul on Mon, 27/09/04 - 6:00 AMPermalink

Sorry Maitrek & I didn't make it :(

Heading back from a rallysprint, Maitrek got a puncture, only to find out that his car has one of those damn "space saver" spares. Being over 100km from home, yet alone Adelaide, we couldn't make it on time.

Can anybody briefly cover what was discussed?

Submitted by TyKeiL on Mon, 27/09/04 - 6:26 AMPermalink

[:)] the meetup was a success in my opinion. it started off rocky then things smoothed over for the end,

there were 11 attendee's and only 4 of them were from the last meeting so it was a fairly new bunch of people to get to know. made things nice.

last time the majority of people were programmers, this time it was mostly artists which is a nice change. i think the numbers were 4 fine artists,4 3d artists, and 3 programmers. of cource everyone does a little cross genre work here and there.

paul and john brought in there portfolio's for people to browse over there lovely artwork.

it was your usual meet and greet event discussion was strong.

at 4pm i got up and did my presentation on character motion controll idea's, it was another step for me on my way to better public speaking and presentation skills.

idea's were presented shortly afetrwards to bring in any projects there stuck on or aspects they need verbal help on. odds are that someone could either give you directions or send you in the right direction

idea's were discussed for art workshops for people to practice there skills and exchange tecnique's, im thinkign that this idea can be made to cross many aspects of art ie 3d, 2d, traditional. will be interesting to see where this goes.

things to remember for next time:
make sure the music stays at a good level, it was turned up halfway through the meeting and i had to take steps to see it stayed at a good level.

not wait for latecomers... some people didnt turn up.

all in all it was good all round and from the people i talked to at the end they thought the same.

enjoy the month and i will be back in two weeks with information for the next one.

Submitted by nealb4me on Tue, 28/09/04 - 7:47 AMPermalink


I just wanted to say I had a good time at the meeting. It was interesting to see a range of people in terms of skills.

I think it would be cool in future for people who have done some work to be able to bring it in and have it discussed. Like a forum, but live...

btw I was one of the 3d artists :)

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 10/10/04 - 8:52 AMPermalink

ok the details for the meetup no 3 will be put up tomorrow so people subscribed this thread please note: there will be a new forum thread for the new meetup

Posted by TyKeiL on

Hello again! this is TyKeiL with the info.
The first one was a sucess now time to see if it can continue.

Sunday 26th September 2004 between 3pm and 6pm

Inquiry details:

SQ restaurant and lounge
55-67 Hindmarsh Square
Adelaide 5000
South Australia
T: 08 8412 3397
F: 08 8412 3344

please email me or post in this thread:
saying that you are coming so the venue can accomodate us more easily. is not necessary, is polite.[:)]

Anyone who would like ongoing emails each month with details for the next meetup contact me on the above adress.

things people can do to make this meetup even better!:

1. if anyone has access to a data projector please email me
2. bring your laptops. also if anyone has a wifi card i have a net connection we can use.
3. [:)]
4. bring a friend.

ps. assume that no one will bring anything, be prepared if someone does, excess is better than lack there of.

see you all there![:D]

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sat, 11/09/04 - 10:55 PMPermalink

so far the people who have rsvp'd are

Myself TyKeiL

Submitted by Soul on Sun, 12/09/04 - 12:27 AMPermalink

I'll be there, assuming I wake up in time.

Submitted by Daemin on Tue, 14/09/04 - 12:14 AMPermalink

I should be there too.

Tho its more than two weeks away so that's not 100%...

I'll update this post if anything cahnges though.

Submitted by Maitrek on Fri, 17/09/04 - 12:27 AMPermalink

Although I'm no developer I'll rock up none the less (at least to catch up with some familiar faces)

Submitted by TyKeiL on Fri, 17/09/04 - 8:26 PMPermalink

hey nice, good to have you on board Maitrek.
that makes 6 confirmed attendee's and 4 unconfirmed attendee's with a couple of people i know unable to make it due to prior stuff..

ive been working on a character movement controll design issue which i will discuss with the group to get feedback on.
will be interesting..

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 19/09/04 - 11:11 PMPermalink

booking confirmed at a generous estimate of 10 people. coffee's and coctails

hold up, misinformation has been getting around the numbers are much greater than this,, about 12 to 14, i will have to re confirm the booking,
i will be back with a more accurate update

Submitted by TyKeiL on Tue, 21/09/04 - 4:38 AMPermalink

ok ok, 16 people the place is booked for, i found more attendee's over at

and was in town today walking around the place and i found the location of the next one!! which i can almost say that it is an even better venue than this one.(more details next month)

yay for adelaide's cafe/resteraunt industry being what it is.

Submitted by TyKeiL on Wed, 22/09/04 - 8:49 PMPermalink

update: everything's going smoothly forward, i have avenues to exlore should i choose to
non profit organisation :O)
advertising with fliers in internet cafe's

i had needs of a piece fo paper with all the details on it the other day when a bunch of ratbagians turned up in the resteraunt that i work in, i had to quickly write it on a piece of paper for them =P

the guy i gave it to was very friendly tho said he would send it round the workplace :O) thanks buddy whatever your name was...

onto work now, i have a split shift today and tomorrow if anyone feels like coming into work
131 pirie street city Fasta Pasta.

see you all soon. and see all the sumeans at the next indie game developers conference(that was sooo cool)...

Submitted by Soul on Mon, 27/09/04 - 6:00 AMPermalink

Sorry Maitrek & I didn't make it :(

Heading back from a rallysprint, Maitrek got a puncture, only to find out that his car has one of those damn "space saver" spares. Being over 100km from home, yet alone Adelaide, we couldn't make it on time.

Can anybody briefly cover what was discussed?

Submitted by TyKeiL on Mon, 27/09/04 - 6:26 AMPermalink

[:)] the meetup was a success in my opinion. it started off rocky then things smoothed over for the end,

there were 11 attendee's and only 4 of them were from the last meeting so it was a fairly new bunch of people to get to know. made things nice.

last time the majority of people were programmers, this time it was mostly artists which is a nice change. i think the numbers were 4 fine artists,4 3d artists, and 3 programmers. of cource everyone does a little cross genre work here and there.

paul and john brought in there portfolio's for people to browse over there lovely artwork.

it was your usual meet and greet event discussion was strong.

at 4pm i got up and did my presentation on character motion controll idea's, it was another step for me on my way to better public speaking and presentation skills.

idea's were presented shortly afetrwards to bring in any projects there stuck on or aspects they need verbal help on. odds are that someone could either give you directions or send you in the right direction

idea's were discussed for art workshops for people to practice there skills and exchange tecnique's, im thinkign that this idea can be made to cross many aspects of art ie 3d, 2d, traditional. will be interesting to see where this goes.

things to remember for next time:
make sure the music stays at a good level, it was turned up halfway through the meeting and i had to take steps to see it stayed at a good level.

not wait for latecomers... some people didnt turn up.

all in all it was good all round and from the people i talked to at the end they thought the same.

enjoy the month and i will be back in two weeks with information for the next one.

Submitted by nealb4me on Tue, 28/09/04 - 7:47 AMPermalink


I just wanted to say I had a good time at the meeting. It was interesting to see a range of people in terms of skills.

I think it would be cool in future for people who have done some work to be able to bring it in and have it discussed. Like a forum, but live...

btw I was one of the 3d artists :)

Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 10/10/04 - 8:52 AMPermalink

ok the details for the meetup no 3 will be put up tomorrow so people subscribed this thread please note: there will be a new forum thread for the new meetup