I was lookin on the net for cheats for a friend when I came across this news artical.
It sorta shows how far gaming company's are willing to go to advertise.
lol that just seems obsured, i mean i wonder how the poor guy making the bloodrayne model feels, i know id sure feel like a damn twit. The stats from the article rahnem posted do show reason enough for it to happen, itd be damn good advertising.
theyll probably all have to make nude cheats for their next games now -_-
The Uncanny Valley!
Stumbling around a fair few 3d forums over the years, I've seen quite a lot of nude female models, and none of them are really "quite right". Some of the best attempts (Steven Stahlberg created the first 3d model model to advertise/wear fashion labels, or the models created by [url="http://www.3dyanimacion.com/entrevistas/entrevistas.cfm?link=fcortinaeng"]Francisco Cortina[/url] (Final Fantasy, Animatrix)) are nice, but they're easily noticable as CG characters.
I think the idea of having CG game characters as playboy models is pretty strange. No attempts so far are anywhere close to the real thing, and with a magazine full of real females, the CG attempts are just going to end up looking quite odd.
I remember stumbling on some website which I actually still have bookmarked. "Miss Digital World is the first ever virtual beauty contest".. http://www.missdigitalworld.com/ . Oh man, is that a freak show. The Uncanny Valley article rings so true when you visit that site.
ummm.. does that mean some photoshop artist is going to paint them or they are going to get stand-ins? [?]
Seems kind of ridiculous but any publicity is good publicity, I guess.