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Doom 3 leak

Since it is on the main news page, you had to expect a thread about it.
First question: How does this happen? Unreal2, UT2003 and now Doom3, Is it somone working for the publisher, some nerd who hatched an elaborate theft plan at e3? Industry types must have a good theory or two.
Second question: Who's got it? What did you think? I'll admit I'm getting it, I got Unreal2 as well. I'm just curious about it thats all, ID is still going to get my cash when it comes out.
Even though I'm guilty of exploiting the situation by downloading it, I still think its a shame that this happens.
Although if one day in the future Duke Nukem Forever is leaked, you come straight to me damnit :)

Oh yeah, since I mentioned unreal2, even thought there is no multi-player for it, with the leaked copy you can still create bot-matches, not bad :)

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 04/08/04 - 1:56 AMPermalink

It doesn't take a lot of thought to realise it is fake. Who in their right mind would pay 20 mil just to get a game two days before it is majorly released? Keeping in mind that once it is shipped it will still get to the person at the same time as the game is released. Plus it isn't signed or anything. I think that the US$80 asking price is a little steep. A few people will probably get banned over this one :)

Picked it up earlier, and damn it is intense. Not really scary. Just intense. The whole first part feels like I was hoping Half Life to be like.

Runs perfectly fine on my 9700Pro (medium detail - 1024). A few bits of slow down when you enter a new bit, but nothing that makes it even remotely unplayable.

Submitted by tbag on Wed, 04/08/04 - 3:06 AMPermalink

Take some screenies [;)].

Submitted by Major Clod on Wed, 04/08/04 - 4:47 AMPermalink

Just bought a copy from work. A mate from work had his rig in there he has just spent a heap on. It's a A64 3200+ with 1GB Ram and an X800 Pro. Runs excellent on high and is also quite smooth on Ultra.

We played the first fifteen minutes or so, and once we got to some action it was quite intense. I cannot wait to get home from uni tonight, install it, turn off the lights and play :)

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 04/08/04 - 5:00 AMPermalink

You know tbag, you live close by, I could just give you my address :)

Here are some shots anyway. Keep in mind I either cropped or re-sized them to 640x480, and they have all had their levels changed in PS. This game is bloody dark (they can make portals to hell in the future, yet they can't even make lights that don't die :p)

Your pda. I just liked the email :)

Some poor schmuck who was hiding in the air ducts.

Marine Zombie

Zombie on fire. Looks realy nice moving :)

Fat Zombie. One of the few creatures that doesn't move as quickly (or more quickly) than you. Plenty of time to get a nice shot of him.

I have had a few troubles getting a grab of the Imps. They usually appear in pitch black areas or move too damn quickly to play and try to press f12 at the same time. Just go to their site or something :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 04/08/04 - 5:07 AMPermalink

hmm, looks pretty cool but it dosent look as cool as it hype would suggest, but i suppose this is only the beginning with resized mid detail shots. Tell me tho, is it fun to play? :D

Submitted by tbag on Wed, 04/08/04 - 5:53 AMPermalink

Im coming up Aven, you live in Gilmore dont you? [:p]

Maybe this weekend i'll come up, give me your address [:p].

Submitted by Barry Dahlberg on Wed, 04/08/04 - 7:24 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by MoonUnit

hmm, looks pretty cool but it dosent look as cool as it hype would suggest...

True, but it feels pretty damn good. The screenshots do no justice to the ambient sound, lighting and physics. Remember the original Doom where stuff was always jumping out behind you? It got worse.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 04/08/04 - 8:27 PMPermalink

Yes it did Barry. Yes it did. It is just funny that all the games that have come out in recent years dropped that style. Now that it has come back in this, it really catches me off guard :p

Moony - As Barry said, those screens don't do jack. It was made for motion. The glass windows that refract and warp what's behind them as you move. Any heat source has heat haze coming from it. The animation is pretty damn cool. The whole bit where Hell breaks loose and starts transforming everyone. The first time you run into the new Pinky demon (very cool :D). The music that is just ambient noise that pieces together and makes for one really cool, atmospheric soundtrack. The constant chatter of your suit's radio. TV screens that welcome you to new areas. The scene where you walk into the bathroom...

Nothing overly original yet, but it doesn't stop it being what it is. Doom with a new coat of paint :)

Submitted by Maitrek on Wed, 04/08/04 - 9:49 PMPermalink

MoonUnit : Judging something by screenshots isn't a good idea, if that were the case then we'd all be playing 2D adventure games! You can draw stuff way better than you could ever build and animate stuff. The lighting and effects in the game and the liveliness of the environments craps all over anything that has come before yeah, although the still image quality isn't leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, the actual 3d effects are quite astounding. And I can get it to run on my 9600 Pro :) at medium detail and 640x480 :( Looks way better on the 9800Pro (1024, high detail)

Submitted by Me109 on Wed, 04/08/04 - 9:52 PMPermalink

Coooll doom 3 will make my pc seem inferior and out of date

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 05/08/04 - 3:02 AMPermalink

woah waoh waoh lol i was just saying that the graphics dont look as good as the hype would suggest (talk of all the new things like normal mapping and engines that handle massive amounts of polygons etc), i meant nothing of the gameplay :P (hence why i asked if indeed it was fun to play)

Submitted by Me109 on Thu, 05/08/04 - 3:10 AMPermalink

went out and bought it.. and then proceeded to 'research' it while at work (play play PLAY!) hehe.. and I think it is very cool.. I especially liked the little 4 legged robot which leads you around the first stage... .. excellent when the little dude comes back to find out why your screwing around looking at the walls.... you can also play an arcade machine in the mess.. which has some original doom graphics... except your bashing up a chicken super smash chicken or something...

Owww oowwwww oowwww.... my head hurts boss.. have to go home.. very sick...... hehe

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 05/08/04 - 4:57 AMPermalink

Moony - We were commenting on the graphics and overall presentation (well I know I am) :) Don't feel like we are pissed at you for ragging on Doom :p

Me - It's a turkey. Not a chicken :) I have a feeling that if you play it long enough and get a certain score you will probably get something for it. I couldn't be arsed doing that though. The little robot is even cooler a little later on (won't spoil it :) )

Submitted by Major Clod on Thu, 05/08/04 - 10:41 AMPermalink

Some of this kinda reminds me of GTA with making proper websites that are referenced in the game. One of the ones in Doom3 actually has a code on the site for a container that has a weapon you don't get access to until a fair while later in the game. Of course I only went to the site after I had played it for an extra three hours and already found the gun.

The game keeps me on edge, sometimes I am just thinking to myself "This is bloody insane, why the hell am I playing this?" Its bad enough when you are walking around in pitch black with just your torch, its even worse when a small EMP goes off and all lighting is out for five or so seconds. Not to mention the sections where you seem to go temporaily insane.

What I've found in the game is that you definately feel like you are getting damaged more than what you actually are. When you get clawed or shot, etc, the screen swings around wildly and it makes it quite hard to aim and kill. After the carnage you look at your health expecting to be almost dead, but you've only lost say 15 hitpoints.

So far I've only played this game at night with the light off and it has made me jump a few times. Those damned pinky demons are so bloody huge, I just want to run away to a hill and snipe them!

They have definately put a lot of effort into this.

Submitted by Soul on Thu, 05/08/04 - 2:33 PMPermalink

Well, it's nearly 4am and I just finished the damn thing - took about 15 hours on the easiest difficulty (I know, I'm a wuss).

I'll post my thoughts and a few screenshots after I get some rest. Suffice to say it's the best looking game I've ever seen; full marks for presentation.

The Chainsaw is damn awesome, but nowhere near as good as BESERK!! Woooo... gibs. Oh, and when travelling through the final tunnel in the excavation site, make sure you turn left and click on the little iD software brick :)

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 05/08/04 - 7:43 PMPermalink

Moony -> You misread - the graphics ARE good - repeat just don't get it :P Screenshots are useless in regards to judging a game's graphics given the more dynamic environs of modern computer games.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Thu, 05/08/04 - 10:41 PMPermalink

I got my copy yesterday and I'm enjoying it a lot, but damn this game reeks of system shock 2, from things like the pda to the door codes and the organic stuff growing throught the base, the whispers etc etc Actually I'm positive one of the door sounds is the same as system shock 2. I'm really enjoying the story though.

I'm surprised I can run the game though, I have a 1 gig athlon, gforce ti 4200 and 512 meg ram, and it actually runs smoothly in a few areas, although everything had to be turned down or off, the only thing I left on was bump mapping and shadows

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 05/08/04 - 10:54 PMPermalink

Actually it reminds me more of SS1 (a much better game than SS2) because SS2 was bogged down with bollocksy RPG elements that made the interface scarier than the creatures you had to battle.

FCF - I feel sorry for you :( The 9600 (although cheapass) runs it with most things turned on (although detail and res is low), then again I have a P4 3.2 as well. I'm battling the desire to waste my disposable income on a X800 Pro.

As for the fun to play thing - like above - it's just a better looking SS1/Doom it's kind of like playing a ten year old game with new tech. That doesn't mean it isn't fun, there's just this eerie feeling that I've done it before.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 05/08/04 - 11:04 PMPermalink

I'm blown away that people are finishing it in a couple of days..

4 years of hard slogging development, people!

Submitted by tbag on Fri, 06/08/04 - 1:24 AMPermalink

Thats why you do a me, you take little bits at a time... i played Half-Life like 3 hours a week, thats why it took me a few weeks to complete...

Submitted by souri on Fri, 06/08/04 - 1:44 AMPermalink

Got my copy this afternoon.. was planning to wait until I could get it for $80 somewhere but just gave in. Was having fun until the whole screaming radio/death/carnage/zombies thing..

someone hold me :(

Submitted by Malus on Fri, 06/08/04 - 2:10 AMPermalink

Trust me, don't go in the bathrooms Souri..... :(

Submitted by tbag on Fri, 06/08/04 - 5:00 AMPermalink

Actually the latest Big W catalog, or was it Dick Smiths...? Has Doom III for $79.85 or something.

I think i might pick a copy up sometime in the future...

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 06/08/04 - 5:42 AMPermalink

Boy oh Boy do I hate those friggin trites, little bastards swarm everywhere and there hard to see, I wonder how far in the game I'am, I'm slightly past the area where you first encounter the lost souls

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Mon, 09/08/04 - 5:19 AMPermalink

man I did a penny arcade... based my opinion on the screenshots and videos that ID released.. I stand by what I said though.. They did look shit..

The game though.. Holy crap, I just finished it, and I don't think I've had so much fun in a game in ages.. Top stuff, very polished.

Who found the ID PDA :D

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 09/08/04 - 5:51 AMPermalink

after reading some more information im told that the game bases its monster encounters on really basic trigger appearances, like grab the health *dink* monster appears, is that true? (because thats the kinda thing that i expect from sorta serious sam style games)

Submitted by Daemin on Mon, 09/08/04 - 6:05 AMPermalink

There are really only a limited number of ways you could automatically spawn monsters in. Now come on tell me that the way they use isn't good enough? It's all up to the level designers really... Still I wonder how long it will take for a "Doom 3 Done Quick" to come out?

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 09/08/04 - 6:29 AMPermalink

after the 100th zombie leaped out of the 100th dark room i got bored...

awsome visuals, but game play is very repedative. i like it all in all, but i cant play it for more than an hour or two before i get bored and have to leave it and pick it up latter on.

Since it is on the main news page, you had to expect a thread about it.
First question: How does this happen? Unreal2, UT2003 and now Doom3, Is it somone working for the publisher, some nerd who hatched an elaborate theft plan at e3? Industry types must have a good theory or two.
Second question: Who's got it? What did you think? I'll admit I'm getting it, I got Unreal2 as well. I'm just curious about it thats all, ID is still going to get my cash when it comes out.
Even though I'm guilty of exploiting the situation by downloading it, I still think its a shame that this happens.
Although if one day in the future Duke Nukem Forever is leaked, you come straight to me damnit :)

Oh yeah, since I mentioned unreal2, even thought there is no multi-player for it, with the leaked copy you can still create bot-matches, not bad :)

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 04/08/04 - 1:56 AMPermalink

It doesn't take a lot of thought to realise it is fake. Who in their right mind would pay 20 mil just to get a game two days before it is majorly released? Keeping in mind that once it is shipped it will still get to the person at the same time as the game is released. Plus it isn't signed or anything. I think that the US$80 asking price is a little steep. A few people will probably get banned over this one :)

Picked it up earlier, and damn it is intense. Not really scary. Just intense. The whole first part feels like I was hoping Half Life to be like.

Runs perfectly fine on my 9700Pro (medium detail - 1024). A few bits of slow down when you enter a new bit, but nothing that makes it even remotely unplayable.

Submitted by tbag on Wed, 04/08/04 - 3:06 AMPermalink

Take some screenies [;)].

Submitted by Major Clod on Wed, 04/08/04 - 4:47 AMPermalink

Just bought a copy from work. A mate from work had his rig in there he has just spent a heap on. It's a A64 3200+ with 1GB Ram and an X800 Pro. Runs excellent on high and is also quite smooth on Ultra.

We played the first fifteen minutes or so, and once we got to some action it was quite intense. I cannot wait to get home from uni tonight, install it, turn off the lights and play :)

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 04/08/04 - 5:00 AMPermalink

You know tbag, you live close by, I could just give you my address :)

Here are some shots anyway. Keep in mind I either cropped or re-sized them to 640x480, and they have all had their levels changed in PS. This game is bloody dark (they can make portals to hell in the future, yet they can't even make lights that don't die :p)

Your pda. I just liked the email :)

Some poor schmuck who was hiding in the air ducts.

Marine Zombie

Zombie on fire. Looks realy nice moving :)

Fat Zombie. One of the few creatures that doesn't move as quickly (or more quickly) than you. Plenty of time to get a nice shot of him.

I have had a few troubles getting a grab of the Imps. They usually appear in pitch black areas or move too damn quickly to play and try to press f12 at the same time. Just go to their site or something :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 04/08/04 - 5:07 AMPermalink

hmm, looks pretty cool but it dosent look as cool as it hype would suggest, but i suppose this is only the beginning with resized mid detail shots. Tell me tho, is it fun to play? :D

Submitted by tbag on Wed, 04/08/04 - 5:53 AMPermalink

Im coming up Aven, you live in Gilmore dont you? [:p]

Maybe this weekend i'll come up, give me your address [:p].

Submitted by Barry Dahlberg on Wed, 04/08/04 - 7:24 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by MoonUnit

hmm, looks pretty cool but it dosent look as cool as it hype would suggest...

True, but it feels pretty damn good. The screenshots do no justice to the ambient sound, lighting and physics. Remember the original Doom where stuff was always jumping out behind you? It got worse.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 04/08/04 - 8:27 PMPermalink

Yes it did Barry. Yes it did. It is just funny that all the games that have come out in recent years dropped that style. Now that it has come back in this, it really catches me off guard :p

Moony - As Barry said, those screens don't do jack. It was made for motion. The glass windows that refract and warp what's behind them as you move. Any heat source has heat haze coming from it. The animation is pretty damn cool. The whole bit where Hell breaks loose and starts transforming everyone. The first time you run into the new Pinky demon (very cool :D). The music that is just ambient noise that pieces together and makes for one really cool, atmospheric soundtrack. The constant chatter of your suit's radio. TV screens that welcome you to new areas. The scene where you walk into the bathroom...

Nothing overly original yet, but it doesn't stop it being what it is. Doom with a new coat of paint :)

Submitted by Maitrek on Wed, 04/08/04 - 9:49 PMPermalink

MoonUnit : Judging something by screenshots isn't a good idea, if that were the case then we'd all be playing 2D adventure games! You can draw stuff way better than you could ever build and animate stuff. The lighting and effects in the game and the liveliness of the environments craps all over anything that has come before yeah, although the still image quality isn't leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, the actual 3d effects are quite astounding. And I can get it to run on my 9600 Pro :) at medium detail and 640x480 :( Looks way better on the 9800Pro (1024, high detail)

Submitted by Me109 on Wed, 04/08/04 - 9:52 PMPermalink

Coooll doom 3 will make my pc seem inferior and out of date

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 05/08/04 - 3:02 AMPermalink

woah waoh waoh lol i was just saying that the graphics dont look as good as the hype would suggest (talk of all the new things like normal mapping and engines that handle massive amounts of polygons etc), i meant nothing of the gameplay :P (hence why i asked if indeed it was fun to play)

Submitted by Me109 on Thu, 05/08/04 - 3:10 AMPermalink

went out and bought it.. and then proceeded to 'research' it while at work (play play PLAY!) hehe.. and I think it is very cool.. I especially liked the little 4 legged robot which leads you around the first stage... .. excellent when the little dude comes back to find out why your screwing around looking at the walls.... you can also play an arcade machine in the mess.. which has some original doom graphics... except your bashing up a chicken super smash chicken or something...

Owww oowwwww oowwww.... my head hurts boss.. have to go home.. very sick...... hehe

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 05/08/04 - 4:57 AMPermalink

Moony - We were commenting on the graphics and overall presentation (well I know I am) :) Don't feel like we are pissed at you for ragging on Doom :p

Me - It's a turkey. Not a chicken :) I have a feeling that if you play it long enough and get a certain score you will probably get something for it. I couldn't be arsed doing that though. The little robot is even cooler a little later on (won't spoil it :) )

Submitted by Major Clod on Thu, 05/08/04 - 10:41 AMPermalink

Some of this kinda reminds me of GTA with making proper websites that are referenced in the game. One of the ones in Doom3 actually has a code on the site for a container that has a weapon you don't get access to until a fair while later in the game. Of course I only went to the site after I had played it for an extra three hours and already found the gun.

The game keeps me on edge, sometimes I am just thinking to myself "This is bloody insane, why the hell am I playing this?" Its bad enough when you are walking around in pitch black with just your torch, its even worse when a small EMP goes off and all lighting is out for five or so seconds. Not to mention the sections where you seem to go temporaily insane.

What I've found in the game is that you definately feel like you are getting damaged more than what you actually are. When you get clawed or shot, etc, the screen swings around wildly and it makes it quite hard to aim and kill. After the carnage you look at your health expecting to be almost dead, but you've only lost say 15 hitpoints.

So far I've only played this game at night with the light off and it has made me jump a few times. Those damned pinky demons are so bloody huge, I just want to run away to a hill and snipe them!

They have definately put a lot of effort into this.

Submitted by Soul on Thu, 05/08/04 - 2:33 PMPermalink

Well, it's nearly 4am and I just finished the damn thing - took about 15 hours on the easiest difficulty (I know, I'm a wuss).

I'll post my thoughts and a few screenshots after I get some rest. Suffice to say it's the best looking game I've ever seen; full marks for presentation.

The Chainsaw is damn awesome, but nowhere near as good as BESERK!! Woooo... gibs. Oh, and when travelling through the final tunnel in the excavation site, make sure you turn left and click on the little iD software brick :)

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 05/08/04 - 7:43 PMPermalink

Moony -> You misread - the graphics ARE good - repeat just don't get it :P Screenshots are useless in regards to judging a game's graphics given the more dynamic environs of modern computer games.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Thu, 05/08/04 - 10:41 PMPermalink

I got my copy yesterday and I'm enjoying it a lot, but damn this game reeks of system shock 2, from things like the pda to the door codes and the organic stuff growing throught the base, the whispers etc etc Actually I'm positive one of the door sounds is the same as system shock 2. I'm really enjoying the story though.

I'm surprised I can run the game though, I have a 1 gig athlon, gforce ti 4200 and 512 meg ram, and it actually runs smoothly in a few areas, although everything had to be turned down or off, the only thing I left on was bump mapping and shadows

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 05/08/04 - 10:54 PMPermalink

Actually it reminds me more of SS1 (a much better game than SS2) because SS2 was bogged down with bollocksy RPG elements that made the interface scarier than the creatures you had to battle.

FCF - I feel sorry for you :( The 9600 (although cheapass) runs it with most things turned on (although detail and res is low), then again I have a P4 3.2 as well. I'm battling the desire to waste my disposable income on a X800 Pro.

As for the fun to play thing - like above - it's just a better looking SS1/Doom it's kind of like playing a ten year old game with new tech. That doesn't mean it isn't fun, there's just this eerie feeling that I've done it before.

Submitted by souri on Thu, 05/08/04 - 11:04 PMPermalink

I'm blown away that people are finishing it in a couple of days..

4 years of hard slogging development, people!

Submitted by tbag on Fri, 06/08/04 - 1:24 AMPermalink

Thats why you do a me, you take little bits at a time... i played Half-Life like 3 hours a week, thats why it took me a few weeks to complete...

Submitted by souri on Fri, 06/08/04 - 1:44 AMPermalink

Got my copy this afternoon.. was planning to wait until I could get it for $80 somewhere but just gave in. Was having fun until the whole screaming radio/death/carnage/zombies thing..

someone hold me :(

Submitted by Malus on Fri, 06/08/04 - 2:10 AMPermalink

Trust me, don't go in the bathrooms Souri..... :(

Submitted by tbag on Fri, 06/08/04 - 5:00 AMPermalink

Actually the latest Big W catalog, or was it Dick Smiths...? Has Doom III for $79.85 or something.

I think i might pick a copy up sometime in the future...

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 06/08/04 - 5:42 AMPermalink

Boy oh Boy do I hate those friggin trites, little bastards swarm everywhere and there hard to see, I wonder how far in the game I'am, I'm slightly past the area where you first encounter the lost souls

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Mon, 09/08/04 - 5:19 AMPermalink

man I did a penny arcade... based my opinion on the screenshots and videos that ID released.. I stand by what I said though.. They did look shit..

The game though.. Holy crap, I just finished it, and I don't think I've had so much fun in a game in ages.. Top stuff, very polished.

Who found the ID PDA :D

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 09/08/04 - 5:51 AMPermalink

after reading some more information im told that the game bases its monster encounters on really basic trigger appearances, like grab the health *dink* monster appears, is that true? (because thats the kinda thing that i expect from sorta serious sam style games)

Submitted by Daemin on Mon, 09/08/04 - 6:05 AMPermalink

There are really only a limited number of ways you could automatically spawn monsters in. Now come on tell me that the way they use isn't good enough? It's all up to the level designers really... Still I wonder how long it will take for a "Doom 3 Done Quick" to come out?

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 09/08/04 - 6:29 AMPermalink

after the 100th zombie leaped out of the 100th dark room i got bored...

awsome visuals, but game play is very repedative. i like it all in all, but i cant play it for more than an hour or two before i get bored and have to leave it and pick it up latter on.