Hi All...
just have some problem with lauching custom mods for UT2004
specifically the UDN TestMod Mod...
When I lauch the mod..
ie... ut2004 -mod=TestMod
the splash screen starts.. but immediately I get invalid key errors.. and of course it closes... duh...
now I have a full purchased copy of ut2004.. withlastest patch
and... UT2004 run standalone.. with no complaints about the key being used.... hmmmmm... got me stumped...
if anyone can help me resolve my custom mod problem.. that would be great..
yeah... thats where it stumps me... with this example. no install is provided...
but somehow the mod must be registered (registery) in order for it to identify the correct installed key...
this is where it has stumped me.. apparently you have to compile the mod with the UCC executable.. but thats about all I've figured out sofar :s
Erm have you installed it? I don't know if that will help but all the mods that I have used have required installation...?