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Melbourne House on Sunrise (7)

Submitted by Zaph on

For those people that wake up before 9am:

On Thursday 6th May, the Sunrise show on Channel 7 will be crossing to Atari Melbourne House multiple times to show the studio and Transformers (PS2), starting at 6am(!)

If you want to see some of the faces behind Transformers, some behind-the-scenes bits, and some sleepy looking programmers then tune in!

Zaph [|)]

Submitted by Daemin on Fri, 30/04/04 - 11:14 PMPermalink

I might be awake still then from the night before, if so I'll check it out :-)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 01/05/04 - 9:33 AMPermalink

and welcome to another episode of why we invited that, here we delve into the creation of the timer record on the VCR.....

6th of may, got it ;)

Submitted by Daemin on Sun, 02/05/04 - 12:09 AMPermalink

That's if you happen to have a VCR handy, can program it successfully, and actually have a blank tape to tape on.

Either that or I could get a nice TV tuner card... hrm...

Submitted by X5 on Sun, 02/05/04 - 11:28 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Daemin

That's if you happen to have a VCR handy, can program it successfully, and actually have a blank tape to tape on.

all that seems alot easier then getting up at 6am :P

Submitted by souri on Sun, 02/05/04 - 11:33 PMPermalink

Actually, it would be great if someone could capture it and divx it somwhere.. I wouldn't mind seeing what Melbourne House HQ looks like! 6am is an extremely early time to get up though, although I sometimes go to bed at that time.

Submitted by Zaph on Mon, 03/05/04 - 6:39 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri

Actually, it would be great if someone could capture it and divx it somwhere.. I wouldn't mind seeing what Melbourne House HQ looks like! 6am is an extremely early time to get up though, although I sometimes go to bed at that time.

6am would be a great time to get up - compared to the time we have to get up... We've got to be there at 5:30am, so most of us will be getting up at 4:30am. I've played Battlefield later than that :-)

Submitted by Kane on Mon, 03/05/04 - 11:13 PMPermalink

damn this for being on on the one day a week I get to sleep in...[:D]

Submitted by Shplorb on Tue, 04/05/04 - 12:39 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri
Actually, it would be great if someone could capture it and divx it somwhere.. I wouldn't mind seeing what Melbourne House HQ looks like!

Finally, a use for my HDTV tuner card and brand-spankin'-new beefy CPU!

Now all I have to do is send an email home to remind me to set a timer. =]

Submitted by TheBigJ on Thu, 06/05/04 - 6:14 PMPermalink

D'oh! Forgot to set a tape this morning..

Maybe someone captured it...?

Submitted by Zaph on Thu, 06/05/04 - 6:50 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by TheBigJ

D'oh! Forgot to set a tape this morning..

Maybe someone captured it...?

I'll be putting some footage and photos online later today

Submitted by Brain on Thu, 06/05/04 - 6:58 PMPermalink

Pfsh... lil 5 minute segments with the weather. I want more!!

Transformers looks damn nice though. Will be forcing myself not to pick it up release day @:-P

Submitted by TheBigJ on Thu, 06/05/04 - 8:56 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Zaph

I'll be putting some footage and photos online later today

Great. Looking forward to it. Transformers is looking excellent [;)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 07/05/04 - 1:03 AMPermalink

got to watch it, arent you a chirpy bunch for 6am :D
oh and which one of you told the weather man to say the line about programmmers getting the girls :P

Submitted by souri on Fri, 07/05/04 - 11:38 PMPermalink

I watched it on Sunrise, and I thought the coverage was pretty cool. Put those 4 5 minute segments together, and you have 20 minutes total coverage, which is probably more than any tv station has given to any local game developer/game.. It would've been great if you didn't have to wait 25 minutes for the next weather check, but hey, that's the nature of the program. Oh, and I was hoping for the cameraman to do a run through of the office so we could see a bit more of it.

And yeh, Transformers looks incredibly good! [:)]

Adam Lancman was there on the couch, but I didn't catch any of the other peoples names though.

Submitted by Shplorb on Tue, 11/05/04 - 7:40 AMPermalink

I should add that I captured the whole damn show. That's a ~12.5gig HD MPEG2 stream. I don't do any video editing on PC - anyone have any suggestions for free tools to use to edit out the relevant bits?

Submitted by Blitz on Tue, 11/05/04 - 8:52 AMPermalink

Virtual Dub i think allows simple chopping etc. as well as encoding it out to divx or whatever codec you want.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Zaph on Tue, 11/05/04 - 6:27 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Shplorb

I should add that I captured the whole damn show. That's a ~12.5gig HD MPEG2 stream. I don't do any video editing on PC - anyone have any suggestions for free tools to use to edit out the relevant bits?

VirtualDub (as Blitz said) is a great free tool
you could also use TMPGENC to get it into MPEG1 format.

Also, since it was in widescreen the best thing to do is to resize it so that it has a 16:9 ratio of pixels (rather than stretched pixels) - that way it will play correctly at fullscreen on everyones PC.
If you cut something together at, say, 30-50mb, then I'm happy to host the file (on my personal website)- just give me a buzz.

Posted by Zaph on

For those people that wake up before 9am:

On Thursday 6th May, the Sunrise show on Channel 7 will be crossing to Atari Melbourne House multiple times to show the studio and Transformers (PS2), starting at 6am(!)

If you want to see some of the faces behind Transformers, some behind-the-scenes bits, and some sleepy looking programmers then tune in!

Zaph [|)]

Submitted by Daemin on Fri, 30/04/04 - 11:14 PMPermalink

I might be awake still then from the night before, if so I'll check it out :-)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 01/05/04 - 9:33 AMPermalink

and welcome to another episode of why we invited that, here we delve into the creation of the timer record on the VCR.....

6th of may, got it ;)

Submitted by Daemin on Sun, 02/05/04 - 12:09 AMPermalink

That's if you happen to have a VCR handy, can program it successfully, and actually have a blank tape to tape on.

Either that or I could get a nice TV tuner card... hrm...

Submitted by X5 on Sun, 02/05/04 - 11:28 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Daemin

That's if you happen to have a VCR handy, can program it successfully, and actually have a blank tape to tape on.

all that seems alot easier then getting up at 6am :P

Submitted by souri on Sun, 02/05/04 - 11:33 PMPermalink

Actually, it would be great if someone could capture it and divx it somwhere.. I wouldn't mind seeing what Melbourne House HQ looks like! 6am is an extremely early time to get up though, although I sometimes go to bed at that time.

Submitted by Zaph on Mon, 03/05/04 - 6:39 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri

Actually, it would be great if someone could capture it and divx it somwhere.. I wouldn't mind seeing what Melbourne House HQ looks like! 6am is an extremely early time to get up though, although I sometimes go to bed at that time.

6am would be a great time to get up - compared to the time we have to get up... We've got to be there at 5:30am, so most of us will be getting up at 4:30am. I've played Battlefield later than that :-)

Submitted by Kane on Mon, 03/05/04 - 11:13 PMPermalink

damn this for being on on the one day a week I get to sleep in...[:D]

Submitted by Shplorb on Tue, 04/05/04 - 12:39 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri
Actually, it would be great if someone could capture it and divx it somwhere.. I wouldn't mind seeing what Melbourne House HQ looks like!

Finally, a use for my HDTV tuner card and brand-spankin'-new beefy CPU!

Now all I have to do is send an email home to remind me to set a timer. =]

Submitted by TheBigJ on Thu, 06/05/04 - 6:14 PMPermalink

D'oh! Forgot to set a tape this morning..

Maybe someone captured it...?

Submitted by Zaph on Thu, 06/05/04 - 6:50 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by TheBigJ

D'oh! Forgot to set a tape this morning..

Maybe someone captured it...?

I'll be putting some footage and photos online later today

Submitted by Brain on Thu, 06/05/04 - 6:58 PMPermalink

Pfsh... lil 5 minute segments with the weather. I want more!!

Transformers looks damn nice though. Will be forcing myself not to pick it up release day @:-P

Submitted by TheBigJ on Thu, 06/05/04 - 8:56 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Zaph

I'll be putting some footage and photos online later today

Great. Looking forward to it. Transformers is looking excellent [;)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 07/05/04 - 1:03 AMPermalink

got to watch it, arent you a chirpy bunch for 6am :D
oh and which one of you told the weather man to say the line about programmmers getting the girls :P

Submitted by souri on Fri, 07/05/04 - 11:38 PMPermalink

I watched it on Sunrise, and I thought the coverage was pretty cool. Put those 4 5 minute segments together, and you have 20 minutes total coverage, which is probably more than any tv station has given to any local game developer/game.. It would've been great if you didn't have to wait 25 minutes for the next weather check, but hey, that's the nature of the program. Oh, and I was hoping for the cameraman to do a run through of the office so we could see a bit more of it.

And yeh, Transformers looks incredibly good! [:)]

Adam Lancman was there on the couch, but I didn't catch any of the other peoples names though.

Submitted by Shplorb on Tue, 11/05/04 - 7:40 AMPermalink

I should add that I captured the whole damn show. That's a ~12.5gig HD MPEG2 stream. I don't do any video editing on PC - anyone have any suggestions for free tools to use to edit out the relevant bits?

Submitted by Blitz on Tue, 11/05/04 - 8:52 AMPermalink

Virtual Dub i think allows simple chopping etc. as well as encoding it out to divx or whatever codec you want.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Zaph on Tue, 11/05/04 - 6:27 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Shplorb

I should add that I captured the whole damn show. That's a ~12.5gig HD MPEG2 stream. I don't do any video editing on PC - anyone have any suggestions for free tools to use to edit out the relevant bits?

VirtualDub (as Blitz said) is a great free tool
you could also use TMPGENC to get it into MPEG1 format.

Also, since it was in widescreen the best thing to do is to resize it so that it has a 16:9 ratio of pixels (rather than stretched pixels) - that way it will play correctly at fullscreen on everyones PC.
If you cut something together at, say, 30-50mb, then I'm happy to host the file (on my personal website)- just give me a buzz.