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Doord vs. J.I. Styles Digital Draw Off (Round 2)

Submitted by Doord on

Ok the rule are the same.

- One character.
- No background. Character need to take up 80% of the image, clothing or object(s) the character is interacting with are counted as the character.
- No character story or explanation just the drawing. A title can be added.
- Characters will be posted together on the 20th of April 9:00am EST.
- When Character are posted there are to be no names on the image, so judges do not which image is owned by who.
- WIP are to be posted after voting. 27th of April 9:00am EST.

One add rule. I wanted to do my concept for the CgTalk comp, kill two birds with one stone. Oh three birds really, this image will also be in my art exhibition. After tell Joel this he said that he would be happy to keep in side these guide line also, so the character will if into this outline.

Flesh is weak and easily destroyed. Imagine a world where damaged body parts or any vital organs (even eyes!) can be totally replaced with working mechanical parts. Imagine that a body can be enhanced via bizarre and even terrifying medical procedures to incorporate mechanical elements - whether it is purely for the sake of empowering the individual for easier survival, or whether it is designed for war.

These additions to the body could elevate the individual to a higher level of existence, enabling him or her to adapt to new - even alien - environments in specific ways, to withstand disease and bodily harm, to perform new, previously-impossible feats, to adopt disguise or unusual camouflage... or maybe live indefinitely?

Could it be that they have a different purpose altogether? Perhaps they were forced upon the individual for punishment or torture? They could be designed specifically to place the person in a permanent state of pain, to keep them under tight control - living a life with the unwanted intrusion of mechanical instruments in their bodies that limit their movement or freedom - or even keep them in a static position of suffering.

Do you want to enhance the lives of individuals, or crush their freedom and punish them?

This should be a good duel, will I be able to step up and take the second win, or will Joel become the new campion?? What do you all think??

Other note:
For those of you think that I maybe starting the CgTalk comp a little late I have made a petty big start on it, I will be posting on CgTalk after the concept is done.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 14/04/04 - 8:09 PMPermalink

The fanboy union watches with interest ;)

good luck to both of you

Submitted by J I Styles on Wed, 14/04/04 - 8:50 PMPermalink

should be fun [:)]

I'll use my study time and bang it out tonight I think, give me the opportunity to learn something new [:)]

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 14/04/04 - 9:02 PMPermalink

ohh the clash of the Titans. I will have to go for both of you. It's a great subject as well, MECH IS KOOL

Submitted by matias on Thu, 15/04/04 - 11:56 PMPermalink

wooo nelly, this is gonna be sweet!! Love the cyberpunkish theme too!! I am definitely tuning in for this outcome! oh, and I am currently unemployed as a fanboy so Doord if you win 2 in a row I'll offer my services!! Motto for success: Latch on to the winner!![:D]

Submitted by Doord on Fri, 16/04/04 - 12:00 AMPermalink

Well if I can find time I will not disappoint you matias.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Fri, 16/04/04 - 7:51 AMPermalink

Joel will be the new Campion!!

as for the champion... well I guess the voting'll decide that..

/lame post

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 16/04/04 - 5:58 PMPermalink

Good luck to ye both.

Matt, don't make us chain you up and put a ball gag in your mouth... again.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:12 PMPermalink

im sensing a creepy bondage scene that could move out of the public eye if thats ok....

oh and btw, what the hell am i supposed to do with my sorc bob fan kit now!!! *joins hazard in pointless bob cheering*

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:29 PMPermalink

haha fear not lads, there will be chance for more fanboy praise in my direction soon.

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:48 PMPermalink

You're all sad pathetic ego strokers

*gets out pom poms and merchandising*

bob bob, he's our man...

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:53 PMPermalink

Yeah, none of you have anything on joel!!

He has merchandising!!

Submitted by hobonation on Fri, 16/04/04 - 10:13 PMPermalink

*hoooooooot* blows air-horn

go sorceror bob, your winning!

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Tue, 20/04/04 - 9:45 PMPermalink

Now would you look at that.. 11:35 on the 20th of April... So where are these pictures...Hmm.. At lest Bob was on time (and he had problems)GO BOB! :D

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/04/04 - 11:40 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by J.I. Styles

hehe, posting tonight -- at work atm

Well I don't have time to do it (E3 demo right now at work) sorry I have the character concept but no time to colour and light the rest of him.

Submitted by Leviron on Wed, 21/04/04 - 12:11 AMPermalink

Excuses, excuses.... *shakes head* Bad sportsmanship.

Submitted by J I Styles on Wed, 21/04/04 - 4:41 AMPermalink

well it's all kinda screwed around, but that's fine -- time was a problem for both of us, so I respect that; I wouldn't of been able to produce much either if it wasn't for doing it within my study time.

Here's what I did -- didn't finish, didn't really wanna [:)]

full shot (25%):

detail shot (50%):

Submitted by smeg on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:17 AMPermalink

Wow. That is really something. Excellent work JI.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:25 AMPermalink

25% geez louize, JI you set some really high standaards for yourself :)

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:52 AMPermalink

*votes 1 for joel*

Brendans full stop just doesn't compare sorry :D

Submitted by Leviron on Wed, 21/04/04 - 7:33 AMPermalink

*votes 1 for joel*

Nice use of colour and it has a nice painted feel.

Submitted by matias on Wed, 21/04/04 - 8:15 AMPermalink

Nice work man, very nice, does have the brom touch which works well with dark cyberstuff. I like the idea of the harsh cyber-gear, very painful but then you can have an implant to turn off that pain can't you![:p] If I had do nit-pick I would say the ring thing on her thigh could use a shadow cos at the moment it looks to be floating. I'll hold off a day or two to see if doord can squeeze more hours out of his day, before giving a final verdict. Unfortunantly I think JI has to be crowned because the competition does work on a time limit. I still wouldn't mind seeing your base concept Doord! Please![:)]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 21/04/04 - 10:41 AMPermalink

HOLY CARP!!! That's very nice, Joel [:)]

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 21/04/04 - 11:11 AMPermalink

Joel - you are heading on a one way road to brom status man. nuff said.

Submitted by Doord on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:57 PMPermalink

Very nice joel, you would have won anyway. Perspective on the left arm is a little off.

Posted by Doord on

Ok the rule are the same.

- One character.
- No background. Character need to take up 80% of the image, clothing or object(s) the character is interacting with are counted as the character.
- No character story or explanation just the drawing. A title can be added.
- Characters will be posted together on the 20th of April 9:00am EST.
- When Character are posted there are to be no names on the image, so judges do not which image is owned by who.
- WIP are to be posted after voting. 27th of April 9:00am EST.

One add rule. I wanted to do my concept for the CgTalk comp, kill two birds with one stone. Oh three birds really, this image will also be in my art exhibition. After tell Joel this he said that he would be happy to keep in side these guide line also, so the character will if into this outline.

Flesh is weak and easily destroyed. Imagine a world where damaged body parts or any vital organs (even eyes!) can be totally replaced with working mechanical parts. Imagine that a body can be enhanced via bizarre and even terrifying medical procedures to incorporate mechanical elements - whether it is purely for the sake of empowering the individual for easier survival, or whether it is designed for war.

These additions to the body could elevate the individual to a higher level of existence, enabling him or her to adapt to new - even alien - environments in specific ways, to withstand disease and bodily harm, to perform new, previously-impossible feats, to adopt disguise or unusual camouflage... or maybe live indefinitely?

Could it be that they have a different purpose altogether? Perhaps they were forced upon the individual for punishment or torture? They could be designed specifically to place the person in a permanent state of pain, to keep them under tight control - living a life with the unwanted intrusion of mechanical instruments in their bodies that limit their movement or freedom - or even keep them in a static position of suffering.

Do you want to enhance the lives of individuals, or crush their freedom and punish them?

This should be a good duel, will I be able to step up and take the second win, or will Joel become the new campion?? What do you all think??

Other note:
For those of you think that I maybe starting the CgTalk comp a little late I have made a petty big start on it, I will be posting on CgTalk after the concept is done.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 14/04/04 - 8:09 PMPermalink

The fanboy union watches with interest ;)

good luck to both of you

Submitted by J I Styles on Wed, 14/04/04 - 8:50 PMPermalink

should be fun [:)]

I'll use my study time and bang it out tonight I think, give me the opportunity to learn something new [:)]

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 14/04/04 - 9:02 PMPermalink

ohh the clash of the Titans. I will have to go for both of you. It's a great subject as well, MECH IS KOOL

Submitted by matias on Thu, 15/04/04 - 11:56 PMPermalink

wooo nelly, this is gonna be sweet!! Love the cyberpunkish theme too!! I am definitely tuning in for this outcome! oh, and I am currently unemployed as a fanboy so Doord if you win 2 in a row I'll offer my services!! Motto for success: Latch on to the winner!![:D]

Submitted by Doord on Fri, 16/04/04 - 12:00 AMPermalink

Well if I can find time I will not disappoint you matias.

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Fri, 16/04/04 - 7:51 AMPermalink

Joel will be the new Campion!!

as for the champion... well I guess the voting'll decide that..

/lame post

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 16/04/04 - 5:58 PMPermalink

Good luck to ye both.

Matt, don't make us chain you up and put a ball gag in your mouth... again.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:12 PMPermalink

im sensing a creepy bondage scene that could move out of the public eye if thats ok....

oh and btw, what the hell am i supposed to do with my sorc bob fan kit now!!! *joins hazard in pointless bob cheering*

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:29 PMPermalink

haha fear not lads, there will be chance for more fanboy praise in my direction soon.

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:48 PMPermalink

You're all sad pathetic ego strokers

*gets out pom poms and merchandising*

bob bob, he's our man...

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Fri, 16/04/04 - 9:53 PMPermalink

Yeah, none of you have anything on joel!!

He has merchandising!!

Submitted by hobonation on Fri, 16/04/04 - 10:13 PMPermalink

*hoooooooot* blows air-horn

go sorceror bob, your winning!

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Tue, 20/04/04 - 9:45 PMPermalink

Now would you look at that.. 11:35 on the 20th of April... So where are these pictures...Hmm.. At lest Bob was on time (and he had problems)GO BOB! :D

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/04/04 - 11:40 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by J.I. Styles

hehe, posting tonight -- at work atm

Well I don't have time to do it (E3 demo right now at work) sorry I have the character concept but no time to colour and light the rest of him.

Submitted by Leviron on Wed, 21/04/04 - 12:11 AMPermalink

Excuses, excuses.... *shakes head* Bad sportsmanship.

Submitted by J I Styles on Wed, 21/04/04 - 4:41 AMPermalink

well it's all kinda screwed around, but that's fine -- time was a problem for both of us, so I respect that; I wouldn't of been able to produce much either if it wasn't for doing it within my study time.

Here's what I did -- didn't finish, didn't really wanna [:)]

full shot (25%):

detail shot (50%):

Submitted by smeg on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:17 AMPermalink

Wow. That is really something. Excellent work JI.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:25 AMPermalink

25% geez louize, JI you set some really high standaards for yourself :)

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:52 AMPermalink

*votes 1 for joel*

Brendans full stop just doesn't compare sorry :D

Submitted by Leviron on Wed, 21/04/04 - 7:33 AMPermalink

*votes 1 for joel*

Nice use of colour and it has a nice painted feel.

Submitted by matias on Wed, 21/04/04 - 8:15 AMPermalink

Nice work man, very nice, does have the brom touch which works well with dark cyberstuff. I like the idea of the harsh cyber-gear, very painful but then you can have an implant to turn off that pain can't you![:p] If I had do nit-pick I would say the ring thing on her thigh could use a shadow cos at the moment it looks to be floating. I'll hold off a day or two to see if doord can squeeze more hours out of his day, before giving a final verdict. Unfortunantly I think JI has to be crowned because the competition does work on a time limit. I still wouldn't mind seeing your base concept Doord! Please![:)]

Submitted by souri on Wed, 21/04/04 - 10:41 AMPermalink

HOLY CARP!!! That's very nice, Joel [:)]

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 21/04/04 - 11:11 AMPermalink

Joel - you are heading on a one way road to brom status man. nuff said.

Submitted by Doord on Wed, 21/04/04 - 6:57 PMPermalink

Very nice joel, you would have won anyway. Perspective on the left arm is a little off.