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GDC stuff

Submitted by Blitz on

Got some of the photos online now. The most important (booth babe) photos are there, i apologise in advance that you will have to look at my ugly mug :)
Theres a couple of "Not Citizen Zero" up there. I'll put the rest of the photos (mainly from GameHotel, and a couple more bigworld) up probably on the weekend, and i'll also try and put together some kind of diary/report on the whole affair over the weekend. Unfortunately, due to the nature of only having a normal camera and having to get stuff developed, i won't have any loot photo's, i'll just have to give you a list.
Anyway, photos etc.
More booth babes
CYer, Blitz
PS. I don't take any responsibility for the content or quality of the photos that other people took :)

Submitted by souri on Thu, 01/04/04 - 9:52 AMPermalink

Wow! Bigworld looks great!! (from what I can see anyway [:)])

If you're interested in submitting the article on Sumea, give me a yell [;)] Would love to have it on here.

Submitted by DaMunkee on Thu, 01/04/04 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Wow, GDC looks professional. Where's the "Worlds largest TV" and the "Hobbit Homes" or the Bright lights and blasting music. What a world of difference between a GDC and E3.

Submitted by Blitz on Sat, 10/04/04 - 8:55 AMPermalink

List o' Loot...

Stuff i'm keeping:
CRI Japanese Fan
Cute little comic from the CRI booth called "Tell me about middleware" in english and japanese.
Nintendo recruitment pack
Mouse pads, dolby, endorphin
UBISoft/Red Storm Ent. Stubby holder
Logitech clock/calculator thing
Oddworld collector cards
S3 Temporary tattoos
5 music CD's from MagnaTune
Semi Logic Ent. Tshirt
S3 Bag
Climax Group breath mints in a funky container
Game Developer mag, march/april
Animation mag (april/GDC issue)
Develop mag march
Computer Graphics World mag, march

Stuff i'm giving away (mostly as part of sumea comps or something probably):
S3 Temporary tattoos
Oddworld collector cards
Perforce Balsawood glider
2 RAD foam gliders
UBISoft/Red Storm stubby holder
4 Nintendo recruitment packs
2 Everquest Trilogy CD packs (everquest + first 2 expansions i think, apparently it also comes with a 1 month free trial, but not sure)
Bodypaint/maxon cardboard 3d(?) glasses
Thomson Course Technology shaker/bottle opener
In-fusio cloth bag
Develop mag (march) unread
Game State mag (spring 2004) read
ATI paper/plastic bag (i doubt anyone would actually want this...but it's here :))
I'll also consider giving away the mags at some point in the future if people REALLY want them after they've been well read by other people (they'll probably sit on my desk at work for a while first :))

Unfortunately i apparently missed out on some awesomely cool lightsaber pens that lucasarts were giving out (damn me and my "I don't need another pen"). Check's coverage for pictures of said pen.
If you're wondering why so many nintendo recruitment packs, they come in a funky gamecube game box which i quite fancied and thought others might :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by groovyone on Sat, 10/04/04 - 12:15 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Blitz
List o' Loot...

wow. I mean wow. how'd you carry all that booty back with you? I didn't bother with loot this year, I hardly had time to get around the expo floor. I spent most of my time networking, catching up with friends from last year, and meeting clients I've been dealing with only on line.

Oh I did get some Gameboy Advance SP putty again this year, but I did come home with a Tapwave Zodiac, and a new digital 8mp camera and a bunch of free Game magazines.

Did your company sponsor you to go?

Submitted by Daemin on Sun, 11/04/04 - 3:05 AMPermalink

From what I heard about the GDC from the floor of the AGDC is that you go to the GDC to learn stuff more than socialise, while you go to the AGDC to socialise more than learn...

Submitted by Blitz on Sun, 11/04/04 - 9:06 AMPermalink

Well, i collected my loot over the thursday and friday. I had a decent size bag with me, and those ATI/S3 bags came in handy when my main bag filled up :)
If you mean carry back from that *just* managed to fit in the bag i took over, my bag was only about half full when i went over, and bursting on the way back (although that included a couple books/manga i'd bought) although the list looks long, it didn't take up THAT much space.
Theres plenty of socialising to be done at GDC, but a lot of the talks there are of high quality and are worth going to. I think perhaps the reason people may say AGDC s for socialising, is it's simply so small, it doesn't have the trade expo like the GDC has. A lot of people go to GDC to check out middleware/hardware/asset control solutions etc., this just doesn't happen at the AGDC because it's too small.
My company didn't sponsor me to go, i won the trip to GDC as a prize for the programmer scholarship at AIE last year.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 13/04/04 - 8:09 AMPermalink

damn, and to think about the best loot i got from AGDC was a coffee cup....

Submitted by Daemin on Tue, 13/04/04 - 9:32 AMPermalink

Hey, don't undervalue the value of a good coffee cup! :-P

Submitted by Blitz on Tue, 13/04/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

He didn't say it was a GOOD coffee cup... :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 13/04/04 - 8:10 PMPermalink

it holds coffee, what more do you want :P

Submitted by Daemin on Tue, 13/04/04 - 10:17 PMPermalink

It holds a decent amount of coffee too! More than most of my other mugs/cups.

Submitted by redwyre on Wed, 14/04/04 - 9:45 PMPermalink

oh, that's the bullant one right? that's my favourite mug :)

Posted by Blitz on

Got some of the photos online now. The most important (booth babe) photos are there, i apologise in advance that you will have to look at my ugly mug :)
Theres a couple of "Not Citizen Zero" up there. I'll put the rest of the photos (mainly from GameHotel, and a couple more bigworld) up probably on the weekend, and i'll also try and put together some kind of diary/report on the whole affair over the weekend. Unfortunately, due to the nature of only having a normal camera and having to get stuff developed, i won't have any loot photo's, i'll just have to give you a list.
Anyway, photos etc.
More booth babes
CYer, Blitz
PS. I don't take any responsibility for the content or quality of the photos that other people took :)

Submitted by souri on Thu, 01/04/04 - 9:52 AMPermalink

Wow! Bigworld looks great!! (from what I can see anyway [:)])

If you're interested in submitting the article on Sumea, give me a yell [;)] Would love to have it on here.

Submitted by DaMunkee on Thu, 01/04/04 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Wow, GDC looks professional. Where's the "Worlds largest TV" and the "Hobbit Homes" or the Bright lights and blasting music. What a world of difference between a GDC and E3.

Submitted by Blitz on Sat, 10/04/04 - 8:55 AMPermalink

List o' Loot...

Stuff i'm keeping:
CRI Japanese Fan
Cute little comic from the CRI booth called "Tell me about middleware" in english and japanese.
Nintendo recruitment pack
Mouse pads, dolby, endorphin
UBISoft/Red Storm Ent. Stubby holder
Logitech clock/calculator thing
Oddworld collector cards
S3 Temporary tattoos
5 music CD's from MagnaTune
Semi Logic Ent. Tshirt
S3 Bag
Climax Group breath mints in a funky container
Game Developer mag, march/april
Animation mag (april/GDC issue)
Develop mag march
Computer Graphics World mag, march

Stuff i'm giving away (mostly as part of sumea comps or something probably):
S3 Temporary tattoos
Oddworld collector cards
Perforce Balsawood glider
2 RAD foam gliders
UBISoft/Red Storm stubby holder
4 Nintendo recruitment packs
2 Everquest Trilogy CD packs (everquest + first 2 expansions i think, apparently it also comes with a 1 month free trial, but not sure)
Bodypaint/maxon cardboard 3d(?) glasses
Thomson Course Technology shaker/bottle opener
In-fusio cloth bag
Develop mag (march) unread
Game State mag (spring 2004) read
ATI paper/plastic bag (i doubt anyone would actually want this...but it's here :))
I'll also consider giving away the mags at some point in the future if people REALLY want them after they've been well read by other people (they'll probably sit on my desk at work for a while first :))

Unfortunately i apparently missed out on some awesomely cool lightsaber pens that lucasarts were giving out (damn me and my "I don't need another pen"). Check's coverage for pictures of said pen.
If you're wondering why so many nintendo recruitment packs, they come in a funky gamecube game box which i quite fancied and thought others might :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by groovyone on Sat, 10/04/04 - 12:15 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Blitz
List o' Loot...

wow. I mean wow. how'd you carry all that booty back with you? I didn't bother with loot this year, I hardly had time to get around the expo floor. I spent most of my time networking, catching up with friends from last year, and meeting clients I've been dealing with only on line.

Oh I did get some Gameboy Advance SP putty again this year, but I did come home with a Tapwave Zodiac, and a new digital 8mp camera and a bunch of free Game magazines.

Did your company sponsor you to go?

Submitted by Daemin on Sun, 11/04/04 - 3:05 AMPermalink

From what I heard about the GDC from the floor of the AGDC is that you go to the GDC to learn stuff more than socialise, while you go to the AGDC to socialise more than learn...

Submitted by Blitz on Sun, 11/04/04 - 9:06 AMPermalink

Well, i collected my loot over the thursday and friday. I had a decent size bag with me, and those ATI/S3 bags came in handy when my main bag filled up :)
If you mean carry back from that *just* managed to fit in the bag i took over, my bag was only about half full when i went over, and bursting on the way back (although that included a couple books/manga i'd bought) although the list looks long, it didn't take up THAT much space.
Theres plenty of socialising to be done at GDC, but a lot of the talks there are of high quality and are worth going to. I think perhaps the reason people may say AGDC s for socialising, is it's simply so small, it doesn't have the trade expo like the GDC has. A lot of people go to GDC to check out middleware/hardware/asset control solutions etc., this just doesn't happen at the AGDC because it's too small.
My company didn't sponsor me to go, i won the trip to GDC as a prize for the programmer scholarship at AIE last year.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 13/04/04 - 8:09 AMPermalink

damn, and to think about the best loot i got from AGDC was a coffee cup....

Submitted by Daemin on Tue, 13/04/04 - 9:32 AMPermalink

Hey, don't undervalue the value of a good coffee cup! :-P

Submitted by Blitz on Tue, 13/04/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

He didn't say it was a GOOD coffee cup... :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 13/04/04 - 8:10 PMPermalink

it holds coffee, what more do you want :P

Submitted by Daemin on Tue, 13/04/04 - 10:17 PMPermalink

It holds a decent amount of coffee too! More than most of my other mugs/cups.

Submitted by redwyre on Wed, 14/04/04 - 9:45 PMPermalink

oh, that's the bullant one right? that's my favourite mug :)