Hi Guys,
Here is a fundamentally simple character that I've always wanted to make. He is still in the WIP stage - I still need to clean up his geometry and finish off the mouth area. This render was created to test the shader and see if he was proportionally OK.
Comments/crits welcome [xx(].
Rod Green
3D character abuser
Nice work man, just a few things I see but I'm not a 3d guy. I really like the face and hands but I just think that the bottom of his pecs could be reduced a bit, they're almost a bit man-boobish. Also just his feet-hooves, they are a touch awkward, goat feet a super hard to draw, so I can only imagine how hard they'd be to model! Those are just small things and I think the overall effect is really cool!
i think the large hands look great on that character, the sort of orange yellow glow/tone you have is a really nice effect aswell. If anything, it looks like the area below the muscles just below the knees (yes they have a name, ive just forgotten it :P) and the hooves is a bit short and the leg has to widen in diameter really quickly before coming to the hooves. But thats just me being picky mc picket, its a awesome model, heaps of character to it :D
Thanks again for the kind words guys!
quote:any chance of a wire ??
Yep but do you want the proxy or the smooth mesh? Smooth mesh doesn't really help anyone so I'll probably just post the proxy.
quote:2. Do you have a website where i can see more?
try http://www.polycount.com/cottages/impus/index.html
It's still being put together and the website is about to change so hold on..! :)
quote:3. Where do you work?
Atari Melbourne House.
Rod Green
3D character abuser
Hey all,
Here's the wires.
The source mesh (polysmooth proxy) needs some cleaning.
Hey again all..
Here's a quick update, just cleaning up some of the edge loops so the model flows better.
Hazard: That's the final polysmoothed version. I work with a proxy mesh which in turn was created as a polysmooth from a much much simpler mesh. I'm cleaning up the current proxy so that the final polysmooth has good 'detail' (not so smoothed out) and sillouettes. Check above for the proxy.
Just a quick note - i noticed that most of the model looks nice and smooth but there are a couple of areas where the meshsmooth iteration count didnt smooth enough as other parts, and at a second glance they stick out.... ( this is refering to the render at the top of the page )
the areas are on the bicep and the shoulder - im presuming that first render was a proxy render tho :) but still it looks alot smoother on some areas than others... and as a result - if you look on the smoothed final mesh - you can see these areas still have the slightest jagged look to them, compared to an area such as the pronounced iliac crest.
Pretty nitpicky, but hope that helps some :) way cool tho man, very aladdin like :)
Very nice work man :) any chance of a wire ??