I thought id post this, just for a laugh.
Back when i was using Max 5.0 & 5.1 one day when i freshly opened max, drew a plane via keyboard entry.
This is what i got...
can anyone see whats wrong with this picture ?
I should have sent it to discrete [;)]
A whole bunch of stupid things started to happen to my max around that stage.
using Max6.0 now, havent had any problems since [:)]
You are running Windows with an XP style skin :P :Shudder:
That is a pretty good one.
I still like the problem that Windows 98 had in it's Troubleshooting Guide. I had a problem years ago with a modem (turned out it was just dodgey), and couldn't connect to the internet full stop. I couldn't even dial in to my ISP as the comp just wouldn't get a signal. Ran the Troubleshooting Guide and went through it all. It didn't solve my problem -and at the end- it had a fantastic response
"We are unable to solve this problem. Please email the Microsoft Support Team and give them your details."
Nope [:)]
i drew a plane, typed 500 in length, hit the tab key, typed 500 in width, hit enter. it gave me that shape, i selected it to make sure, for like life of me i dont know why it came out like this.
A friend of mine from qantm was over at the time, and claimed my computer sucked, cos it couldnt draw squares!
But now you mention that - u can just scale it and it doesnt update. weird.
nice square