So - I guess most of us spend more of our time making games than playing them - but I'm not going to pretend to myself that I make no time for such frivolous activities (in fact I definitely spend more hours playing rather than making) :) So of the games your played from last year, which one stands tallest?
My personal top three are
1. Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic
2. TRON 2.0
3. Max Payne 2 (just)
I thought TRON 2.0 and Max Payne 2 were fairly lack-lustre, but I think the year was fairly lack-lustre overall. I must admit I didn't play much in the way of RTS or RPGs from this year so I guess I'm a little ill-informed!
Pity I didn't play any console titles from 2003 either :(
I played through the single player game of Vietcong last year. I thought it was brilliant. I really enjoyed it.
I also played through Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds on PS2, and while simple and certainly nothing new, I found it to be good fun - but then I'm a Buffy fan. But I liked it more then that older Buffy game on xbox anyway.
Enter the Matrix (on ps2) was the only other new game I played extensively, and while it was fairly well done, I didn't really get right into it for some reason. Same with the Matrix movies. For me, there was just something missing.
Ooh, definitely Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, the best designed game EVER in my opinion. Then there's Deus Ex: Invisible Wars, not quite as good as the original, but a worthy successor none the less.
Not much else to be honest, personally I played Medieval: Total War to death, but that's an old release, there wasn't much else of note for me.
Enemy Territory was a big hit.
Need for speed udnerground also held my attention for a long night at a friends house.
I thought savage was also quite a good game, but like many other good games, seemed to be ignored by most people.
Other than that, didn't get a chance to play that many games. Not enough money to buy xbox games, and my PC too crap to play most new PC games :P
CYer, Blitz
Enemy Territory, without a doubt. I would've seriously paid for this game if they didn't release it for free. Great class based FPS with strong emphasis on teamwork, great maps and mission objectives, and enjoyable even with a 56k modem. I was sick of Counterstrike, but I didn't really like Day of Defeat to convert over, so didn't think much of the whole class idea, but it really adds so much more variety and depth to the FPS genre.
Call of Duty was quite good as well. Great single player experience.
quote:Originally posted by J.I. Styles
quote:Originally posted by Wizenedoldman
Not much else to be honest, personally I played Medieval: Total War to death, but that's an old release, there wasn't much else of note for me.Yeah, yeah... Rome:TW coming soon enough ok? promise [:)]
I'm another Medieval: TW nut.. That game was too addictive. Pity about the campaign ai though..
Joel.. Hurry up, damn you.
Bullet - seriously? I've seen a copy of VI in every EB/Games Wizard store I've been into.
The dark age campaign is alot different to the middle age ones.. For starters, trading is pretty much ineffective, and farms take about 16 turns to build the first step.
So, getting a strong economy is bloody hard :)
Tis an oldy but a goody and a game most probably overlook, but Disciples II + expansions.
Its definately the ony RTS thats managed to keep me entertained for more than a few hours, i think its because of the style of art, which is pretty gothic, and cos well,... the demon race have massive demonic beasts - and the whole game is EVVIILL!!!!!!
I like how your units can level up, you get 2 choose the the path in which they take, basically like a tree structure. The whole model changes into a more epic version, once it reaches enough experience and bam! your Anti-Paladin sprouts wings and becomes an INFERNAL KNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..... ....
Hordes of the underdark, the expansion for NeverWinter Nights is also pretty cool,.. only because of the Red Dragon Disciple mind you - it has wings you see ;)
last year was basicly my year of no money, so i didnt get to play that many games :P
Soul Caliber 2 and GTA VC deserve a mention though, both good games :)