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Head model: feedback

My very first post on the Sumea forums, just a simple one. I'm asking for any comments or criticisms anyone can offer on my latest project, modeling my own head! Quite freaky in a way...

If the image isn't here it's cause I've done something wrong as I've never posted an image in a forum before so bear with me.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Wed, 21/01/04 - 3:37 AMPermalink

Can someone help me out here? I did what I thought was the right thing to do, I clicked on the insert image button, then pasted my sumea news post URL inbetween the tags, but to no avail, anyone else had this problem?

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Wed, 21/01/04 - 3:50 AMPermalink

you have you link the image rather than the news link, just delete everything after the .jpg and you should be good.

Submitted by jwalduck on Wed, 21/01/04 - 5:05 AMPermalink

It would help if we had a photo of you.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/01/04 - 9:31 AMPermalink

Yeah, its a bit hard to compare it to what your trying to achieve without the photo.
Something that I see is the top of the head is rather flat and your ears dont stick out enough, they look like the bend around your head.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 22/01/04 - 1:01 AMPermalink

Cheers guys for the tip on the image problem, next time I'll get it right. As for the feedback, I'll look into the ears, but my head isn't flat, it's just my haircut, thanks anyway :) Oh, and I don't think I want to post pictures of myself, I was more just after general feedback on the model, not as to how whether or not it looks just like me.

Submitted by jwalduck on Fri, 23/01/04 - 2:00 AMPermalink

There are two things I can see.

First the ear. With the head turned slightly as it is you should have a good view of the ear, almost square on not edge on.

Second the mouth seems bit too far down the face, at least the space between the mouth and the nose seems too big when compared to the space between the mouth and the chin. Not by much though.

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 23/01/04 - 3:34 AMPermalink

not a very good thing to crit direct things like models or paintings based off people without seeing your source material - you'll find a lot of people (myself included) will decline to offer any pointers just because we don't want to say something like "my god that's a hideously shaped nose" and it's actually spot on, which makes it a personal referance to the person we're commenting [;)]

Submitted by jacobt on Fri, 23/01/04 - 6:09 PMPermalink

Hey looks pretty cool :) Post a piccie of the control mesh so we can see how it's built!

One thing I would do regardless of who you're modelling is maybe remodel the corners of the mouth so the lips there have some shape. Take a squiz at this tutorial to see what I mean: [URL][/URL]

Hope it helps, wouldn't mind seeing another shot of the side of the head as well so we can look more closely at the ear.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 29/01/04 - 3:05 AMPermalink

Cheers again for all the feedback, here's the results, I'm very happy with it, let me know what you think.
Note: I'm still going to unwrap my UV's and do some personalised texturing, so it's not over yet!

Submitted by inglis on Thu, 29/01/04 - 3:19 AMPermalink

you did it wrong again wiz-

(to get the correct address for them, right click on them where they are displayed on on sumea and click Properties, then just select and copy the address in there)

[EDIT] I removed pics because of post below.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 29/01/04 - 3:24 AMPermalink

Cheers Inglis, but I managed to figure it out just before I read your post, thanks anyway, now there's no stopping me at all!

Submitted by Johnn on Thu, 29/01/04 - 4:21 AMPermalink

I gotta agree with JI Styles that commenting without seeing some source images is a dangerous affair (on that- I once saw someone get a poor mark and a harsh crit for a protrait project. They had given their portrait unrealistic super thin hair line lips. Unfortunatily the model apparently looked like that! )

that said ,I will be bold enough to suggest that whilst you are looking at the ear angle, they could do with moving forward too. Off hand I think the the ear hole should be about halfway between front and back (might be worth checking another source to confirm that.) the eyes at a smidgen high I suspect too.

On the whole though I like it the way it is. The shapes and positions of the features make the face look gentle/kind - I think it might be emphasising the gently rounded forms of the cheeks... or may be it's lack of wrinkles on the forehead and blood shot eyes [;)]

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 10/02/04 - 3:33 AMPermalink

Due to popular demand I've managed to take some pics of myself. As for the model itself, I've slowly been doing some texture work on it after editing it's UV's, subtle for now, but I'm a newbie to texturing so I will take any advice.






latest version


diffuse texture map

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 10/02/04 - 4:48 AMPermalink

Excelent. Now we can comment on it fairly :) First off, it is quite good. It does look a fair bit like you, but there are some areas that could do with a little work.


You may want to have a look at your edge loops around your check bone area. They are very smooth and lack definition. It would be a little more difficult to give yourself goos looking cheek bones the way the mesh is at the moment. The main way it is noticable is through your checks. If you look at your photo, you have your eye socket that sinks in to your face. Your checks then come out and slope down. On your mesh, the check bones start off high and round, and then smooth out at the bottom. Basically you just need to vertaclly flip your checks. You also need to make your eye sockets come down lower. I tried to show what I mean with the red lines.

Your Lips. On your mesh, they are very flat. In real life, you have very pert lips. You just need to pinch them up near the middle. Yellow lines.

Your nose could come out just a little more, and be a little pointier at the tip.

Your ears look slightly flat. It is something that most modellers suffer from (hell, I'm one of them :p).

The last thing you may want to have a bit of a look at, is your eye lids. In real life, your top eye lid slightly overlaps your bottom eye lid on the outside edge. This is something that does take a bit of practice to achieve.

I hope that helps just a little. Good luck :)

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 10/02/04 - 4:54 AMPermalink

Wowsers, thanks for that reply Aven, I'll be sure to try and tweak it up just that little bit extra now. Thanks again for putting the time in to help me out.

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 10/02/04 - 5:32 AMPermalink

Argh...argh... put a shirt on ...argh...arghh.....

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 11/02/04 - 7:50 AMPermalink

Heh, I think you have done a pretty good job of making the model resemble you, good work :)
I still theink you should raise the top part (the hair) some more, look at your photo and compare it to the model.
Get some more colour varition into your texture as well. Parts like around the eyes, nose and mouth have some subtle yet important changes in there colour. Look at your ref to see what I mean.

Submitted by Ionized on Wed, 18/02/04 - 12:44 AMPermalink

Pretty good job so far. Main difference I see is in the eyes. Your model has the typical stunned mullet look that all cg character have at first before you start adding emotion. Your eyes seem a bit more squinted I think.

Generally the proportions look very close, though I would say that your head is slightly rounder or not quite as long as your model. Also the jaw line on your model is too pronounced, I'd soften tat up a bit.

Otherwise, pretty good job. I'd suggest working on a half decent skin shader before you progress too much further as skin can really trick the eye at to how a surface curves and turns. That how I do it anyway.

Good work, keep it up. It will be a cool think to have in your portfolio... a 3d self portrait.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Wed, 18/02/04 - 4:11 AMPermalink

Thanks for the feedback Ionized, I see what you mean about my eyes, you should see the earlier ones though, I look totally wired!

As for the skin shader, is there anywhere you recommend as a starting point? Do you mean actually coding my own shader or just using Maxs ones and adjusting them to suit, cause if it's the former, I'd be stumped.

I've got a few plans for my head in my showreel, can't let too many secrets out though...;) Hope to have him talking actually, going to be a big project.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 24/02/04 - 10:15 PMPermalink

Ok, here's the next stage of my head,





as you can see it's getting to the stage now where I'm putting in several hours work to only get a slight improvement. Skin shader was worked on a lot, used a translucent shader to get a slight reddish 'glow'. Also changed the lighting and am now rendering with Lighttracer. Other changes include the cheeks, nose, eyes and ears (so pretty much everything;)). Scrapped the hair for now and will redo it later.

p.s. still need to dirty up my texture a lot.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 25/02/04 - 12:14 AMPermalink

That is looking MUCH better. I still think that the eyes need a little work. I will scan in an image later on to show you what I mean :) You should also have a look at the top of your chin, as it needs to be sharpened just a little. You have really shown a lot of progress with this one :) A very good job for your first ever head.

The skin shader is coming along nicely, but you should probably ditch whatever brand lip stick you are wearing. It just doesn't match your eyes :p If you are after a little help in making a really nice skin shader, then look here.…
I warn you that it is very in depth though.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 25/02/04 - 3:02 AMPermalink

Wow your first ever head that looks great. A lot better then the first one it looks a lot more like you.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Wed, 25/02/04 - 4:45 AMPermalink

What's this business about first ever head? Not exactly right, but close enough, previous to this I've just done some low poly heads or deformed cartoon style heads. Needless to say I'm quite happy with the results, but it's still not over, going to tweak this one to the extreme;) You're right about the eyes Aven, will be doing work on those soon, and yeah, pink lippie clashes with my green eyes;) I think I know what you mean about the chin too.

Ta for the link.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 25/02/04 - 5:08 AMPermalink

i agree with above, it is looking a heck of a lot more like you now, good job

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 25/02/04 - 7:14 AMPermalink

Yeah, that looks like you now, espacially from the front. But the ear is back a little too much.

My very first post on the Sumea forums, just a simple one. I'm asking for any comments or criticisms anyone can offer on my latest project, modeling my own head! Quite freaky in a way...

If the image isn't here it's cause I've done something wrong as I've never posted an image in a forum before so bear with me.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Wed, 21/01/04 - 3:37 AMPermalink

Can someone help me out here? I did what I thought was the right thing to do, I clicked on the insert image button, then pasted my sumea news post URL inbetween the tags, but to no avail, anyone else had this problem?

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Wed, 21/01/04 - 3:50 AMPermalink

you have you link the image rather than the news link, just delete everything after the .jpg and you should be good.

Submitted by jwalduck on Wed, 21/01/04 - 5:05 AMPermalink

It would help if we had a photo of you.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/01/04 - 9:31 AMPermalink

Yeah, its a bit hard to compare it to what your trying to achieve without the photo.
Something that I see is the top of the head is rather flat and your ears dont stick out enough, they look like the bend around your head.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 22/01/04 - 1:01 AMPermalink

Cheers guys for the tip on the image problem, next time I'll get it right. As for the feedback, I'll look into the ears, but my head isn't flat, it's just my haircut, thanks anyway :) Oh, and I don't think I want to post pictures of myself, I was more just after general feedback on the model, not as to how whether or not it looks just like me.

Submitted by jwalduck on Fri, 23/01/04 - 2:00 AMPermalink

There are two things I can see.

First the ear. With the head turned slightly as it is you should have a good view of the ear, almost square on not edge on.

Second the mouth seems bit too far down the face, at least the space between the mouth and the nose seems too big when compared to the space between the mouth and the chin. Not by much though.

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 23/01/04 - 3:34 AMPermalink

not a very good thing to crit direct things like models or paintings based off people without seeing your source material - you'll find a lot of people (myself included) will decline to offer any pointers just because we don't want to say something like "my god that's a hideously shaped nose" and it's actually spot on, which makes it a personal referance to the person we're commenting [;)]

Submitted by jacobt on Fri, 23/01/04 - 6:09 PMPermalink

Hey looks pretty cool :) Post a piccie of the control mesh so we can see how it's built!

One thing I would do regardless of who you're modelling is maybe remodel the corners of the mouth so the lips there have some shape. Take a squiz at this tutorial to see what I mean: [URL][/URL]

Hope it helps, wouldn't mind seeing another shot of the side of the head as well so we can look more closely at the ear.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 29/01/04 - 3:05 AMPermalink

Cheers again for all the feedback, here's the results, I'm very happy with it, let me know what you think.
Note: I'm still going to unwrap my UV's and do some personalised texturing, so it's not over yet!

Submitted by inglis on Thu, 29/01/04 - 3:19 AMPermalink

you did it wrong again wiz-

(to get the correct address for them, right click on them where they are displayed on on sumea and click Properties, then just select and copy the address in there)

[EDIT] I removed pics because of post below.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 29/01/04 - 3:24 AMPermalink

Cheers Inglis, but I managed to figure it out just before I read your post, thanks anyway, now there's no stopping me at all!

Submitted by Johnn on Thu, 29/01/04 - 4:21 AMPermalink

I gotta agree with JI Styles that commenting without seeing some source images is a dangerous affair (on that- I once saw someone get a poor mark and a harsh crit for a protrait project. They had given their portrait unrealistic super thin hair line lips. Unfortunatily the model apparently looked like that! )

that said ,I will be bold enough to suggest that whilst you are looking at the ear angle, they could do with moving forward too. Off hand I think the the ear hole should be about halfway between front and back (might be worth checking another source to confirm that.) the eyes at a smidgen high I suspect too.

On the whole though I like it the way it is. The shapes and positions of the features make the face look gentle/kind - I think it might be emphasising the gently rounded forms of the cheeks... or may be it's lack of wrinkles on the forehead and blood shot eyes [;)]

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 10/02/04 - 3:33 AMPermalink

Due to popular demand I've managed to take some pics of myself. As for the model itself, I've slowly been doing some texture work on it after editing it's UV's, subtle for now, but I'm a newbie to texturing so I will take any advice.






latest version


diffuse texture map

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 10/02/04 - 4:48 AMPermalink

Excelent. Now we can comment on it fairly :) First off, it is quite good. It does look a fair bit like you, but there are some areas that could do with a little work.


You may want to have a look at your edge loops around your check bone area. They are very smooth and lack definition. It would be a little more difficult to give yourself goos looking cheek bones the way the mesh is at the moment. The main way it is noticable is through your checks. If you look at your photo, you have your eye socket that sinks in to your face. Your checks then come out and slope down. On your mesh, the check bones start off high and round, and then smooth out at the bottom. Basically you just need to vertaclly flip your checks. You also need to make your eye sockets come down lower. I tried to show what I mean with the red lines.

Your Lips. On your mesh, they are very flat. In real life, you have very pert lips. You just need to pinch them up near the middle. Yellow lines.

Your nose could come out just a little more, and be a little pointier at the tip.

Your ears look slightly flat. It is something that most modellers suffer from (hell, I'm one of them :p).

The last thing you may want to have a bit of a look at, is your eye lids. In real life, your top eye lid slightly overlaps your bottom eye lid on the outside edge. This is something that does take a bit of practice to achieve.

I hope that helps just a little. Good luck :)

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 10/02/04 - 4:54 AMPermalink

Wowsers, thanks for that reply Aven, I'll be sure to try and tweak it up just that little bit extra now. Thanks again for putting the time in to help me out.

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 10/02/04 - 5:32 AMPermalink

Argh...argh... put a shirt on ...argh...arghh.....

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 11/02/04 - 7:50 AMPermalink

Heh, I think you have done a pretty good job of making the model resemble you, good work :)
I still theink you should raise the top part (the hair) some more, look at your photo and compare it to the model.
Get some more colour varition into your texture as well. Parts like around the eyes, nose and mouth have some subtle yet important changes in there colour. Look at your ref to see what I mean.

Submitted by Ionized on Wed, 18/02/04 - 12:44 AMPermalink

Pretty good job so far. Main difference I see is in the eyes. Your model has the typical stunned mullet look that all cg character have at first before you start adding emotion. Your eyes seem a bit more squinted I think.

Generally the proportions look very close, though I would say that your head is slightly rounder or not quite as long as your model. Also the jaw line on your model is too pronounced, I'd soften tat up a bit.

Otherwise, pretty good job. I'd suggest working on a half decent skin shader before you progress too much further as skin can really trick the eye at to how a surface curves and turns. That how I do it anyway.

Good work, keep it up. It will be a cool think to have in your portfolio... a 3d self portrait.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Wed, 18/02/04 - 4:11 AMPermalink

Thanks for the feedback Ionized, I see what you mean about my eyes, you should see the earlier ones though, I look totally wired!

As for the skin shader, is there anywhere you recommend as a starting point? Do you mean actually coding my own shader or just using Maxs ones and adjusting them to suit, cause if it's the former, I'd be stumped.

I've got a few plans for my head in my showreel, can't let too many secrets out though...;) Hope to have him talking actually, going to be a big project.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 24/02/04 - 10:15 PMPermalink

Ok, here's the next stage of my head,





as you can see it's getting to the stage now where I'm putting in several hours work to only get a slight improvement. Skin shader was worked on a lot, used a translucent shader to get a slight reddish 'glow'. Also changed the lighting and am now rendering with Lighttracer. Other changes include the cheeks, nose, eyes and ears (so pretty much everything;)). Scrapped the hair for now and will redo it later.

p.s. still need to dirty up my texture a lot.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 25/02/04 - 12:14 AMPermalink

That is looking MUCH better. I still think that the eyes need a little work. I will scan in an image later on to show you what I mean :) You should also have a look at the top of your chin, as it needs to be sharpened just a little. You have really shown a lot of progress with this one :) A very good job for your first ever head.

The skin shader is coming along nicely, but you should probably ditch whatever brand lip stick you are wearing. It just doesn't match your eyes :p If you are after a little help in making a really nice skin shader, then look here.…
I warn you that it is very in depth though.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 25/02/04 - 3:02 AMPermalink

Wow your first ever head that looks great. A lot better then the first one it looks a lot more like you.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Wed, 25/02/04 - 4:45 AMPermalink

What's this business about first ever head? Not exactly right, but close enough, previous to this I've just done some low poly heads or deformed cartoon style heads. Needless to say I'm quite happy with the results, but it's still not over, going to tweak this one to the extreme;) You're right about the eyes Aven, will be doing work on those soon, and yeah, pink lippie clashes with my green eyes;) I think I know what you mean about the chin too.

Ta for the link.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 25/02/04 - 5:08 AMPermalink

i agree with above, it is looking a heck of a lot more like you now, good job

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 25/02/04 - 7:14 AMPermalink

Yeah, that looks like you now, espacially from the front. But the ear is back a little too much.