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Red Mile Entertainment to acquire IR Gurus

Californinian games publisher, Red Mile Entertainment, is set to acquire local Melbourne game developer, IR Gurus. Red Mile Entertainment published and distributed Heroes of the Pacific in North America, and were also co-publishers with Sony for Sidhe Interactive's Gripshift on the PSP..

(press release below)

SAUSALITO, CA--(Marketwire - August 27, 2007) - Red Mile Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB: RDML) ("Red Mile"), a worldwide developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to purchase the remaining outstanding shares of IR Gurus Pty Ltd. ("IR Gurus"), a leading privately held video game development studio based in Melbourne, Australia. Under the terms of the definitive agreement, IR Gurus would become a wholly owned subsidiary of Red Mile.

Founded in 1996, and with approximately 100 employees, IR Gurus is currently developing the latest iteration in Red Mile's highly acclaimed "Heroes" flight combat franchise, "Heroes Over Europe," for next-generation video game platforms. The studio created the first title in the franchise, "Heroes of the Pacific," which was published on the PlayStation?2 computer entertainment system, Xbox? video game console from Microsoft, and the PC. The "Heroes of the Pacific" video game has been a commercial success since its launch in 2005.

"With the expected acquisition of IR Gurus, we will own our first globally recognized original IP franchise and acquire a very talented video game development studio," said Chester Aldridge, Chairman and CEO of Red Mile. "The synergies of this combination are significant, as we expect to secure high-quality and scarce development resources for our franchise titles and improve cost control by bringing development in-house."

"We have enjoyed a strong relationship with Red Mile for several years," said Mike Fegan, CEO of IR Gurus. "Red Mile was an early believer in our studio and our 'Heroes of the Pacific' title. We are extremely happy to join an emerging publisher like Red Mile and assist them as they build a portfolio of world-class franchises." It is expected that industry veteran Mike Fegan will remain as CEO of the studio and will oversee Red Mile's international publishing operations.

As one of the largest and best-known game development studios in Australia, IR Gurus has produced several titles, including the AFL series of Australian Rules Football games, and the recently released Heatseeker air combat title.

"IR Gurus is a studio full of talented, technically proficient and creative people -- qualities that are essential for top-tier development," said Glenn Wong, President and COO of Red Mile. "With an impressive track record for developing multiple titles across several platforms, we expect that IR Gurus will bring us a powerhouse team to develop our franchise titles."

The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close prior to the end of this year. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 28/08/07 - 10:27 AMPermalink

  • 1. Chameleon - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:06:02 EST
    So this means they're "Red Mile Australia" now?

    Looks like it from the Red Mile logo with the Kangaroo and "Red Mile Australia" written on it.

  • 1. Souri - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:39:42 EST
    Ah, I didn't see that logo before. They must've put that logo up after I posted this news. It's pretty lo-res and scaled-up, but I've placed it up in the news item to replace the other Red Mile logo that I had there.
  • 1. Souri - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 15:39:42 EST
    Ah, I didn't see that logo before. They must've put that logo up after I posted this news. It's pretty lo-res and scaled-up, but I've placed it up in the news item to replace the other Red Mile logo that I had there.
  • 2. Anonymous - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:13:09 EST
    This has only been in the works for 3 years now or something like that.
  • 3. Ex Dude - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 13:42:54 EST
    Heroes over Europe - Qantas Edition
  • 4. Anonymous - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 14:03:59 EST
    So what's gonna happen to the IR Gurus' projects currently being developed for other publishers? Some of them are multi year deals from what I heard. Are they going to see them through to the end or try to offload them to another developer?
  • 5. Gendo - Tue, 28 Aug 2007 21:29:06 EST
    Yet another company sold to america. For f**k sake how many others are goner go that way.

    Next will be redtribe then fuzzyeye's then krome. Then last but not least the mother one auron. If they get bought out im going to screem.

    Waite I cant believe I forgot one. Teambondi most likely will be bought by rockstar as well.

    Then we will only have g*y a** mobile game companies nooo. We are the worst capitalist in the world by far.

  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:57:58 EST
    "We are the worst capitalist in the world by far."

    Huh? Worse than America? - I surely doubt it.

    People need to realise that this is a business to make money first, and games second. I know that if I built up an Australian company, I would gladly sell it off to someone over seas - that's business.

    Get it straight.

  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:10:23 EST
    We loose export mony from crap like this. And well lets not forget those greedy guy's at rat bag. I met the man responsible for selling that. I think his name was mark cant really remember.
    And gess where it was I met him employment option's. See what happens when you are too greedy. This man once had million's and now nothing.

    If america suck's at being capitalist then why do they by every thing out and make it better?

    It would be nice to work at a game company where ill be putting a lot back in to australia.

  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:10:23 EST
    We loose export mony from crap like this. And well lets not forget those greedy guy's at rat bag. I met the man responsible for selling that. I think his name was mark cant really remember.
    And gess where it was I met him employment option's. See what happens when you are too greedy. This man once had million's and now nothing.

    If america suck's at being capitalist then why do they by every thing out and make it better?

    It would be nice to work at a game company where ill be putting a lot back in to australia.

  • 2. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:48:08 EST

    I seriously doubt that Team Bondi would be bought by Rockstar.
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:47:34 EST
    It is more likely to happen than you think.
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:47:34 EST
    It is more likely to happen than you think.
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:57:58 EST
    "We are the worst capitalist in the world by far."

    Huh? Worse than America? - I surely doubt it.

    People need to realise that this is a business to make money first, and games second. I know that if I built up an Australian company, I would gladly sell it off to someone over seas - that's business.

    Get it straight.

  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:10:23 EST
    We loose export mony from crap like this. And well lets not forget those greedy guy's at rat bag. I met the man responsible for selling that. I think his name was mark cant really remember.
    And gess where it was I met him employment option's. See what happens when you are too greedy. This man once had million's and now nothing.

    If america suck's at being capitalist then why do they by every thing out and make it better?

    It would be nice to work at a game company where ill be putting a lot back in to australia.

  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:10:23 EST
    We loose export mony from crap like this. And well lets not forget those greedy guy's at rat bag. I met the man responsible for selling that. I think his name was mark cant really remember.
    And gess where it was I met him employment option's. See what happens when you are too greedy. This man once had million's and now nothing.

    If america suck's at being capitalist then why do they by every thing out and make it better?

    It would be nice to work at a game company where ill be putting a lot back in to australia.

  • 2. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:48:08 EST

    I seriously doubt that Team Bondi would be bought by Rockstar.
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:47:34 EST
    It is more likely to happen than you think.
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:47:34 EST
    It is more likely to happen than you think.
  • 6. NoSpam - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:54:08 EST
    Let's hope those game developers in Cuba and North Korea stick to their principles, then
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:51:09 EST
    Holy crap is thier relly game companies in north korea????
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:13:07 EST
    I bet they're developing for the latest technology their great leader invented. The Atari 2600!
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:13:07 EST
    I bet they're developing for the latest technology their great leader invented. The Atari 2600!
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:51:09 EST
    Holy crap is thier relly game companies in north korea????
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:13:07 EST
    I bet they're developing for the latest technology their great leader invented. The Atari 2600!
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 19:13:07 EST
    I bet they're developing for the latest technology their great leader invented. The Atari 2600!
  • 7. Anonymous - Wed, 29 Aug 2007 18:40:17 EST
    Just as long as Midway never buys another studio in Australia we'll be safe right?? right??
  • 8. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 12:38:25 EST
    Red Mile is a much smaller player than Midway. If I was working at IR I would be looking at my options about now. It looks as if the crew have already abandoned ship leaving the passangers to fend for themselves.
  • 9. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 13:31:13 EST
    Yes the Ratbag sale seemed to be nothing more than a grab for cash. Kudos to management for pulling the wool over Midways eyes just long enough to cash in.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:41:33 EST
    A grab for cash??? What cash did Ratbag have that Midway were getting hold of??? Or did you mean a grab for cash from Ratbag? The deal was all shares from what I heard.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 14:41:33 EST
    A grab for cash??? What cash did Ratbag have that Midway were getting hold of??? Or did you mean a grab for cash from Ratbag? The deal was all shares from what I heard.
  • 10. Curious Observer - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:35:58 EST
    Red Mile hasn't released any current gen games. Only PS2, PSP, DS & Xbox. They specialize in the licensed value or budget end of the market.

    They pick up licenses on the cheap that other publishers don't want such as Crusty Demons & Sin City (look for "Grindhouse bombs", The Weinsteins were so let down by the performance of the Rodriguez/Tarantino flick that they're actually questioning moving forward with the franchise)

    By purchasing IR (share swap because they don't have cash), they can make value titles on current generation hardware at dirt cheap prices. Most likely it will make the Red Mile parent company a bit of pocket change. If anything goes wrong, they can just axe the team in Australia and keep going.

  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 23:16:32 EST
    If that happens krome might come to the rescue da dadadaa krome power lol.
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:27:05 EST
    This is terrible. Who the hell is Red Mile. IR should be buying them. Why would management sell IR to these loosers!!! F(&K They can't even afford to fund thier own titles.
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:27:05 EST
    This is terrible. Who the hell is Red Mile. IR should be buying them. Why would management sell IR to these loosers!!! F(&K They can't even afford to fund thier own titles.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 23:16:32 EST
    If that happens krome might come to the rescue da dadadaa krome power lol.
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:27:05 EST
    This is terrible. Who the hell is Red Mile. IR should be buying them. Why would management sell IR to these loosers!!! F(&K They can't even afford to fund thier own titles.
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 00:27:05 EST
    This is terrible. Who the hell is Red Mile. IR should be buying them. Why would management sell IR to these loosers!!! F(&K They can't even afford to fund thier own titles.
  • 11. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 19:40:25 EST
    Mark said ratbag was working on something like madmax meet's GTA. It was going to be big. If only he didn't agree to the sell. :( but i guess the mony was to good to say no to. Can't really blame the guy for trying. Now that I tnink about it.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 19:44:58 EST
    It's too bad, really. id software are doing the same game much later and it will sell millions.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 22:43:25 EST
    What the mad max kind of game scavenger? That suck's did midway sell it to them? I bet they will say it was all their idea.
  • 2. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:35:13 EST
    Although the id game is likely to be much better.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 22:43:25 EST
    What the mad max kind of game scavenger? That suck's did midway sell it to them? I bet they will say it was all their idea.
  • 2. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:35:13 EST
    Although the id game is likely to be much better.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 19:44:58 EST
    It's too bad, really. id software are doing the same game much later and it will sell millions.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 22:43:25 EST
    What the mad max kind of game scavenger? That suck's did midway sell it to them? I bet they will say it was all their idea.
  • 2. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:35:13 EST
    Although the id game is likely to be much better.
  • 1. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 22:43:25 EST
    What the mad max kind of game scavenger? That suck's did midway sell it to them? I bet they will say it was all their idea.
  • 2. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:35:13 EST
    Although the id game is likely to be much better.
  • 12. lubby - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 20:02:42 EST
    That game was called Scavenger. It was previewed at E3 '05. You can probably still find some gossip about it searching google. No publisher had any interest in picking it up though. The game definately had potential, and yes it had a lot in common with Rage. No publisher wanted it though. Right now its sitting on a hard disk inside Midway Studios vaults.
  • 13. Anonymous - Thu, 30 Aug 2007 23:12:25 EST
    Six of the companies that have links on the side there. Are American owend some were all ready american but still that's bad.

    No it's shocking im with gendo on this. Stop selling yourselves of. Make kick a** AAA games that sell like hot cakes and start buying foreign game companies.
    Get powerful by buying them out. less compatishon equal's more mony $$$. Our film companies did this kind of crap years ago and look at our film industry.

    It's a god dam joke especially for one off the richest places in the world. Australia land where foreigners own every thing. Every thing in QLD and sydney is Japanese. It's kind of funny.

    Our game industry is heading the same way (im actually saying this) our film industry did.
    Sorry for any bad spelling guys.

  • 14. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:09:29 EST
    Lol that is so true the japanese own heaps of stuff.

    Now forward this terrible news. Why did Ir do this I thought they were going places. But now that they have done this im not so certain that's going to happen.

    God why do our companies do this. Perhaps our companies are in worst shape than we thought. 6 american owned and 5 australian companies that's bad guys.

  • 15. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:21:19 EST
    Red Mile kinda dragged IR Gurus out of the dirt really. I was working there a few years ago, and IR Gurus were having problems paying their staff. Then inside the company they announced that they were going to get bought out by Red Mile (well they didn't announce who it was but everyone knew).

    They already had a working history with Red Mile, since Red Mile was the publisher involved with Heroes of the Pacific.

    Red Mile started making some capital injections into the company, and the company managed to avoid another perception situation where employees sit around for months without pay.

    Red Mile has given IR a lot of freedom, they own the company but they are allowing IR to run themselves and keep a very similar management structure to what was there previously.

  • 16. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17:26:06 EST
    That's only half the story. It gets worse. Much worse.
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 18:21:51 EST
    Tell us the rest.
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 18:21:51 EST
    Tell us the rest.
  • 17. Anonymous - Fri, 31 Aug 2007 20:38:24 EST
    Yeah, I doubt that IR had a choice in selling, I think they pretty much had to. And as for Krome coming to the rescue, I really F@$king doubt it.
  • 1. Anonymous - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 11:45:00 EST
    It would be funny if they did krome power lol.
  • 1. Anonymous - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 11:45:00 EST
    It would be funny if they did krome power lol.
  • 18. southern star - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 11:48:20 EST
    Redtrib maybe workig on madmax. Well they are making games that were movie's. It sound's like madmax any way. Scavenger made me think about it.
  • 19. Ex Dude - Sat, 1 Sep 2007 14:04:53 EST
    "Redtrib maybe workig on madmax. Well they are making games that were movie's. It sound's like madmax any way. Scavenger made me think about it."

    English language strikes again!

  • 20. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 14:58:19 EST
    We're very good at making things look good at gurus. Unfortunately management is very poor at managing the company's finances. You never know if the company will go bankrupt in any given month and we've gone without pay altogether in the past. If it wasn't for government handouts we would've gone under years ago. Time to dust off the old CV!
  • 21. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 16:00:31 EST
    Can anyone comment on whether IR have a history of hitting their schedules? That can obviously impact on getting paid.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 17:36:37 EST
    At the time they were having difficulties paying their staff they were having problems hitting milestones. AFL 2005 was drastically delayed, Sony wanted the release for the mid-AFL season and instead the product was released grand final time.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 18:32:15 EST
    Maybe they should have made a game that was a universal theme. In stead of lame a** footy game's that were getting worse every time. And only like what 5000 6000 people would get the game. the only good one is one of the 2D footy games.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 18:32:15 EST
    Maybe they should have made a game that was a universal theme. In stead of lame a** footy game's that were getting worse every time. And only like what 5000 6000 people would get the game. the only good one is one of the 2D footy games.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 17:36:37 EST
    At the time they were having difficulties paying their staff they were having problems hitting milestones. AFL 2005 was drastically delayed, Sony wanted the release for the mid-AFL season and instead the product was released grand final time.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 18:32:15 EST
    Maybe they should have made a game that was a universal theme. In stead of lame a** footy game's that were getting worse every time. And only like what 5000 6000 people would get the game. the only good one is one of the 2D footy games.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 18:32:15 EST
    Maybe they should have made a game that was a universal theme. In stead of lame a** footy game's that were getting worse every time. And only like what 5000 6000 people would get the game. the only good one is one of the 2D footy games.
  • 22. Anonymous - Mon, 3 Sep 2007 20:52:16 EST
    I work for Gurus, I really doubt poster 20 ever has. The government has never bailed out the company, or given it handouts, in fact number of other devolpers have recieved significat giverment 'Start' grants, which IR has not recieved.
  • 23. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 09:16:41 EST
    Actually your wrong 22. IR Gurus received a very large sum of government money. AFL received more than $1M which kept the company afloat. There were false statement in the application that allowed them to secure the money - fraudulent statements. They also received numerous grants from DMF over the years through various 'associated' companies. This adds up to millions. No other Australian game studio has received money in this manner except IR Gurus due to their 'special' relationship with government.
  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 5 Sep 2007 18:09:39 EST
    Not that I want to add fuel to the fire, but... I think this is very, very true.

    A while ago, IR started a company called Antjuice, the idea being that they were going to start another team to scoop up the remnants of Bullant.

    That Game is or was another one, and probably not the only one. And IR have gotten funding from government sources. So the above does sound about right.

  • 1. Anonymous - Wed, 5 Sep 2007 18:09:39 EST
    Not that I want to add fuel to the fire, but... I think this is very, very true.

    A while ago, IR started a company called Antjuice, the idea being that they were going to start another team to scoop up the remnants of Bullant.

    That Game is or was another one, and probably not the only one. And IR have gotten funding from government sources. So the above does sound about right.

  • 24. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 09:36:36 EST
    Poster 23 needs to do some homework.

    Kome, Auran, Ratbag, Microforte all recived millions( each) in federal "Start" grants (although Ratbags was paid back when it shut down).
    IR has recived 1 DMF grant, which would be sub 100k.

  • 25. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:54:14 EST
    Actually, if you count ThatGame, Gurus has received at least 3 DMF grants for projects.

    Film Vic have to publicly declare all of their funding decisions and a little bit of googling found:

    1 for Heroes of the Pacific: google for - dmf "heroes of the pacific"
    1 for Doctor Who: google for - dmf "Doctor Who" (you'll have to search for DMF in the content)
    1 for Beyond Elite: google for - dmf "beyond elite" (slightly bad form to link to a comment on the same forum, but there's more info there and from my understanding the details are accurate.)

    Sadly, the original releases don't seem to be available any longer.

    Oh, and I'm not poster 23.

  • 26. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:13:50 EST
    Technically what your saying is correct. But you're omitting key information. Yes IR has recieved only 1 DMF grant. What about associated companies ? What about the fact that it did recieve more than $1M from the state government. No it's not the DMF, but it's still government money.
  • 27. Ex Dude - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:25:15 EST
    Oh FFS - who really bloody cares oh got what grant and who did what?

    IR Gurus make games, they will still make games, and they will still employ Australians. The fact that they're are now owned by Red Mile makes no bloody difference.

    Sumea's news comments are generated by loser n00bs that suffer from tall-poppy syndrome, and it's bloody sad. Go home to yer Mums....

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:49:34 EST
    We loose mony from export's dumb a**. And not much goes back to our own industry.
  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:23:39 EST

    Loose - lose
    mony - money
    export's - exports


    The company is still in Melbourne, and they're still employing Australians. Most Australian-made games are published by overseas companies anyway, so a large portion of 'exports' are already lost. Until an Australian publisher opens up, we will ALWAYS lose money overseas.

    Go home to your Mum, and ask her to teach you how to spell!

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:23:39 EST

    Loose - lose
    mony - money
    export's - exports


    The company is still in Melbourne, and they're still employing Australians. Most Australian-made games are published by overseas companies anyway, so a large portion of 'exports' are already lost. Until an Australian publisher opens up, we will ALWAYS lose money overseas.

    Go home to your Mum, and ask her to teach you how to spell!

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:49:34 EST
    We loose mony from export's dumb a**. And not much goes back to our own industry.
  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:23:39 EST

    Loose - lose
    mony - money
    export's - exports


    The company is still in Melbourne, and they're still employing Australians. Most Australian-made games are published by overseas companies anyway, so a large portion of 'exports' are already lost. Until an Australian publisher opens up, we will ALWAYS lose money overseas.

    Go home to your Mum, and ask her to teach you how to spell!

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:23:39 EST

    Loose - lose
    mony - money
    export's - exports


    The company is still in Melbourne, and they're still employing Australians. Most Australian-made games are published by overseas companies anyway, so a large portion of 'exports' are already lost. Until an Australian publisher opens up, we will ALWAYS lose money overseas.

    Go home to your Mum, and ask her to teach you how to spell!

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:27:30 EST
    Love a good Smackdown!

    Actually, exports are a good thing for the country, not a bad thing. It means we're selling our home grown produce (whether that's primary or secondary industries - look it up) and importing "less," creating more jobs for locals.

  • 28. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 11:39:02 EST
    If used appropriately, grants are good. They help companies grow, keep people employed, which helps the economy and people consume etc. This also hopefully creates some Australian owned IP.

    The fact that they've been bought by a foreign company might be (emotionally) sad, and the IP gos overseas but the fact is it's a global economy and it's tough to compete in the world scale with rising dev costs etc without some help...

    Running any business is tough, let alone one that costs millions a year just to keep the doors open. No business person would knock back a govt grant or refuse to at least entertain an offer of being bought out by another company. If you don't agree with that, you've never had the stress of running a business or are a youngun' who doesn't know any better.

    Good luck to all at IR. Mgmt and devs alike.

  • 29. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 12:41:30 EST
    Yes if used appropriately. Look at the details of the Film Vic funding and how that was secured.
  • 30. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 18:59:02 EST
    If american game companies can make good IP with like no help from anyone.
    What makes it so hard for us I wonder?
  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 22:14:28 EST
    It's pretty simple really... Access to cash first and foremost. Secondly, talent pool.
  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 4 Sep 2007 22:14:28 EST
    It's pretty simple really... Access to cash first and foremost. Secondly, talent pool.
  • 31. Anonymous - Thu, 6 Sep 2007 14:47:17 EST
    You can find the sale terms here...

  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 7 Sep 2007 00:05:23 EST
    IR Gurus sold for $5.5 million in stocks and cash payments
  • 1. Anonymous - Fri, 7 Sep 2007 00:05:23 EST
    IR Gurus sold for $5.5 million in stocks and cash payments
  • 32. Employee #37 - Fri, 7 Sep 2007 10:38:19 EST
    There's a good summary page that describes exactly how much each person gets in stocks and cash. The interesting part is that the whole deal is dependant on raising money. Given how little Red Mile is raising in cash, and given the cost of raising that money (they don't get all of it) and now in light of the amounts of money being paid to existing shareholders, and given how little money there is in cash reserves, the question has to be asked; how are they going to fund any further game development ? I guess if you get paid out it doesn't really matter anymore
  • 33. Anonymous - Fri, 7 Sep 2007 21:42:26 EST
    Yeah, I wonder how much the locals (studio heads) really do mean and want to do the original IP stuff -- they beat that drum all the time yet they seem to only give it lip-service.

    Me thinks that what they really want, is to dress things up that way to get talent, build up their studio by doing the outsource thing - licensed titles. And then sell off the studio to a publisher to make their money.

    Hope it's not the case, but... it looks more and more to me like it is ;).

  • 34. Mick - Sat, 8 Sep 2007 10:26:35 EST
    #33 you're making some huge asumptions there. You're obviously talking about Team Bondi, Tantalus etc. I know lots of people that don't care if the game is 'original IP' or not. For a lot of us who have been in the industry for a while, it makes no difference whatsoever if it's 'original' or 'slightly less original'. I don't think making an original game has anything to do with attracting talent. More likely it would scare off the really talented guys unless the company was rolling in cash (like a publisher). Original titles/games are very risky business. I don't think there are any studios in Australia with the kind of money that would allow them to make thier own game wihtout publisher involvement. Unfortunately that's the only way Australia will have its own game publisher. It's not going to happen.
  • 1. Anonymous - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 14:14:36 EST
    I'm not so sure that an Australian publisher is needed as so much as a break-out title is needed - developed here by a local studio.

    So far we haven't had one, and every major development region or hot-spot, has had that very think happen.

    It's kind of a "Catch 22," in that you still need the funding for the break-out title, yet, that is hard to come by -- especially the amounts you will most likely need to do it with. But, so far locals have secured funding for a few original IP titles... so hope is not lost.

    Also, a break-out title, will attract a hell of a lot of interest and funding -- not to mention turn that studio into a quasi publisher.

    In addition, just because you don't have a huge budget, doesn't mean that you can't have high production values -- I think some in the local Australian film industry are starting to see this (Gabriel, to be released in November here ?).

    These too, can be "break-out" titles :).

    BTW: I agree with 35 (Chameleon) more, in that original IP is where the real money is. Always has been, always will be -- face it, fee-for-service work is going to dry up as work moves to other Asian regions ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 14:14:36 EST
    I'm not so sure that an Australian publisher is needed as so much as a break-out title is needed - developed here by a local studio.

    So far we haven't had one, and every major development region or hot-spot, has had that very think happen.

    It's kind of a "Catch 22," in that you still need the funding for the break-out title, yet, that is hard to come by -- especially the amounts you will most likely need to do it with. But, so far locals have secured funding for a few original IP titles... so hope is not lost.

    Also, a break-out title, will attract a hell of a lot of interest and funding -- not to mention turn that studio into a quasi publisher.

    In addition, just because you don't have a huge budget, doesn't mean that you can't have high production values -- I think some in the local Australian film industry are starting to see this (Gabriel, to be released in November here ?).

    These too, can be "break-out" titles :).

    BTW: I agree with 35 (Chameleon) more, in that original IP is where the real money is. Always has been, always will be -- face it, fee-for-service work is going to dry up as work moves to other Asian regions ;).

  • 35. Chameleon - Sat, 8 Sep 2007 13:15:45 EST
    Original IP is where the real money is, and just about every studio in Australia wants to make their own IP, but what many people don't seem to contemplate is that developing original IP requires money, usually in the millions for anything above a mobile or GBA title.

    Publishers are generally risk averse, if they are going to take a risk it will be with a studio they can trust that can consistently produce excellent results, the only avenue many studios have to build up this relationship is via licensed titles. You will generally see studios trying to work with the same publisher again and again to build up that rapport so they're more likely to take a chance on working with you on the more exciting original titles. IR did that with Red Mile, Torus does that with Activision, and Tantalus does that with THQ and Eidos. Incidentally Tantalus is working on an original title at the moment that was only possible due to a good developer-publisher relationship.

    Sometimes a publisher will buy a developer to reduce cost if they are considering a closer relationship to develop new IP, sometimes this turns nasty like Midway and Ratbag, but other times this gives the developer more creative freedom, and allows them to break away from licensed IP. Everyone I have talked to at IR about this has been happy with the change. That said, I haven’t talked to every single person at IR, and there are always people that are unhappy when any change is made, you will never please everyone.

    It is a shame to lose the identity of local developers, but unless Australian games developers can do more to get more local investment this is the only avenue many developers have.

  • 36. Anonymous - Sat, 8 Sep 2007 20:15:40 EST
    It seems to me that the Australian game development industry has reached the brink, the critical point, of which will either lead to success or catastrophe.

    I wonder which one it will be...

  • 1. Anonymous - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 00:57:55 EST
    I absolutely agree. The media has been talking about the turning point period in the industry for a long while now, and I think this is the absolute peak of it. This is the time where we find out if studios can cut it or cannot.
  • 1. Anonymous - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 00:57:55 EST
    I absolutely agree. The media has been talking about the turning point period in the industry for a long while now, and I think this is the absolute peak of it. This is the time where we find out if studios can cut it or cannot.
  • 37. Anonymous - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 17:58:15 EST
    Why isn't their more than one australian publisher in australia?
    I can only think of auron's one can't remember the name though it's a strange one.

    Talking about publisher's and stuff made me think about it.

    It's strange they have not set up a distribution arm in north america and europe isn't it?

    It would bring home the bacon $$$ :o)

  • 38. Anonymous - Sun, 9 Sep 2007 23:24:28 EST
    Fingers crossed for Pandemic, Fuzzyeyes and Auran then. Those guys are working on the biggest new IPs in Australia as far as I can tell. Hopefully they can be the straw that breaks the camel's back and open the floodgates for more original IPs in Australia without developers being Hollywood's whipping boy for a decade first, or just indefinitely.
  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 00:32:24 EST
    Hell yeah fuzzy's game is going to rock. Edge of twilight's website has nice music and nice pictures.

    All though I gess you can sort of say. Edge of twilight is about racists trying to kill each other. Fury should be good to I hope.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:37:13 EST
    So far all I have seen of "Edge of Twilight" is a bunch of concept art.

    No screen shots of in-game assets...

    No technology proofs...

    No gameplay...

    No vids of said gameplay in action...

    No playable demo...

    How is it supposed to be so great exactly?

    Can someone tell me this or are we all just a bunch of ignorant fan-boys without a clue and easily fooled by concept art?

    I suppose it stands to reason, there was that whole U-235 studios thing, where you all thought the roads were paved with gold for their future, instead of in something stinky and brown... :/

    FYI: I am more than happy for someone to prove me wrong in this case ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:37:13 EST
    So far all I have seen of "Edge of Twilight" is a bunch of concept art.

    No screen shots of in-game assets...

    No technology proofs...

    No gameplay...

    No vids of said gameplay in action...

    No playable demo...

    How is it supposed to be so great exactly?

    Can someone tell me this or are we all just a bunch of ignorant fan-boys without a clue and easily fooled by concept art?

    I suppose it stands to reason, there was that whole U-235 studios thing, where you all thought the roads were paved with gold for their future, instead of in something stinky and brown... :/

    FYI: I am more than happy for someone to prove me wrong in this case ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 00:32:24 EST
    Hell yeah fuzzy's game is going to rock. Edge of twilight's website has nice music and nice pictures.

    All though I gess you can sort of say. Edge of twilight is about racists trying to kill each other. Fury should be good to I hope.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:37:13 EST
    So far all I have seen of "Edge of Twilight" is a bunch of concept art.

    No screen shots of in-game assets...

    No technology proofs...

    No gameplay...

    No vids of said gameplay in action...

    No playable demo...

    How is it supposed to be so great exactly?

    Can someone tell me this or are we all just a bunch of ignorant fan-boys without a clue and easily fooled by concept art?

    I suppose it stands to reason, there was that whole U-235 studios thing, where you all thought the roads were paved with gold for their future, instead of in something stinky and brown... :/

    FYI: I am more than happy for someone to prove me wrong in this case ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:37:13 EST
    So far all I have seen of "Edge of Twilight" is a bunch of concept art.

    No screen shots of in-game assets...

    No technology proofs...

    No gameplay...

    No vids of said gameplay in action...

    No playable demo...

    How is it supposed to be so great exactly?

    Can someone tell me this or are we all just a bunch of ignorant fan-boys without a clue and easily fooled by concept art?

    I suppose it stands to reason, there was that whole U-235 studios thing, where you all thought the roads were paved with gold for their future, instead of in something stinky and brown... :/

    FYI: I am more than happy for someone to prove me wrong in this case ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 16:00:07 EST
    The srory sounds good.
  • 2. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:03:49 EST
    Yeah, sucks that games aren't 100(percent) made as soon as someone thinks of them. Can you fix that please? I want to see the game has gone gold before I hear of it.

    And yeah, as the other guy said, the srory sounds good. The story too. But I'm more a fan of the srory.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:51:24 EST
    I think you've missed the point... and that is that the game is just a concept as far as I can tell. Sure, hope it achieves its goals, but, don't go on about it like it is already a hit when all you've got to go on is some of the story and some concept art.

    That's eating retard sandwiches ;).

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 1. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:21:26 EST
    I don't put retards on my sandwiches! That's terrible :(

    But I do agree it'd be nice to see some screenshots. Even just some early ones. Man, we really derailed this topic didn't we? I blame Anonymous.

  • 39. Anonymous - Tue, 11 Sep 2007 20:00:50 EST
    I think you mean me lol.
  • 40. Anonymous - Sun, 16 Sep 2007 18:11:01 EST
    From the SEC - suggests that Red Mile needs to raise 15m USD and float on an approved stock exchange before IR Gurus get their money. Very tough stock market conditions at the moment to do a capital raising IMO.
  • 41. Anonymous - Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:23:24 EST
    That would give them enough money for one serious AAA title and a 2nd smaller game. Even if they managed to raise the cash, that's not enough money to do what they want to do. Not even close. You need to look at the cost of raising the money, marketing/ distribution costs and the time it takes to get money back from game sales. It just doesn't add up.