reports on a bizarre killing that puts some blame on a popular computer game...
"A COURT has been told two men dressed as characters from a computer game shot a man dead in front of his family during a home invasion in Sydney...Crown Prosecutor James Bennett SC, told the court Mr Em and another man invaded the Logozzos' home shortly after midnight, dressed as characters from the computer game Counter Strike."
Could it possibly be that the two men wore combat gear because it suited the occasion, rather than imitating a computer game?
Stop The Press! Americans attacked the Iraqi town of Fallujah today dressed in Medal Of Honor clothing. Eyewitnesses reported seeing men dressed in combat clothing, helmets and carrying guns just like in the violent war-based computer game.
It is easy to blame a computer game for something that someoen does, than the person who goes out and harms someone.
It is the same old story, the minority causes the problem, the majority will have to suffer the consequences.