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Binaryspacegames journaling indie flash game development

Jay Weston, ex-Rat Bag Games employee, owner of Hyperfocal Designs (supplier of some of the best quality texture packages around), and a person I've known through Sumea for years and years now, has started a new website called Jay is grouping up with friend and also ex-Rat Bagger, Saxon Druce, and both will be journaling their progress on Binaryspacegames as they venture out into the field of profitable indie flash-based game development.

The guys are in the early stages of their first game. From Binaryspacegames...

At the moment our game is at very early stages, and we’re familiarizing ourselves with how the whole industry works. There’s just the two of us, a programmer and myself (artist/designer), so the whole thing is run very much like a small business I suppose, with the owners doing a bit of everything whilst trying to steer the ship. So yes we are in this to make money as well as make fun games.

So, how exactly do people actually make money off flash games, and where do you start? I'm glad you asked, although unfortunatey I have absolutely no idea. Jay has looked into all of that and a whole lot more, so be sure to head to and have a look through all their journal entries. If you're into profitable Flash game development, be sure to bookmark their site and follow their efforts on twitter!