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Control Games with Your Mind

Imagine doing away with hands completely and controlling games directly with your mind. Sounds like a great idea, and it looks like an Australian company is showcasing such technology at the Game Developers Conference this year. The helmet from Emotiv Systems claims to read your brain waves, and a software solution will also read your facial expressions as well...

There are three key software elements accompanying the hardware: Expressiv, Affectiv and Cognitiv. Expressiv identifies facial expressions to allow games developers to create characters that will interact with you accordingly while Affectiv measures players' discreet emotional states like excitement or calmness. The Cognitiv suite detects players' conscious thoughts, letting them move or manipulate objects in the game with brain power alone.

The device has had received some scrutiny though, with some experts doubting its real ability to read and interpret brain signals, but here's hoping Emotiv Systems are onto something great.

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