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Qantm Sponsors Sumea

I'm happy to announce that Qantm has joined in to support Sumea as an official sponsor of the site. Qantm are a big name in the competitve game education sector of the local games industry and have been accounted for getting a tonne of students into the games industry. Things seem to be really on the move for Qantm - they've been active in getting their name out there with a presence at E3, they took part in showcasing their work at SupaNova, and they're currently expanding their services interstate and setting up a campus in Melbourne. Their last open day last May was a huge success which was attended by 170+ hopeful students, and so 2007 is set to be a bumper year for Qantm.

And as you're well aware, Qantm took out a whopping third of the votes to take out the prestigious title of "Games Educator of the Year" in the 2005 Sumea Awards, and so we're very much pleased to have them onboard as sponsors for the site!