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Stargate Concept Art Download


An ex-Perception employee has posted a download link on a popular Stargate fansite forum which points to some fantastic concept art created for the now defunct Stargate SG-1: The Alliance game. There's some amazing work there, all of which seems to be from the very talented Grant Regan, or better known on Sumea as Unit.

Grant's currently working for Funcom on Age of Conan in Oslo, Norway, and I'm sure he'd be a bit delighted that his efforts for that game can be at least seen now :o)

Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 11/03/06 - 2:47 PMPermalink

  • 1. unit - Mon, 13 Mar 2006 6:14:9Z
    hmm. I wonder who posted this. No matter.

    Ack. Some of that work makes me cringe now. There wasn't all that much time to spend on it given how little time I had to work on it but I hope people enjoy this 'behind the scenes' glimpse. Thanks for the heads up Souri!

  • 2. Souri - Tue, 14 Mar 2006 18:0:35Z
    Are you kidding?! All the art in there is great! :) The concepts and architecture designs you created are awesome, and some of the coloured concepts in there is *incredible* (number 14 and 19 are worthy of hanging on a wall or inclusion in a ballistics publishing book :).
  • 3. Makk - Tue, 14 Mar 2006 20:57:32Z
    Hey! Im a big fan of your marker renderings :)
  • 4. unit - Wed, 15 Mar 2006 1:49:33Z
    Cheers guys. :)