Locally developed Half-Life 2 mod called Dystopia is finally coming! Set your alarm clocks for Saturday morning and join other eager fans in downloading this highly anticipated title. Dystopia could be described as a team-based first person shooter set in the future with mission objectives and classes for characters...
"By far the most common question we've recieved during development has been; "when's Dystopia coming out?" Right up until today the answer has always been "when it's done". Well, the last week of testing has made the team very confident that the Dystopia demo is indeed done. We are aiming to release the demo before 11:59pm GMT on 9th of September 2005. 09:59:00 Saturday September 10, 2005 in Australia/Brisbane" It's been an incredible 2 years since the Dystopia project was kicked off and as you can imagine everyone who's played a part is extremely eager to see what the gaming public's reaction is to it. You can help us out by spreading word about the imminent release, especially to server admins.