Well hey this section hasn't been used in a while.
Anyway i had a though last night. Perhaps you should add a section for designers/writers so they can upload game treatments, design docs or stories they have written.
I think everyone will agree that the design of the game is the most important aspect so i think the those guys should be able to contribute rather than the artist being the only ones who get to submit stuff. (i know that games design can be seen as an artform)
you never know maybe a designer could get "noticed" because of it.[:D]
Anyway just a thought.
It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!
Well it might be good to have a Misc section on Sumea, but I doubt that you'll be hired based on an existing game design. That simply doesn't happen, although if someone wants to they could put their document up here for people to comment on / make fun of.