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New ACMI gameslab exhibition

Submitted by lorien on

Don't know why, but some people at ACMI are a little slack about letting sumea know what they are doing...

There is a new exhibition, the (strictly by RSVPd invite only) opening is tonight. The exhibition is

Best of the Independent Games Festival 2005
Point and Tilt: Mobile Phone Camera Games

The Games Lab is on the ground floor.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/10/05 - 1:13 AMPermalink

I got the email, but like you said, isn't it invite only? The pdf invitation that you're supposed to print out and present to get in says it's not transferrable. I didn't want to be putting that up on the main page.

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 12/10/05 - 2:09 AMPermalink

That PDF is an invite to the opening. The exhibition will (afaik) be on display for 3 months or so- that's how long they are normally up for. So far all Games Lab exhibitions have been free entry.

To be completely clear: it's only the openings that are by invite only. After the opening everyone is welcome.

The openings are by RSVPd invite only for catering and budget reasons, amongst others.

In case anyone is wondering why I'm posting this and why I get these invites it's because I was on the acmipark team (selectparks). Also I've provided free tech support for acmipark for almost 2 years now.

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 12/10/05 - 8:23 AMPermalink

It is well worth seeing if you are in Melbourne or visiting. This exhibition runs until December 11- 2 months. The mobile phone games are augmented reality prototypes eg I played ping pong with another person, both of us using camera phones, sitting at a special table with some calibration patterns. You use a phone button to serve, the tilt of the phone determines the angle at which you hit the ball back to your opponent.

Lots of chatting and a little alcohol means I'll be going back to try out the IGF games, but that's normal for an exhibition opening.

Submitted by lorien on Fri, 14/10/05 - 8:51 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by miranda

Hey Lorien, I think I may have met you there!

I would definately recommend [url=""]Point and Tilt[/url] becasue I worked on the project! haha

Anyway, it was a good night and I hope everyone enjoys the exhibitions.

Yep, that was me Miranda, hi again [:)]

Posted by lorien on

Don't know why, but some people at ACMI are a little slack about letting sumea know what they are doing...

There is a new exhibition, the (strictly by RSVPd invite only) opening is tonight. The exhibition is

Best of the Independent Games Festival 2005
Point and Tilt: Mobile Phone Camera Games

The Games Lab is on the ground floor.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 12/10/05 - 1:13 AMPermalink

I got the email, but like you said, isn't it invite only? The pdf invitation that you're supposed to print out and present to get in says it's not transferrable. I didn't want to be putting that up on the main page.

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 12/10/05 - 2:09 AMPermalink

That PDF is an invite to the opening. The exhibition will (afaik) be on display for 3 months or so- that's how long they are normally up for. So far all Games Lab exhibitions have been free entry.

To be completely clear: it's only the openings that are by invite only. After the opening everyone is welcome.

The openings are by RSVPd invite only for catering and budget reasons, amongst others.

In case anyone is wondering why I'm posting this and why I get these invites it's because I was on the acmipark team (selectparks). Also I've provided free tech support for acmipark for almost 2 years now.

Submitted by lorien on Wed, 12/10/05 - 8:23 AMPermalink

It is well worth seeing if you are in Melbourne or visiting. This exhibition runs until December 11- 2 months. The mobile phone games are augmented reality prototypes eg I played ping pong with another person, both of us using camera phones, sitting at a special table with some calibration patterns. You use a phone button to serve, the tilt of the phone determines the angle at which you hit the ball back to your opponent.

Lots of chatting and a little alcohol means I'll be going back to try out the IGF games, but that's normal for an exhibition opening.

Submitted by lorien on Fri, 14/10/05 - 8:51 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by miranda

Hey Lorien, I think I may have met you there!

I would definately recommend [url=""]Point and Tilt[/url] becasue I worked on the project! haha

Anyway, it was a good night and I hope everyone enjoys the exhibitions.

Yep, that was me Miranda, hi again [:)]