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Aussie App Sale starts this weekend

The Aussie App Sale kicks off this weekend! For the holiday season, many Aussie app developers will be dropping the cost of their apps down to a measly 99 cents for an entire month. If you ever wanted to check out some home grown apps, this is the place to be.

There's a whole variety of apps to grab from there, with productive applications that cover photography, property, TV guides, gamebooks to music tappers. And there are plenty of awesome games from local games developers too.

Tin Man Games' Game Book Adventures #5 and #6 will be available during the sale, and the rest.. we're not sure yet until the site launches with the new list! What we do know is that 26 apps will be available, the largest line-up that has seen yet.

Head on over to tomorrow, and keep checking the site out through the coming weeks as more apps get added!