When: Saturday 24 September – Sunday 23 October
Where: National Gallery of Victoria, NGV Studio
The organisers of Freeplay are already on to their next project which will be a month-long fun mixture of art and games to be held at the new NGV Studio gallery space at the National Gallery of Victoria. They're making a call for people who can contribute the following:
Concept / Game Art for a curated wall of game-related art. Design sketches, level outlines, character studies, target renders, mood boards etc
Board Games - temporary donations of interesting contemporary games for play during the Night Board Games sessions on Thursdays throughout the exhibition. Volunteers are also needed to run play-sessions as well.
Game Jam - a chance to show off your game development mettle.
Please contact Freeplay if you have something you'd like to contribute to any of the above at ngv-boardgames@freeplay.net.au
For a more information on the exhibition and requirements, head on over to Freeplay for their complete post at the following link...