Drop Spider Games have released Golem Crusades! For those who aren't clued up about Drop Spider Games, it's headed by Andrew Bailey, the Melbourne-based games developer veteran responsible for the original C64 hits, Druid, and Druid II, way back in the 80's. Here are two articles which will give you a thorough look at who Andrew is and his long and eventful career in the games industry.
Golem Crusades is now finally available for $13.99 from the Golem Crusades website or the following locations:
So, what is Golem Crusades all about? From the website...
Golem Crusades is an arcade fantasy strategic shooter.
Under siege from the forces of evil with only a plasma bolt and a pocket of spells for defence, you must build and command a legion of crusading golems, to reclaim the battered land of Belorn.
* Fast paced instant 360 shooting action.
* Strategic but accessible troop management.
* Frantic, close quarter battles.
* Full scene, all realtime, lighting engine.
* Interactive music system, reacts to ingame events.
Just bought it from Direct2Drive. I went to get it from the main page but the shop server was down.
Don't ask me why, but a champion Druid strutting around nonchalantly blasting things and making golems really appeals. :)
Any reviews out for this game yet? Details seem very thin on the ground apart from excerpts cut and pasted from the officaial site.