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IGDA Melbourne is aiming to outdo their past four Christmas gatherings and plans to make this year's end-of-year-event for their local games developer chapter a HUGE one. Their Ninja Clapping themed event signalling off 2011 was an extremely successful campaign on Pozible so it's no surprise that they're going the crowd sourcing route again for this year. A successfully funded campaign will mean a fully catered event with BBQ and drinks at the Edinburgh Gardens on Saturday, the 8th of December. Additional funds will go towards extra entertainment and dessert for patrons if they past their goal of $5,000. If you plan on going on going to IGDA Melbourne's Christmas event, you will absolutely need to make a pledge to the ZOMGWTFIGDAMBBQ Christmas campaign to get yourselves on the list...
The only way to get a ticket to ZOMGWTFIGDAMBBQ is by supporting this campaign. Having crunched numbers for the expected 150 people turnout more than $6000 would be sensational, but it can happen with $5000.
There are some excellent rewards for those who want to put in a higher contribution, so check out their Pozible campaign page and see what suits you.