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Digital Media Producer / Editor

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Application Deadline

During the development of our motorsport titles we will be creating a plethora of different content types to encourage engagement and community building. We will also be bringing the audience into the fold to allow for instant and frequent feedback of design and game direction in order to not only deliver the best product possible, but to create high quality entertainment while doing so. The GMG media strategy is to be relevant and have games, not relevant because we have games.

We’re looking for a Marketing Producer to join our team and get their hands dirty working with our marketing team to execute this media strategy. Reporting to a Marketing Director, we are looking for a Digital Media Producer to join our marketing team to plan out and create a range of different media types.

Some examples of content types we plan to develop:


  • Video Development Logs: Weekly wrap ups of the team's work presented in an easy to digest, educational and entertaining fashion. Including snippets of recorded design and development meetings that give the audience behind the scenes look at what a video game company is like and the work involved.
  • Car builds: The team as GMG has multiple street and drift vehicles, we will have a series where we pull apart and upgrade these cars both at the GMG studio, and at other locations involving industry experts.
  • Podcast: A mix of interviews with leading drift and Motorsport legends and video game development. The team will deliver long form audio with the goal of educating and entertaining our audience to keep them engaged with the product and company.
  • Written: Blog style posts which are summaries of long form content, technical breakdowns, staff stories and industry news. Posted on platforms such as Medium.


Video content sliced from long form media and from the day to day of the GMG treehouse. Distributed via a dedicated “Clips” channel on Youtube and also featured on TikTok and Instagram. Snippets of Long-form Podcast and written posts are posted to Twitter, and translated to images for Instagram where appropriate.

Please follow the link below to find out more and how to apply!