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Perth Game Developers

Submitted by Skribble on

I was just wondering who here was from perth and what your job/course is?
it would be good to know that im not on my own in hoping for a game dev career.

Submitted by DaMunkee on Mon, 28/06/04 - 3:47 PMPermalink

Hehe, I use to be in the game industry (as of last week I quit) and will be moving to perth on July 7th. :)

Submitted by palantir on Mon, 28/06/04 - 8:44 PMPermalink

I wouldn?t worry about it mate, if your willing to put in the years of hard work to get good enough to work in the games industry, I?m sure by the time you break into the industry you would consider moving to a different state a small issue. I think its more important to worry about getting the necessary skills then to worry about wether or not you will be able to find work in your home town/city. [:)]

I?ll also point out that:
? It?s a growing industry and who really knows what the employment situation will be like in the future
? There are some developers in Perth, so you may manage to get a job at home
? Many people manage to sustain games development work online ? In that case it doesn?t really matter where you live!

It?s probably best to focus on your education before getting too worried about your future career. If you have the skills, you?ll get a career, no matter where you are based. [:)]

Submitted by Skribble on Tue, 29/06/04 - 1:55 AMPermalink

haha yeh dude im not worried about moving at all, in fact i would like to move from here, maybe to gold coast or sumthing. i was just wondering how many people were from perth thats all [^]

Submitted by anjamac on Sun, 18/07/04 - 9:07 PMPermalink

I run a web site at I would like some information on how to start getting quotes etc. for programming a quiz game that I have developed. If you know anyone who might be interested could you please give them my email address ''

Thank you in advance.

Submitted by Majeeva on Tue, 20/07/04 - 2:25 AMPermalink

I'm from perth, also starting on my career. I start a diploma in 3d animation in august, can't wait!

Posted by Skribble on

I was just wondering who here was from perth and what your job/course is?
it would be good to know that im not on my own in hoping for a game dev career.

Submitted by DaMunkee on Mon, 28/06/04 - 3:47 PMPermalink

Hehe, I use to be in the game industry (as of last week I quit) and will be moving to perth on July 7th. :)

Submitted by palantir on Mon, 28/06/04 - 8:44 PMPermalink

I wouldn?t worry about it mate, if your willing to put in the years of hard work to get good enough to work in the games industry, I?m sure by the time you break into the industry you would consider moving to a different state a small issue. I think its more important to worry about getting the necessary skills then to worry about wether or not you will be able to find work in your home town/city. [:)]

I?ll also point out that:
? It?s a growing industry and who really knows what the employment situation will be like in the future
? There are some developers in Perth, so you may manage to get a job at home
? Many people manage to sustain games development work online ? In that case it doesn?t really matter where you live!

It?s probably best to focus on your education before getting too worried about your future career. If you have the skills, you?ll get a career, no matter where you are based. [:)]

Submitted by Skribble on Tue, 29/06/04 - 1:55 AMPermalink

haha yeh dude im not worried about moving at all, in fact i would like to move from here, maybe to gold coast or sumthing. i was just wondering how many people were from perth thats all [^]

Submitted by anjamac on Sun, 18/07/04 - 9:07 PMPermalink

I run a web site at I would like some information on how to start getting quotes etc. for programming a quiz game that I have developed. If you know anyone who might be interested could you please give them my email address ''

Thank you in advance.

Submitted by Majeeva on Tue, 20/07/04 - 2:25 AMPermalink

I'm from perth, also starting on my career. I start a diploma in 3d animation in august, can't wait!