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Tell me whatcha think

Submitted by moleman124 on

Hey guys, new to the forum and only discoverd it yesterday, looks like ive been missing out on the fun. SO rather than posting asking for help or something. i've decided to share my first born


hope you enjoy. and btw ive just finished first year(of 2) in diploma in software engineering corse in NZ, this was one of my final projects.

im trying/learning to be a geek. i promise [8D]

~ cheers

p.s it is writtin in C so dont bust my balls 2 hard :P

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 28/11/04 - 12:49 AM Permalink

HAHAHA!!! That reminds me of my first C++ Game!

Submitted by WiffleCube on Mon, 29/11/04 - 7:58 PM Permalink

Funny [8D]. Have you contacted any publishers yet?

In seriousness the recorded states of your uhh 'actor'
is a good way to go. If you were to translate that
humour with some graphics it could be a cute bit
of shareware.


Hey guys, new to the forum and only discoverd it yesterday, looks like ive been missing out on the fun. SO rather than posting asking for help or something. i've decided to share my first born


hope you enjoy. and btw ive just finished first year(of 2) in diploma in software engineering corse in NZ, this was one of my final projects.

im trying/learning to be a geek. i promise [8D]

~ cheers

p.s it is writtin in C so dont bust my balls 2 hard :P

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 28/11/04 - 12:49 AM Permalink

HAHAHA!!! That reminds me of my first C++ Game!

Submitted by WiffleCube on Mon, 29/11/04 - 7:58 PM Permalink

Funny [8D]. Have you contacted any publishers yet?

In seriousness the recorded states of your uhh 'actor'
is a good way to go. If you were to translate that
humour with some graphics it could be a cute bit
of shareware.