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Krome Animated Evening

Submitted by Brain on

This is probably damn late notice (I only just got reminded of it, so apologies), but the Queensland Animators Group ( is holding an animated evening with Krome Studios at QANTM 7PM Tuesday night (tomorrow). $5 for civilians, $3 for students and QA members. There'll be Steve Stamatiadis, Jason Stark and Erin Brown. Official info at the QA website under Events.

Hope to seeyas there @:-)

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 25/05/04 - 10:26 AMPermalink

Will be there with bells on [:P] Look for the trenchcoat - if you see me, dont be shy say hi!!

Submitted by Brain on Tue, 25/05/04 - 11:30 PMPermalink

Trenchcoat, noted. Look for the plain black cap, glasses and goatee @:-)

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 25/05/04 - 11:45 PMPermalink

Sound interesting, wish I could go. I only found out about this yesterday but now I've got plans I can't get out of. :(

Does QANTM have this kind of thing often?

Submitted by denz on Wed, 26/05/04 - 7:59 AMPermalink

Just got back, that was pretty awsome, makes me want to be apart of the industry even more. And a free beer, w00t. Oh hang on, three dollar beer![:(!]

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:05 AMPermalink

Wasnt a bad meetup - one thing tho - i didnt like how noone could answer my question of " how many characters are there roughly on the screen at any one time? "

I thought that was a fair and reasonable question, but the lady that was talking i forget her name but mean no harm !! couldnt even give an estimate .. i thought that was strange, they had a engine dev guy there as well - i looked over at him for a responce but still nothing ...???

perhaps someone from krome is willing to share some info!! [:D]

THE footage of King Arthur was very cool, but i was specifically asking questions about the engine specs for a yardstick on our own project, as devious as that is [:P]

Anyhoo - it was a good meeting got to see a couple more of the krome inhabitants - a jolly bunch they are too!

Palantir - qantm has them every 3-4 months depending on whats available - although id like to point out - that this wasnt something qantm put on - it was put on by the "queensland animators" association ( may have got that wrong, but something like that ) and qantm let them use there building to hold it.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:07 AMPermalink

argh denz you should have said you were going [:O]

Submitted by Stu on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:20 AMPermalink

Yeah I just got back, pretty cool. It's nice to see some people taking time out to talk to students. The footage for King Arthur was wicked, it reminded me heavily of the LOTR game, but cool none the less.

I wish I could have stayed for beer but I had to get back to the Coast.[:(]


Submitted by denz on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:33 AMPermalink

hehe I actually mentioned it in the gamedev courses thread [:)] But yeah, next time!

haha, I remember that question hazard. I thought he said up to fifteen at any one time or somthing? I wasn't all to wow'ed by king arthur, I mean it looked cool, but I wasn't like woahhhh.

There were some good insights though, by all the speakers.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:40 AMPermalink

he said 15 ??? man i was way at the back i couldnt hear anything [:O] okay my apologies to space captain steve or whoever answered my question! [:D]

Submitted by spacecaptsteve on Wed, 26/05/04 - 9:02 AMPermalink

Yeah Arthur does about 15 or so. We've lost track of how much stuff we can put on screen in TY 2 but it's getting up towards the 50's.

Glad everyone gained something from the night.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 9:19 AMPermalink

Steve, i know there was lots of discussion about game / movie industries being so different, but what about dev houses like square enix / capcom etc that make huge cg movies with semi-realistic super high poly models etc and massive long cg cutscenes etc,.. i would of thought that would be quite similar to movie industry.

Also does krome have something planned in the works for something like that ? ie a game with some big polycount cg cutscenes?

Submitted by Brain on Wed, 26/05/04 - 9:43 AMPermalink

Yes, t'was a good evening. Always fun to hang back and talk games. People not knowing what E3 or Penny Arcade were was kinda scary, as was being back in the QANTM building (disgruntled students abound still, so it seems @:-) but a tops evening.

We need a big game dev Dance Dance session by the sounds of things. @:-D

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 10:55 AMPermalink

LOL im with that dance dance suggestion, a friend once told me.... " ive never played that game, but you gimme a pill, and ill clock that game no probs " i just stared blankly for quite some time, in disbelief, then... burst out laughing as i could actually see him doing that... and quite possibly suceeding.

Submitted by Leviron on Thu, 27/05/04 - 12:59 AMPermalink

Wow so people actually went to that. I saw them set it up but I decided to go home instead.

Submitted by Stu on Thu, 27/05/04 - 8:52 AMPermalink

I read the post on here at about 5:45 and decided to go (I live on the Gold Coast so it was a bit of a rush, oh and trying to drive and park in Brisbane sucks)


Posted by Brain on

This is probably damn late notice (I only just got reminded of it, so apologies), but the Queensland Animators Group ( is holding an animated evening with Krome Studios at QANTM 7PM Tuesday night (tomorrow). $5 for civilians, $3 for students and QA members. There'll be Steve Stamatiadis, Jason Stark and Erin Brown. Official info at the QA website under Events.

Hope to seeyas there @:-)

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 25/05/04 - 10:26 AMPermalink

Will be there with bells on [:P] Look for the trenchcoat - if you see me, dont be shy say hi!!

Submitted by Brain on Tue, 25/05/04 - 11:30 PMPermalink

Trenchcoat, noted. Look for the plain black cap, glasses and goatee @:-)

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 25/05/04 - 11:45 PMPermalink

Sound interesting, wish I could go. I only found out about this yesterday but now I've got plans I can't get out of. :(

Does QANTM have this kind of thing often?

Submitted by denz on Wed, 26/05/04 - 7:59 AMPermalink

Just got back, that was pretty awsome, makes me want to be apart of the industry even more. And a free beer, w00t. Oh hang on, three dollar beer![:(!]

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:05 AMPermalink

Wasnt a bad meetup - one thing tho - i didnt like how noone could answer my question of " how many characters are there roughly on the screen at any one time? "

I thought that was a fair and reasonable question, but the lady that was talking i forget her name but mean no harm !! couldnt even give an estimate .. i thought that was strange, they had a engine dev guy there as well - i looked over at him for a responce but still nothing ...???

perhaps someone from krome is willing to share some info!! [:D]

THE footage of King Arthur was very cool, but i was specifically asking questions about the engine specs for a yardstick on our own project, as devious as that is [:P]

Anyhoo - it was a good meeting got to see a couple more of the krome inhabitants - a jolly bunch they are too!

Palantir - qantm has them every 3-4 months depending on whats available - although id like to point out - that this wasnt something qantm put on - it was put on by the "queensland animators" association ( may have got that wrong, but something like that ) and qantm let them use there building to hold it.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:07 AMPermalink

argh denz you should have said you were going [:O]

Submitted by Stu on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:20 AMPermalink

Yeah I just got back, pretty cool. It's nice to see some people taking time out to talk to students. The footage for King Arthur was wicked, it reminded me heavily of the LOTR game, but cool none the less.

I wish I could have stayed for beer but I had to get back to the Coast.[:(]


Submitted by denz on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:33 AMPermalink

hehe I actually mentioned it in the gamedev courses thread [:)] But yeah, next time!

haha, I remember that question hazard. I thought he said up to fifteen at any one time or somthing? I wasn't all to wow'ed by king arthur, I mean it looked cool, but I wasn't like woahhhh.

There were some good insights though, by all the speakers.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 8:40 AMPermalink

he said 15 ??? man i was way at the back i couldnt hear anything [:O] okay my apologies to space captain steve or whoever answered my question! [:D]

Submitted by spacecaptsteve on Wed, 26/05/04 - 9:02 AMPermalink

Yeah Arthur does about 15 or so. We've lost track of how much stuff we can put on screen in TY 2 but it's getting up towards the 50's.

Glad everyone gained something from the night.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 9:19 AMPermalink

Steve, i know there was lots of discussion about game / movie industries being so different, but what about dev houses like square enix / capcom etc that make huge cg movies with semi-realistic super high poly models etc and massive long cg cutscenes etc,.. i would of thought that would be quite similar to movie industry.

Also does krome have something planned in the works for something like that ? ie a game with some big polycount cg cutscenes?

Submitted by Brain on Wed, 26/05/04 - 9:43 AMPermalink

Yes, t'was a good evening. Always fun to hang back and talk games. People not knowing what E3 or Penny Arcade were was kinda scary, as was being back in the QANTM building (disgruntled students abound still, so it seems @:-) but a tops evening.

We need a big game dev Dance Dance session by the sounds of things. @:-D

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 26/05/04 - 10:55 AMPermalink

LOL im with that dance dance suggestion, a friend once told me.... " ive never played that game, but you gimme a pill, and ill clock that game no probs " i just stared blankly for quite some time, in disbelief, then... burst out laughing as i could actually see him doing that... and quite possibly suceeding.

Submitted by Leviron on Thu, 27/05/04 - 12:59 AMPermalink

Wow so people actually went to that. I saw them set it up but I decided to go home instead.

Submitted by Stu on Thu, 27/05/04 - 8:52 AMPermalink

I read the post on here at about 5:45 and decided to go (I live on the Gold Coast so it was a bit of a rush, oh and trying to drive and park in Brisbane sucks)
