Hi everyone.
I have a simple question about rendering with 3Dsmax.
How do you render an object so that the wire and smooth mesh is visible. Everyone else does it as ive seen in the galleries and I am new to Max.
quote:Originally posted by Malus
for game dev its more accurate of the raw like pants said, but gi lighting is so purdy for pimping [:P]
If your only showing the wireframe why do u need it to look spiffy?
Its easier to simple render and save as a JPEG. You don't have to open a paint program and copy paste, edit out unwanted parts of the screen etc :P Good for the lazy!
The way pants mentioned works, but can often cause probs when you have small detailed areas in the silhoutte.. When you scale out the outer mesh, it pushes the wires outwards..
The best way I know to do it, is to select all edges, make them 'visible' if you want to show all the triangulation, then click 'create shape from edges', check 'linear' and you're done..
Now, there will be a spline created on top of your mesh, select it, change it to renderable, 3 sided and change the thickness where necessary in the rollout.
Apply a black texture to it, and you're done.
Make a copy of the mesh and place on top of the exsisting mesh, slightly expand the mesh (select all facees and extrude by face local) and give it a texture that is wire frame 100 percent self illuminated and the colour of your choice.
Your model now has a wire version on top and the model under it can be displayed anyway you want. ie Smooth Facet etc..