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Calling All Tasmanites!

Submitted by Kane on

Even thought there are very few Tasmanian's on Sumea, I thought I'd give this a try...

Any of you intending on going to the Independent Game Developers Conference in May and want someone to travel with?

I am going to save all my nickels and pennies and try my hardest to go. But if not I'm going to use the money to upgrade my PC!

Submitted by hobonation on Thu, 25/03/04 - 6:26 AMPermalink

I am just an old woman of ethnic culture trying to fing my long misplaced husband in the hussle of suburban tasmania, I might go..... but seeing as im your brother i dont count, do i?

Submitted by souri on Tue, 30/03/04 - 2:13 PMPermalink

Are you both coming to the conference?

Submitted by Kane on Tue, 30/03/04 - 7:48 PMPermalink

im going to, but not my brother...

Submitted by Kane on Wed, 31/03/04 - 3:31 AMPermalink

check out the Sumea home page...

Submitted by hobonation on Wed, 31/03/04 - 3:38 AMPermalink

does that have prices of airfares to melbourne? [:D]

Submitted by Kane on Wed, 31/03/04 - 8:03 PMPermalink

now THATS a good idea...[:D]

Submitted by BinhNguyen on Fri, 23/04/04 - 9:02 PMPermalink

To all developers in Tasmania,

Please don't forget that we are offering subsidies for those who are travelling interstate. There haven't been much takers so far as I don't think many people realise that they are eligible.

Please contact the office via email or phone, details are in the main conference thread.

Submitted by Kane on Sun, 25/04/04 - 2:52 AMPermalink

Im only a student tho so I woulnd't get it would I?

Posted by Kane on

Even thought there are very few Tasmanian's on Sumea, I thought I'd give this a try...

Any of you intending on going to the Independent Game Developers Conference in May and want someone to travel with?

I am going to save all my nickels and pennies and try my hardest to go. But if not I'm going to use the money to upgrade my PC!

Submitted by hobonation on Thu, 25/03/04 - 6:26 AMPermalink

I am just an old woman of ethnic culture trying to fing my long misplaced husband in the hussle of suburban tasmania, I might go..... but seeing as im your brother i dont count, do i?

Submitted by souri on Tue, 30/03/04 - 2:13 PMPermalink

Are you both coming to the conference?

Submitted by Kane on Tue, 30/03/04 - 7:48 PMPermalink

im going to, but not my brother...

Submitted by Kane on Wed, 31/03/04 - 3:31 AMPermalink

check out the Sumea home page...

Submitted by hobonation on Wed, 31/03/04 - 3:38 AMPermalink

does that have prices of airfares to melbourne? [:D]

Submitted by Kane on Wed, 31/03/04 - 8:03 PMPermalink

now THATS a good idea...[:D]

Submitted by BinhNguyen on Fri, 23/04/04 - 9:02 PMPermalink

To all developers in Tasmania,

Please don't forget that we are offering subsidies for those who are travelling interstate. There haven't been much takers so far as I don't think many people realise that they are eligible.

Please contact the office via email or phone, details are in the main conference thread.

Submitted by Kane on Sun, 25/04/04 - 2:52 AMPermalink

Im only a student tho so I woulnd't get it would I?