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Call for industry guest speakers for IRC chat

Submitted by Ash on

Hi, i've been running an IRC chat every week to answer questions from students and such looking to get into the industry. Guest speakers from the industry (other than myself) would be much appreciated! It's just one night on a web-based IRC channel and everyone would really enjoy it! If you're interested, please send me an email via the forums (click on my name) so i can let the students and others know more than a week in advance to come, thanks!

More about the IRC

Submitted by Ash on Mon, 24/07/06 - 5:44 AMPermalink

In 2 weeks time, we will have Jason Schroder, a programmer from Krome Studios. Jason has been working in the industry as a game programmer for 5 years. Thanks Jason! Students, get your questions ready if you want to know anything about being a programmer in the games industry, or how to get into the industry as a programmer!

That's 2 weeks time - Thursday 3 August 2006 at 8pm on the IGDA IRC channel

More details on the IRC chat at

Submitted by Scrow on Tue, 25/07/06 - 1:59 AMPermalink

that's great. *thumbs up*

btw, i'll remember to come this week [:p]

Submitted by Ash on Fri, 18/08/06 - 6:30 AMPermalink

Next week on Thurs 24 Aug we are going to have Dale! Dale has been working in the industry in QA for about 4 years now. He's worked at Torus, Perception and is currently at Atari Melbourne House. Please come along and ask questions to get the most out of this opportunity!

Posted by Ash on

Hi, i've been running an IRC chat every week to answer questions from students and such looking to get into the industry. Guest speakers from the industry (other than myself) would be much appreciated! It's just one night on a web-based IRC channel and everyone would really enjoy it! If you're interested, please send me an email via the forums (click on my name) so i can let the students and others know more than a week in advance to come, thanks!

More about the IRC

Submitted by Ash on Mon, 24/07/06 - 5:44 AMPermalink

In 2 weeks time, we will have Jason Schroder, a programmer from Krome Studios. Jason has been working in the industry as a game programmer for 5 years. Thanks Jason! Students, get your questions ready if you want to know anything about being a programmer in the games industry, or how to get into the industry as a programmer!

That's 2 weeks time - Thursday 3 August 2006 at 8pm on the IGDA IRC channel

More details on the IRC chat at

Submitted by Scrow on Tue, 25/07/06 - 1:59 AMPermalink

that's great. *thumbs up*

btw, i'll remember to come this week [:p]

Submitted by Ash on Fri, 18/08/06 - 6:30 AMPermalink

Next week on Thurs 24 Aug we are going to have Dale! Dale has been working in the industry in QA for about 4 years now. He's worked at Torus, Perception and is currently at Atari Melbourne House. Please come along and ask questions to get the most out of this opportunity!