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#2 - 3D Modelling

Ok, Gonna kick this forum back into gear. Er, try to

The aim of this activity is to improve your low poly modelling by creating a character with a (relatively)low number of triangles.
Areas to aim for -
Proportions - Does your character look believable.
Poly Density/useage - How even the distribution of triangles are on your mesh. How efficiently can you use your triangles.
Shape - Does your mesh have a good sense of mass, and a nice silhoutte.
Animation - Will your characters limbs deform well.

Create a human character within 1000 triangles.
You are free to use any reference you choose.
Upon completion, post renders - and a .3ds if you are willing in a thread titled

'Activity #2 3d *yourname*' Insert your name where obvious.

Submitted by Makk on Sat, 19/06/04 - 6:09 AMPermalink

Hah, good to see some new activites. ARe you planning anything for the texturing activity?

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Sat, 19/06/04 - 9:47 AMPermalink

Yup, probably, I may dig up one of my old low poly models for people to do.. As I recall, some had some awful UV jobs though hehe :)

Submitted by tomcat on Thu, 01/07/04 - 2:06 AMPermalink

Hey, ive been away for a little while (6 months)- Umm... can someone fill me in I'd like to take part in these activities- when do we start- when is it due in by?? Do we post here????

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Mon, 05/07/04 - 12:53 AMPermalink

Tomcat - hey man, nope, theres no timelimit, though you probably don't want to spend more than 4 - 5 days on it :)

Just post a new thread using the guidelines posted above, and get cracking!

Ok, Gonna kick this forum back into gear. Er, try to

The aim of this activity is to improve your low poly modelling by creating a character with a (relatively)low number of triangles.
Areas to aim for -
Proportions - Does your character look believable.
Poly Density/useage - How even the distribution of triangles are on your mesh. How efficiently can you use your triangles.
Shape - Does your mesh have a good sense of mass, and a nice silhoutte.
Animation - Will your characters limbs deform well.

Create a human character within 1000 triangles.
You are free to use any reference you choose.
Upon completion, post renders - and a .3ds if you are willing in a thread titled

'Activity #2 3d *yourname*' Insert your name where obvious.

Submitted by Makk on Sat, 19/06/04 - 6:09 AMPermalink

Hah, good to see some new activites. ARe you planning anything for the texturing activity?

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Sat, 19/06/04 - 9:47 AMPermalink

Yup, probably, I may dig up one of my old low poly models for people to do.. As I recall, some had some awful UV jobs though hehe :)

Submitted by tomcat on Thu, 01/07/04 - 2:06 AMPermalink

Hey, ive been away for a little while (6 months)- Umm... can someone fill me in I'd like to take part in these activities- when do we start- when is it due in by?? Do we post here????

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Mon, 05/07/04 - 12:53 AMPermalink

Tomcat - hey man, nope, theres no timelimit, though you probably don't want to spend more than 4 - 5 days on it :)

Just post a new thread using the guidelines posted above, and get cracking!