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Anyone enrolled in/heard about QUT's Degr

Submitted by Major Clod on


I am just wondering if anyone has heard about QUT's Creative Industries (Communication Design) / Information Technology double degree? Its aimed at Game design, having a nice balance of multimedia and IT, with a couple of specialty units for games thrown in.

What are you general thoughts about it? Would it be a good course to enroll in?

You can see an overview of the course here.

Reason I ask is that I am currently enrolled in my second year of IT at QUT, and I am really interested in switching over to a double degree. Even though I have already done a lot of the units already in my IT degree, I really think that the Communications Design side of the course would be great, especially considering I am a better artist than programmer.

I will be at uni for about two more years than I would be if I stuck with I.T., but I think if I have this degree behind me the wait should be worth it.

Anyway, if anyone knows much about this course, let me know what you think!



Submitted by Kezza on Sun, 27/04/03 - 10:06 AMPermalink

from what I heard about it, that wasn't really a "game development" course... more an artsy version of IT.

although it would be closer to games than other degrees, it's not great if you want to be a programmer (at which point i lost interest)... although if your goes is to live as a developer or artist it might be useful.

but I'm no expert on such things, I took the way of the code-monkey (waves around his katana that acts as a 128gb usb drive)

Submitted by Major Clod on Mon, 28/04/03 - 12:53 PMPermalink

Artsy version of IT... Excellent

I prefer art over programming.


I am just wondering if anyone has heard about QUT's Creative Industries (Communication Design) / Information Technology double degree? Its aimed at Game design, having a nice balance of multimedia and IT, with a couple of specialty units for games thrown in.

What are you general thoughts about it? Would it be a good course to enroll in?

You can see an overview of the course here.

Reason I ask is that I am currently enrolled in my second year of IT at QUT, and I am really interested in switching over to a double degree. Even though I have already done a lot of the units already in my IT degree, I really think that the Communications Design side of the course would be great, especially considering I am a better artist than programmer.

I will be at uni for about two more years than I would be if I stuck with I.T., but I think if I have this degree behind me the wait should be worth it.

Anyway, if anyone knows much about this course, let me know what you think!



Submitted by Kezza on Sun, 27/04/03 - 10:06 AMPermalink

from what I heard about it, that wasn't really a "game development" course... more an artsy version of IT.

although it would be closer to games than other degrees, it's not great if you want to be a programmer (at which point i lost interest)... although if your goes is to live as a developer or artist it might be useful.

but I'm no expert on such things, I took the way of the code-monkey (waves around his katana that acts as a 128gb usb drive)

Submitted by Major Clod on Mon, 28/04/03 - 12:53 PMPermalink

Artsy version of IT... Excellent

I prefer art over programming.