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Howsit Going

I know there are a few people going to AIE this year, myself included. So how are those people liking it so far?
I'm having heaps of fun, the only downside is im in the top room which gets quite hot even when the air cons are going the whole time :P
Im currently doing my lipsynch assignment, a bit from galaxy quest (that is such a funny movie)
what is everyone else doing atm?
And on an unrelated note, who here has played splinter cell demo on pc? (and i guess its the same on x-box)
I reckon that game looks awsome and has some really kewl ideas which add to that kind of game. Like being able to take hostages and use them as cover cause bad guys won't shoot at you so long as the hostage is inbetween you and the guy. He'll shoot you if he gets a chance to. And you can interrogate guys which is awsome too.
what do you guys think about it?

It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!

Submitted by ronald_marc on Sat, 15/02/03 - 11:57 PMPermalink

are you a resident of canberra? whats it like is your rent expensive?
I'm interested to see how you go with your course.
I'm still playing wolfenstein online... I'm just an addict. and medieval total war.
eclectic is me. I can't afford an xbox.. ( i bought lightwave7.5) $$$

Submitted by Brain on Sun, 16/02/03 - 2:17 AMPermalink

I'm just about to leave Canberra. Heading upto Brissie on Wednesday to head into a BA of Multimedia. So withdrew from the Cert. II in Art Foundation at CIT before I started and applying for a Woolworths transfer. *laughs* Unsure what my net status will be once I get up there. Prolly use Uni and The Bunker for access...

Hope AIE goes shwimmingly. Keep us up to date on it all. And re Splinter Cell, haven't played the just released demo, but did the original. Pretty funky stuff. I'll wait for my bro to buy it when it hits the PC (it's a Tom Clancy thing, so it's an automatic purchase @:-)

Chris Bowden

Submitted by souri on Sun, 16/02/03 - 7:05 AMPermalink

I like those odds! [;)]

Submitted by Jacana on Sun, 16/02/03 - 7:06 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri

I like those odds! [;)]

Odds for whom tho? They were great for me and the other girl that was there *wink*

I will worry when I see "OMG your the chick that was dancing on the stage!" *grin*

I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Mon, 17/02/03 - 4:04 AMPermalink

What room are you in jacana?
and aren't you doing the diploma? Or am i drainbamaged?
nah i didn't go to the pub crawl.
It was just a couple of days 2 early (i don't turn 18 till 23rd of feb)
And i doubt i would of gone anyways.

It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!

Submitted by Jacana on Mon, 17/02/03 - 8:42 AMPermalink

Hey :) I am on the second floor on the side where admin is (first floor) so what is the right side to me :)
I am doing the Certificate IV right now (ie - Year 1 programming).

They are talking about doing the pub thing more often. I would say go even if you dont drink. Blitz played DD for me and got to drive my drunk butt home :) He didnt drink and seemed to have a good time. Besides its a great time to try and get your tutors drunk - oh how we tried!

I am there Tue & Thur nights at 5:30pm. If your around then feel free to pop your head in the classroom and look for me :)

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 18/02/03 - 1:30 AMPermalink

expected sumea message from Jacana after Tuesday and Thursday nights..

"Maybe it's the beer that's talkin here but blah bghrg hg shgh ghsghh sghhsh gohg eghd hhdh hmdh 5 DOLLARS ?!!!! Get outta here......"

Submitted by Jacana on Tue, 18/02/03 - 4:49 AMPermalink

LOL :) Actually $5 would be good. At one stage a couple of the guys talked me into buying some drink that cost me like $10. *grin*

And I don't drink beer :) My main drink was tequila shots.

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 18/02/03 - 1:20 PMPermalink

Lotsa AIE peoples here.. I graduated from Dip2 last year.

I've found the upstairs classes have always been fairly hot. Especially the dip2/programming room.. (the one Jacana is in).

Towards the end of the year we'd have the air conditioner going as cold as it could, and we'd still be sweating by lunch time.
Not sure if thats the same situation as you're having Meatex, but I feel your pain [:D]

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Wed, 19/02/03 - 6:42 PMPermalink

how come you do things so late?
im there from 9 till 5 on mon and teus and 9 till 1 on wed.
I might see if i can see you if im ever around at that time :)
Yeah it gets hot in the arvo and i have to get up lots and go stand next to the air con :)
Oh anyone in canberra who likes lpaying lan games should come to the barracks (in dickson, they have directions on their website i think) on this sunday.
The more people there the better.
Anyways i hope your schooling is going well with programming. Is it hard? Do you use heaps of maths? I hate maths, alot of artist seems to not like maths :P
Anyway speaking of AIE i should start getting ready
Come to barracks on sunday (or it might be another place nearby) and bring anyone you know. Like i said the more the better :)

It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!

Submitted by GooberMan on Fri, 21/02/03 - 1:24 AMPermalink

So many AIE peeps... I did QANTM last year, are there any new QANTMites around?

Ethan Watson, teh brand spankin' new Krome employee.

Submitted by Jacana on Fri, 21/02/03 - 3:07 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Brain

As soon as I leave Canberra, all the fun starts happening... @;-p

Yea well that's 'cos I didnt come up there till this year!! *grin*

As far as classes go I think first year programmers get the dreggs :)

I dont mind the time really. I gives me time to sleep in for the morning. Wake up. Have a nap. Wake up again. Then have class! :)

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by GooberMan on Wed, 26/02/03 - 12:59 AMPermalink

One QANTMite from 2001, and three that I know of from 2002 (myself, rezn0r and lava_monkey). That's a lot :P

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by Pantmonger on Thu, 27/02/03 - 1:34 AMPermalink

Well its not really the problem. Education being for all who want it and the idea of only educating to fill a void being a little silly. The problem is there are a lot of skilled people out there and you have to be better then those going for the position you want if you are to get it.
The Solution is to get better.
The Result in theory is an ever improving product produced by the cream of the crop.
Of course It doesn?t always work out this way, but thats life.

Pantmonger flinger of his 2 cents.

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 27/02/03 - 2:58 AMPermalink

Its just a matter of working harder everyday, sooner or later you'll be spotted as alot of the others give up with the "its all to hard" copout.
It would help if companies took risks and hired unexperienced people more often, basing a desicion on talent is more important in my opinion.

Dean Ferguson - 3D/2D Artist

Submitted by Doord on Fri, 28/02/03 - 9:35 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Malus

Its just a matter of working harder everyday, sooner or later you'll be spotted as alot of the others give up with the "its all to hard" copout.
It would help if companies took risks and hired unexperienced people more often, basing a desicion on talent is more important in my opinion.

Too right. there is about 7000 people which do the frist year at the AIE then only about 200 go on. (Number maybe a little of.) Then there is a few from that 200 which will get a job and it is mainly because the keep going.

Submitted by Jacana on Fri, 28/02/03 - 7:54 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Doord

Too right. there is about 7000 people which do the frist year at the AIE then only about 200 go on. (Number maybe a little of.) Then there is a few from that 200 which will get a job and it is mainly because the keep going.

LOL - You must be joking about those numbers. Right now there is 1 First Year Programming class with ummmm 18 people in it. Add that to the umm... 150 artists (and thats the HIGH end) in First Year. Second Year for the games dev stuff has two mixed groups with a max of 20 each :)

Maybe you should learn how to code because then you could write programs to work numbers for you!

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 10:10 PMPermalink

7000 sure is a lot.. Maybe Doord did a typo and meant 700. (of course, that sounds like a lot too [:)]).. Multimedia Victoria says that "Over half of Australia's comptuer game development industry is based in Victoria, employing over 300 people." .. so if there's 600 people working in the entire industry, then there's gotta be some serious growth to cover those 200 or so students every year..

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Sat, 01/03/03 - 1:42 AMPermalink

well not counting dip 2 people there are 120 spots and 200 applicants for cert 4 in art.
Its not really that big of a place they only have 4 rooms.
Although 200 people in canberra wanting to learn 3d animation thats a fair bit. And it seems that more and more people want to get into it as well as the gamez and movie VFX industries become more popular.
The majority of people see the games industry as all fun and games (no pun intended) and both the games ans VFX industries are seen as glamorous. I guess one way of putting it is saying your a 3d animator is getting a higher "impress the chicks" index every year.

Who needs real life, UT2003 has amuch better poly count!

Submitted by rezn0r on Sat, 01/03/03 - 9:08 AMPermalink

What we need is a "launchpad" of some description, where those trying to get into the industry can showcase their work to developers.

This "Launchpad" should be sponsored by as many of these developers who trawl for talent as possible. :)

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Sat, 01/03/03 - 2:33 PMPermalink

I think the numbers doord posted were an estimate of the numbers that have been through the AIE, and how many have stayed commited once they have left.

Submitted by Jacana on Sun, 02/03/03 - 9:08 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Sorceror Bob

I think the numbers doord posted were an estimate of the numbers that have been through the AIE, and how many have stayed commited once they have left.

Umm yea... with the numbers I gave there are like what... 175 first year students. Take that 175 and divide that by 7000 :)

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 04/03/03 - 6:35 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by GooberMan

One QANTMite from 2001, and three that I know of from 2002 (myself, rezn0r and lava_monkey). That's a lot :P

And me!! How could you forget me?!


Submitted by GooberMan on Wed, 05/03/03 - 5:42 AMPermalink

Heh, didn't realise you were on the forums when I posted that message.

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

I know there are a few people going to AIE this year, myself included. So how are those people liking it so far?
I'm having heaps of fun, the only downside is im in the top room which gets quite hot even when the air cons are going the whole time :P
Im currently doing my lipsynch assignment, a bit from galaxy quest (that is such a funny movie)
what is everyone else doing atm?
And on an unrelated note, who here has played splinter cell demo on pc? (and i guess its the same on x-box)
I reckon that game looks awsome and has some really kewl ideas which add to that kind of game. Like being able to take hostages and use them as cover cause bad guys won't shoot at you so long as the hostage is inbetween you and the guy. He'll shoot you if he gets a chance to. And you can interrogate guys which is awsome too.
what do you guys think about it?

It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!

Submitted by ronald_marc on Sat, 15/02/03 - 11:57 PMPermalink

are you a resident of canberra? whats it like is your rent expensive?
I'm interested to see how you go with your course.
I'm still playing wolfenstein online... I'm just an addict. and medieval total war.
eclectic is me. I can't afford an xbox.. ( i bought lightwave7.5) $$$

Submitted by Brain on Sun, 16/02/03 - 2:17 AMPermalink

I'm just about to leave Canberra. Heading upto Brissie on Wednesday to head into a BA of Multimedia. So withdrew from the Cert. II in Art Foundation at CIT before I started and applying for a Woolworths transfer. *laughs* Unsure what my net status will be once I get up there. Prolly use Uni and The Bunker for access...

Hope AIE goes shwimmingly. Keep us up to date on it all. And re Splinter Cell, haven't played the just released demo, but did the original. Pretty funky stuff. I'll wait for my bro to buy it when it hits the PC (it's a Tom Clancy thing, so it's an automatic purchase @:-)

Chris Bowden

Submitted by souri on Sun, 16/02/03 - 7:05 AMPermalink

I like those odds! [;)]

Submitted by Jacana on Sun, 16/02/03 - 7:06 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Souri

I like those odds! [;)]

Odds for whom tho? They were great for me and the other girl that was there *wink*

I will worry when I see "OMG your the chick that was dancing on the stage!" *grin*

I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Mon, 17/02/03 - 4:04 AMPermalink

What room are you in jacana?
and aren't you doing the diploma? Or am i drainbamaged?
nah i didn't go to the pub crawl.
It was just a couple of days 2 early (i don't turn 18 till 23rd of feb)
And i doubt i would of gone anyways.

It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!

Submitted by Jacana on Mon, 17/02/03 - 8:42 AMPermalink

Hey :) I am on the second floor on the side where admin is (first floor) so what is the right side to me :)
I am doing the Certificate IV right now (ie - Year 1 programming).

They are talking about doing the pub thing more often. I would say go even if you dont drink. Blitz played DD for me and got to drive my drunk butt home :) He didnt drink and seemed to have a good time. Besides its a great time to try and get your tutors drunk - oh how we tried!

I am there Tue & Thur nights at 5:30pm. If your around then feel free to pop your head in the classroom and look for me :)

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 18/02/03 - 1:30 AMPermalink

expected sumea message from Jacana after Tuesday and Thursday nights..

"Maybe it's the beer that's talkin here but blah bghrg hg shgh ghsghh sghhsh gohg eghd hhdh hmdh 5 DOLLARS ?!!!! Get outta here......"

Submitted by Jacana on Tue, 18/02/03 - 4:49 AMPermalink

LOL :) Actually $5 would be good. At one stage a couple of the guys talked me into buying some drink that cost me like $10. *grin*

And I don't drink beer :) My main drink was tequila shots.

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Tue, 18/02/03 - 1:20 PMPermalink

Lotsa AIE peoples here.. I graduated from Dip2 last year.

I've found the upstairs classes have always been fairly hot. Especially the dip2/programming room.. (the one Jacana is in).

Towards the end of the year we'd have the air conditioner going as cold as it could, and we'd still be sweating by lunch time.
Not sure if thats the same situation as you're having Meatex, but I feel your pain [:D]

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Wed, 19/02/03 - 6:42 PMPermalink

how come you do things so late?
im there from 9 till 5 on mon and teus and 9 till 1 on wed.
I might see if i can see you if im ever around at that time :)
Yeah it gets hot in the arvo and i have to get up lots and go stand next to the air con :)
Oh anyone in canberra who likes lpaying lan games should come to the barracks (in dickson, they have directions on their website i think) on this sunday.
The more people there the better.
Anyways i hope your schooling is going well with programming. Is it hard? Do you use heaps of maths? I hate maths, alot of artist seems to not like maths :P
Anyway speaking of AIE i should start getting ready
Come to barracks on sunday (or it might be another place nearby) and bring anyone you know. Like i said the more the better :)

It is infact ants who are the true rulers of this world!!!

Submitted by GooberMan on Fri, 21/02/03 - 1:24 AMPermalink

So many AIE peeps... I did QANTM last year, are there any new QANTMites around?

Ethan Watson, teh brand spankin' new Krome employee.

Submitted by Jacana on Fri, 21/02/03 - 3:07 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Brain

As soon as I leave Canberra, all the fun starts happening... @;-p

Yea well that's 'cos I didnt come up there till this year!! *grin*

As far as classes go I think first year programmers get the dreggs :)

I dont mind the time really. I gives me time to sleep in for the morning. Wake up. Have a nap. Wake up again. Then have class! :)

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by GooberMan on Wed, 26/02/03 - 12:59 AMPermalink

One QANTMite from 2001, and three that I know of from 2002 (myself, rezn0r and lava_monkey). That's a lot :P

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios

Submitted by Pantmonger on Thu, 27/02/03 - 1:34 AMPermalink

Well its not really the problem. Education being for all who want it and the idea of only educating to fill a void being a little silly. The problem is there are a lot of skilled people out there and you have to be better then those going for the position you want if you are to get it.
The Solution is to get better.
The Result in theory is an ever improving product produced by the cream of the crop.
Of course It doesn?t always work out this way, but thats life.

Pantmonger flinger of his 2 cents.

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 27/02/03 - 2:58 AMPermalink

Its just a matter of working harder everyday, sooner or later you'll be spotted as alot of the others give up with the "its all to hard" copout.
It would help if companies took risks and hired unexperienced people more often, basing a desicion on talent is more important in my opinion.

Dean Ferguson - 3D/2D Artist

Submitted by Doord on Fri, 28/02/03 - 9:35 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Malus

Its just a matter of working harder everyday, sooner or later you'll be spotted as alot of the others give up with the "its all to hard" copout.
It would help if companies took risks and hired unexperienced people more often, basing a desicion on talent is more important in my opinion.

Too right. there is about 7000 people which do the frist year at the AIE then only about 200 go on. (Number maybe a little of.) Then there is a few from that 200 which will get a job and it is mainly because the keep going.

Submitted by Jacana on Fri, 28/02/03 - 7:54 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Doord

Too right. there is about 7000 people which do the frist year at the AIE then only about 200 go on. (Number maybe a little of.) Then there is a few from that 200 which will get a job and it is mainly because the keep going.

LOL - You must be joking about those numbers. Right now there is 1 First Year Programming class with ummmm 18 people in it. Add that to the umm... 150 artists (and thats the HIGH end) in First Year. Second Year for the games dev stuff has two mixed groups with a max of 20 each :)

Maybe you should learn how to code because then you could write programs to work numbers for you!

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by souri on Fri, 28/02/03 - 10:10 PMPermalink

7000 sure is a lot.. Maybe Doord did a typo and meant 700. (of course, that sounds like a lot too [:)]).. Multimedia Victoria says that "Over half of Australia's comptuer game development industry is based in Victoria, employing over 300 people." .. so if there's 600 people working in the entire industry, then there's gotta be some serious growth to cover those 200 or so students every year..

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Sat, 01/03/03 - 1:42 AMPermalink

well not counting dip 2 people there are 120 spots and 200 applicants for cert 4 in art.
Its not really that big of a place they only have 4 rooms.
Although 200 people in canberra wanting to learn 3d animation thats a fair bit. And it seems that more and more people want to get into it as well as the gamez and movie VFX industries become more popular.
The majority of people see the games industry as all fun and games (no pun intended) and both the games ans VFX industries are seen as glamorous. I guess one way of putting it is saying your a 3d animator is getting a higher "impress the chicks" index every year.

Who needs real life, UT2003 has amuch better poly count!

Submitted by rezn0r on Sat, 01/03/03 - 9:08 AMPermalink

What we need is a "launchpad" of some description, where those trying to get into the industry can showcase their work to developers.

This "Launchpad" should be sponsored by as many of these developers who trawl for talent as possible. :)

Submitted by Sorceror Bob on Sat, 01/03/03 - 2:33 PMPermalink

I think the numbers doord posted were an estimate of the numbers that have been through the AIE, and how many have stayed commited once they have left.

Submitted by Jacana on Sun, 02/03/03 - 9:08 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Sorceror Bob

I think the numbers doord posted were an estimate of the numbers that have been through the AIE, and how many have stayed commited once they have left.

Umm yea... with the numbers I gave there are like what... 175 first year students. Take that 175 and divide that by 7000 :)

-I spent my Valentines Day getting drunk with 40 guys!

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 04/03/03 - 6:35 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by GooberMan

One QANTMite from 2001, and three that I know of from 2002 (myself, rezn0r and lava_monkey). That's a lot :P

And me!! How could you forget me?!


Submitted by GooberMan on Wed, 05/03/03 - 5:42 AMPermalink

Heh, didn't realise you were on the forums when I posted that message.

Ethan Watson
Current job: Programmer, Krome Studios