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Australian XBox Massive Bundle - $459

Massive Entertainment Pack
The Xbox Massive Entertainment Pack, which goes on sale on November 14, 2002 contains:

An Xbox, valued at $399
An Xbox DVD Remote Control, valued at $49.95
A copy of the award winning game, Halo?
A copy of the hottest racing title this Christmas, Sega GT 2002?
A copy of the popular inline-skating title, Jet Set Radio Future? (games all valued at $99.95 each)
All this for only $459 (inc. GST)

Pretty frickin' good deal if you ask me. I'll be picking one up when I come over next month for AGDC.

Speaking of AGDC, how is everyone's portfolios coming along. Mines gone a bit pear shaped with not having the stuff I was hoping for. Still, I hope to run into you all and looking forward to having a good time.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/11/02 - 9:35 PMPermalink

That is a pretty good deal. How much did an Xbox cost when it came out a year ago? about $700! What a difference a year of healthy competition makes! Unfortunately, I'm more of a PC nut, and any future purchase that I make would have to include a Geforce4 and a new CPU.. Doom 3, Silent Hill 2, and (hopefully real soon) Vice City have swayed me into upgrading my PC instead of buying a console - although I'm tempted to hire Vice City for the PS2 if I can get my hands on it at the video store.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/11/02 - 10:36 PMPermalink

Just to add to this, I think PC games are really starting to advance further away from the latest generation consoles in terms of eye candy / technology.. I know it's the gameplay that counts, but damnit, I wonder what those Geforce 5's are going to be able to do! 2x the speed of the 4ti was the blurb that was splashed about.. [8]

Massive Entertainment Pack
The Xbox Massive Entertainment Pack, which goes on sale on November 14, 2002 contains:

An Xbox, valued at $399
An Xbox DVD Remote Control, valued at $49.95
A copy of the award winning game, Halo?
A copy of the hottest racing title this Christmas, Sega GT 2002?
A copy of the popular inline-skating title, Jet Set Radio Future? (games all valued at $99.95 each)
All this for only $459 (inc. GST)

Pretty frickin' good deal if you ask me. I'll be picking one up when I come over next month for AGDC.

Speaking of AGDC, how is everyone's portfolios coming along. Mines gone a bit pear shaped with not having the stuff I was hoping for. Still, I hope to run into you all and looking forward to having a good time.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/11/02 - 9:35 PMPermalink

That is a pretty good deal. How much did an Xbox cost when it came out a year ago? about $700! What a difference a year of healthy competition makes! Unfortunately, I'm more of a PC nut, and any future purchase that I make would have to include a Geforce4 and a new CPU.. Doom 3, Silent Hill 2, and (hopefully real soon) Vice City have swayed me into upgrading my PC instead of buying a console - although I'm tempted to hire Vice City for the PS2 if I can get my hands on it at the video store.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 12/11/02 - 10:36 PMPermalink

Just to add to this, I think PC games are really starting to advance further away from the latest generation consoles in terms of eye candy / technology.. I know it's the gameplay that counts, but damnit, I wonder what those Geforce 5's are going to be able to do! 2x the speed of the 4ti was the blurb that was splashed about.. [8]