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Adelaide Gamedev Meetup 03

Submitted by TyKeiL on

Sunday 24th October 2004 between 3pm and 6pm

Inquiry details:

Chris Jarmer @ air
Bistro & Bar
David Jones Building
210 North Terrace
Adelaide 5000
T: 08 8305 3271
F: 08 8305 3305
M: 0403 254 998

please email me or post in this thread:
saying that you are coming so the venue can accomodate us more easily. is not necessary, is polite.

Anyone who would like ongoing emails each month with details for the next meetup contact me on the above adress.

Notes for venue:
1. because of the hours that we are there for, if food is to be available we must get prior notice.
2. we have control of the music for once, so if anyone has mucis they have created or like to hear bring it along.
3. this is a really nice place and the people have been really friendly so treat them well.

things people can do to help with the event:
1. if anyone has access to a data projector please email me
2. bring your laptops. also if anyone has a wifi card i have a net connection we can use.
3. bring a friend.

ps. assume that no one will bring anything, be prepared if someone does, excess is better than lack there of.

see you all there!

Submitted by Soul on Fri, 15/10/04 - 3:46 AMPermalink

I'll (probably) be there.

Submitted by quiklite on Fri, 15/10/04 - 10:07 PMPermalink

Yeah I'll be there with bells on.

Programmers (preferably those who talk) would be great to see along too.


Submitted by Daemin on Fri, 15/10/04 - 11:08 PMPermalink

ergh, I'll try to be there, but a friend's having a birthday lan opn the saturday beforehand...

Should be fine though if the lan finished before sunrise and I can get _some_ sleep.

Submitted by TyKeiL on Tue, 19/10/04 - 4:00 AMPermalink

only 5 days to go, dont forget to tell your friends.

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 21/10/04 - 12:17 AMPermalink

I might be able to get myself there, see what happens.

quote:Programmers (preferably those who talk) would be great to see along too.hahah - I can talk a load of garbage? Does that count???

Submitted by quiklite on Thu, 21/10/04 - 7:28 PMPermalink

quote:hahah - I can talk a load of garbage? Does that count???

Yeah, as long as you can talk. You could be speaking in tongues for all I care, just make some noise. :)


Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 24/10/04 - 8:20 PMPermalink

yay meetup is on today,

if someone has music they like to listen to please bring a cd or something.

/me is exited

Submitted by TyKeiL on Mon, 25/10/04 - 9:04 AMPermalink

interesting day today,, 8 people showed, which is good, im still waiting for some ratbagians to get off there bottom, they've showed interest but there communication channels may be broken, so word isnt getting to them.

[url][/url] - Adelindie has been down for the last month, so that communication channel was stopped. thankfully it is up and running again.

was generally a good discussion day, at about 4:30 we got asked to leave the est. much to my agrivation( i will have words with the manager). sorry to the people who showed up after that and couldn't find us.

we moved downstairs to the Adelaide Central Arcade food court where i got one and a half pies from a girl mistaking my order(cheered me up heaps :O)

and 2 people found us downstairs, yay!.

then that food court closed at 5:30 so we had to relocate, to find that the uni-bar was closed aswell.. we decided to call it a day.

it was a good day in all and im sure that people are happy they came again.

and to all the other adelaide people out there i would like to see less apathy and more action.

i had 6 different pens in my pocket today, when i got to my dad's place his wife said to me
"1 pen and you are studying,
2 pens and you are in highschool,
3 pens and you are in university,
4 pens and you are a pen salesman."

my dad later said something like "6 pens and you own a pen factory" hehe although i dont think that one counts.

have a good day all and see you another time.

Posted by TyKeiL on

Sunday 24th October 2004 between 3pm and 6pm

Inquiry details:

Chris Jarmer @ air
Bistro & Bar
David Jones Building
210 North Terrace
Adelaide 5000
T: 08 8305 3271
F: 08 8305 3305
M: 0403 254 998

please email me or post in this thread:
saying that you are coming so the venue can accomodate us more easily. is not necessary, is polite.

Anyone who would like ongoing emails each month with details for the next meetup contact me on the above adress.

Notes for venue:
1. because of the hours that we are there for, if food is to be available we must get prior notice.
2. we have control of the music for once, so if anyone has mucis they have created or like to hear bring it along.
3. this is a really nice place and the people have been really friendly so treat them well.

things people can do to help with the event:
1. if anyone has access to a data projector please email me
2. bring your laptops. also if anyone has a wifi card i have a net connection we can use.
3. bring a friend.

ps. assume that no one will bring anything, be prepared if someone does, excess is better than lack there of.

see you all there!

Submitted by Soul on Fri, 15/10/04 - 3:46 AMPermalink

I'll (probably) be there.

Submitted by quiklite on Fri, 15/10/04 - 10:07 PMPermalink

Yeah I'll be there with bells on.

Programmers (preferably those who talk) would be great to see along too.


Submitted by Daemin on Fri, 15/10/04 - 11:08 PMPermalink

ergh, I'll try to be there, but a friend's having a birthday lan opn the saturday beforehand...

Should be fine though if the lan finished before sunrise and I can get _some_ sleep.

Submitted by TyKeiL on Tue, 19/10/04 - 4:00 AMPermalink

only 5 days to go, dont forget to tell your friends.

Submitted by Maitrek on Thu, 21/10/04 - 12:17 AMPermalink

I might be able to get myself there, see what happens.

quote:Programmers (preferably those who talk) would be great to see along too.hahah - I can talk a load of garbage? Does that count???

Submitted by quiklite on Thu, 21/10/04 - 7:28 PMPermalink

quote:hahah - I can talk a load of garbage? Does that count???

Yeah, as long as you can talk. You could be speaking in tongues for all I care, just make some noise. :)


Submitted by TyKeiL on Sun, 24/10/04 - 8:20 PMPermalink

yay meetup is on today,

if someone has music they like to listen to please bring a cd or something.

/me is exited

Submitted by TyKeiL on Mon, 25/10/04 - 9:04 AMPermalink

interesting day today,, 8 people showed, which is good, im still waiting for some ratbagians to get off there bottom, they've showed interest but there communication channels may be broken, so word isnt getting to them.

[url][/url] - Adelindie has been down for the last month, so that communication channel was stopped. thankfully it is up and running again.

was generally a good discussion day, at about 4:30 we got asked to leave the est. much to my agrivation( i will have words with the manager). sorry to the people who showed up after that and couldn't find us.

we moved downstairs to the Adelaide Central Arcade food court where i got one and a half pies from a girl mistaking my order(cheered me up heaps :O)

and 2 people found us downstairs, yay!.

then that food court closed at 5:30 so we had to relocate, to find that the uni-bar was closed aswell.. we decided to call it a day.

it was a good day in all and im sure that people are happy they came again.

and to all the other adelaide people out there i would like to see less apathy and more action.

i had 6 different pens in my pocket today, when i got to my dad's place his wife said to me
"1 pen and you are studying,
2 pens and you are in highschool,
3 pens and you are in university,
4 pens and you are a pen salesman."

my dad later said something like "6 pens and you own a pen factory" hehe although i dont think that one counts.

have a good day all and see you another time.