Thanks for that link, Inglis.
Another amusing and interesting video is the one on how the rovers analyse and
move about the terrain:
It's big (18Mb), but worth the download if you're on broadband.
it does look a bit... bleak dosent it, still its fascinating to think of humans on the planet and colonization. But i dunno about Bush jumping in with this plan, seems to me to be a little further down on the priority list. I think bush is sort of only in it for show and if he wasnt getting that then he wouldnt have even involved himself in it.
i can see it now, America claims Mars as there own planet :P
I've been viewing the rover images and updates, which I'm sure everyone finds fascinating.. even more fascinating is the prospect of [url="…"]a manned mission to mars and the moon[/url], which Bush is expected to announce next week!
I'm sure it'll only cost a portion of what it cost the U.S to rebuild Iraq ($70 Billion)..