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I need members

Submitted by Cloud on

I have just started a new website and I need members!
It is a Matrix site and I plan to make it the best eva.
So please come and check it out.
come and experience the matrix.

Submitted by Kezza on Mon, 06/10/03 - 7:16 AMPermalink

err... it's just another forum

Submitted by Blitz on Mon, 06/10/03 - 4:42 PMPermalink

But WHAT a forum!......
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Cloud on Mon, 06/10/03 - 10:32 PMPermalink

Yeah Yeah I now its a bloody forum,
I dont have the greatest stuff to make a website,
It is a start.
When I do have the stuff I will make a better one I will, but I dont!
So come on.

Posted by Cloud on

I have just started a new website and I need members!
It is a Matrix site and I plan to make it the best eva.
So please come and check it out.
come and experience the matrix.

Submitted by Kezza on Mon, 06/10/03 - 7:16 AMPermalink

err... it's just another forum

Submitted by Blitz on Mon, 06/10/03 - 4:42 PMPermalink

But WHAT a forum!......
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Cloud on Mon, 06/10/03 - 10:32 PMPermalink

Yeah Yeah I now its a bloody forum,
I dont have the greatest stuff to make a website,
It is a start.
When I do have the stuff I will make a better one I will, but I dont!
So come on.