Hi havent been here in ages.
i've been really trying lately to get this done and i think now it is... maybe not, let me know
[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="http://www.sumea.com.au/forum/attached/Octane/20064523254_First-head.jpg"]First-head.jpg[/url]
16.1 KB
Hi Octane
The structure of the face is looking good. The side of the face looks like it needs some work though. It looks a bit like a chessboard at the moment (I assume you started with a segmented cube) and there's quite a few polys there that are unnecessary. There are many ways to skin a cat, but it looks good if the mesh structure has a circular flow to it opposed to horizontal and vertical lines. The ears look like they need to be pushed forward towards the face and the back of the skull looks like it needs to be pushed back out away from the neck. It's looking good so keep working at it.
Hi, Octane Im no pro, but it might help if you post some bigger images and with different shots so we can help you out.