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Doom 3 leak

Since it is on the main news page, you had to expect a thread about it.
First question: How does this happen? Unreal2, UT2003 and now Doom3, Is it somone working for the publisher, some nerd who hatched an elaborate theft plan at e3? Industry types must have a good theory or two.
Second question: Who's got it? What did you think? I'll admit I'm getting it, I got Unreal2 as well. I'm just curious about it thats all, ID is still going to get my cash when it comes out.
Even though I'm guilty of exploiting the situation by downloading it, I still think its a shame that this happens.
Although if one day in the future Duke Nukem Forever is leaked, you come straight to me damnit :)

Oh yeah, since I mentioned unreal2, even thought there is no multi-player for it, with the leaked copy you can still create bot-matches, not bad :)

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by Daemin on Mon, 04/11/02 - 8:35 AMPermalink

If you could stop these small leaks of developer versions, then you could pretty much stop piracy from taking place. By piracy in this context I mean when you can download a game before its been released, like with what happened with Warcraft3. Usually inside people within the distributer or publisher, or even the security guys in the warehouse could be the leaks.

Personally I think some of these leaks could be intentional, i.e. give the community something to salivate about, before the official demo will be released. Either that or it could have one bad trojan on it?

Submitted by Blitz on Mon, 04/11/02 - 9:03 AMPermalink

The leaks usually come from the production/distribution chain. eg. distro warehouses/shops, or the places where they are actually pressing the CD's, or boxing them together. Theres a LOT of people in this chain, and it's quite easy for someone to take a cd out of the production line, write it off as defective, and take it home.
I don't know if this is the case with doom 3 (has it been pressed yet?). Also another great source for early copies of games is game magazines/websites that get a copy of the game early so they can have reviews and previews.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Mon, 04/11/02 - 9:24 AMPermalink

Doom3 hasn't been pressed yet, its actually miles away from completion, basically what was leaked was the demonstration that was put on at E3 earlier this year.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Mon, 04/11/02 - 9:02 PMPermalink

Slashdot has just put this up on their site..
.. It seems like *everyone* is downloading DOOM 3 now.. check out slashdot and you'll find links and newsgroups on where to get it.. id software must be slightly peeved. [}:)] The news was that it was an ATI employee who leaked the game out, based on an irc log with one of the ID employees (Xiam).. however, that was proven to be fake. [:p].. oh well..

Submitted by redwyre on Thu, 19/06/03 - 11:32 PMPermalink

Since the leaked beta is pirated software, no-one here will/can help you. Wait for it to be released, and then buy it.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 20/06/03 - 9:43 PMPermalink

Amazing.. this 7 month old post is still getting views by the truckload. Even though it only had a few replies, it's the highest read thread in the entire forum. 99.9% of all the views of this thread are from people who've arrived here as a result of their "Doom 3 leak download" google search.
Good luck with your 2fps slideshow alpha Doom 3 hunt!

Submitted by GooberMan on Sat, 21/06/03 - 3:02 AMPermalink

I wonder whether the Quake 3 leak got the same kind of traffic....

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Sat, 21/06/03 - 9:28 AMPermalink

Quake 3 was leaked? Damn, twice now with id. Imagine if half-life2 got leaked, The entire internet the world over would be bogged down with everyone trying to get it all at once.

Submitted by Kris on Sat, 21/06/03 - 9:56 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Fluffy CatFood

Quake 3 was leaked? Damn, twice now with id.

Yep, with Q3Tourney5 & Sarge :p + Some other map that we didn't see in the retail, was mainly just for demoing the games features.

Well at least now we know one cheap way of increasing site hits :) Just add the works "Doom 3 leak" somewhere :P

Submitted by Major Clod on Sat, 21/06/03 - 12:33 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Kris

[quote]Well at least now we know one cheap way of increasing site hits :) Just add the works "Doom 3 leak" somewhere :P

Even better, add the words "Half-Life 2 Demo Leak Alpha Beta" to the site :)

Submitted by Daemin on Sun, 22/06/03 - 12:02 AMPermalink

Great, you've done it now Major Clod...


Submitted by redwyre on Sun, 22/06/03 - 3:39 AMPermalink

Just hope that google doesn't see that...

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 15/07/04 - 5:45 PMPermalink

Yes, woooooohhhhhhhhhoooooooooo. August 3rd in the US, so how long will it take before it gets here, not that much longer i presume.

Submitted by Blitz on Thu, 15/07/04 - 11:59 PMPermalink

Shouldn't be too long, smart companies these days try to do simulatenous releases...reduces piracy for those people who just can't bear to wait an extra 3 days for the iso+crack :P
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:04 AMPermalink

As far as I know its being released here on Friday the 13th of August, about a week after the official US release on August 5th.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:13 AMPermalink

I can't believe it's almost here! This is the game that caused the huge riff between the top fellows at id software and got Paul Steed booted out of the company! (They should definately update the Masters of Doom book. I'm sure there are tonnes of stories during the production of Doom3).

This is a game that's taken 4 or so years of development from a pretty damn talented team, so it's gonna be a fantastic experience playing those 20 or so hours knowing that thousands and thousands of man hours from guys like Carmack and Kenneth Scott went into it.

I haven't been scared playing a game since Silent Hill 1, and I love all things sci-fi, so I'm looking forward to it [:)]

Submitted by arcane on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:19 AMPermalink

Whoa! It's fianlly done - Carmack can start on his next (and supposedly final) engine.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:41 AMPermalink

Awesome, well there goes the money I was saving for a new vid card

Submitted by souri on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:43 AMPermalink

[url="…"]There's not going to be a dvd version[/url] [:(]

quote:"I know some gamers are hoping to use the DVD players on their machines for something other than watching movies, but there are downsides," he said. "For us the cost of the goods and the cost of the replication and having to make two masters just isn't worth it."

Just make it on DVD only then! [:o)]

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:43 AMPermalink

Carmack will never die. He likes ferrari's [:D] thats an expensive taste that needs constant feeding. Hopefully he will be writing code until he simply is unable to do so. GO CARMACK

How long has that 'coming soon' box been sitting on the EB shelves now ? 9 months ? [:O]

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:48 AMPermalink

heh, Carmack will probably spend a while playing with his rocket before he starts his next engine (no double-entendre indended).

quote:it's gonna be a fantastic experience playing those 20 or so hours

I played Doom I/II a lot more than that [;)]. But yes, it'll be awesome.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 16/07/04 - 2:06 AMPermalink

that quote was probably delivered shortly before they restarted work on the game for the nth time.

Submitted by bullet21 on Fri, 16/07/04 - 2:45 AMPermalink

so does anyone know when quake 4 is coming out :P

Submitted by tbag on Fri, 16/07/04 - 6:35 AMPermalink

I popped into EB this morning and they had no idea it had gone gold, including the manager... mind you i didnt expect them to.

None the less this is great news [:)], only problem is i just bought Command and Conquer Generals ($44.90) and Unreal 2 ($9.75 at EB, the guy screwed up [:P]) so i only have like $80 left but i do have some cash lying around in the bank account...

Good news!

Submitted by arcane on Fri, 16/07/04 - 10:27 AMPermalink

Souri: At least they had the foresight to incorporate the estimated development time of DNF into it's title.

bullet21: You'd have to ask Raven Soft that - they're the ones developing Q4.

Since it is on the main news page, you had to expect a thread about it.
First question: How does this happen? Unreal2, UT2003 and now Doom3, Is it somone working for the publisher, some nerd who hatched an elaborate theft plan at e3? Industry types must have a good theory or two.
Second question: Who's got it? What did you think? I'll admit I'm getting it, I got Unreal2 as well. I'm just curious about it thats all, ID is still going to get my cash when it comes out.
Even though I'm guilty of exploiting the situation by downloading it, I still think its a shame that this happens.
Although if one day in the future Duke Nukem Forever is leaked, you come straight to me damnit :)

Oh yeah, since I mentioned unreal2, even thought there is no multi-player for it, with the leaked copy you can still create bot-matches, not bad :)

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by Daemin on Mon, 04/11/02 - 8:35 AMPermalink

If you could stop these small leaks of developer versions, then you could pretty much stop piracy from taking place. By piracy in this context I mean when you can download a game before its been released, like with what happened with Warcraft3. Usually inside people within the distributer or publisher, or even the security guys in the warehouse could be the leaks.

Personally I think some of these leaks could be intentional, i.e. give the community something to salivate about, before the official demo will be released. Either that or it could have one bad trojan on it?

Submitted by Blitz on Mon, 04/11/02 - 9:03 AMPermalink

The leaks usually come from the production/distribution chain. eg. distro warehouses/shops, or the places where they are actually pressing the CD's, or boxing them together. Theres a LOT of people in this chain, and it's quite easy for someone to take a cd out of the production line, write it off as defective, and take it home.
I don't know if this is the case with doom 3 (has it been pressed yet?). Also another great source for early copies of games is game magazines/websites that get a copy of the game early so they can have reviews and previews.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Mon, 04/11/02 - 9:24 AMPermalink

Doom3 hasn't been pressed yet, its actually miles away from completion, basically what was leaked was the demonstration that was put on at E3 earlier this year.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Mon, 04/11/02 - 9:02 PMPermalink

Slashdot has just put this up on their site..
.. It seems like *everyone* is downloading DOOM 3 now.. check out slashdot and you'll find links and newsgroups on where to get it.. id software must be slightly peeved. [}:)] The news was that it was an ATI employee who leaked the game out, based on an irc log with one of the ID employees (Xiam).. however, that was proven to be fake. [:p].. oh well..

Submitted by redwyre on Thu, 19/06/03 - 11:32 PMPermalink

Since the leaked beta is pirated software, no-one here will/can help you. Wait for it to be released, and then buy it.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 20/06/03 - 9:43 PMPermalink

Amazing.. this 7 month old post is still getting views by the truckload. Even though it only had a few replies, it's the highest read thread in the entire forum. 99.9% of all the views of this thread are from people who've arrived here as a result of their "Doom 3 leak download" google search.
Good luck with your 2fps slideshow alpha Doom 3 hunt!

Submitted by GooberMan on Sat, 21/06/03 - 3:02 AMPermalink

I wonder whether the Quake 3 leak got the same kind of traffic....

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Sat, 21/06/03 - 9:28 AMPermalink

Quake 3 was leaked? Damn, twice now with id. Imagine if half-life2 got leaked, The entire internet the world over would be bogged down with everyone trying to get it all at once.

Submitted by Kris on Sat, 21/06/03 - 9:56 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Fluffy CatFood

Quake 3 was leaked? Damn, twice now with id.

Yep, with Q3Tourney5 & Sarge :p + Some other map that we didn't see in the retail, was mainly just for demoing the games features.

Well at least now we know one cheap way of increasing site hits :) Just add the works "Doom 3 leak" somewhere :P

Submitted by Major Clod on Sat, 21/06/03 - 12:33 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Kris

[quote]Well at least now we know one cheap way of increasing site hits :) Just add the works "Doom 3 leak" somewhere :P

Even better, add the words "Half-Life 2 Demo Leak Alpha Beta" to the site :)

Submitted by Daemin on Sun, 22/06/03 - 12:02 AMPermalink

Great, you've done it now Major Clod...


Submitted by redwyre on Sun, 22/06/03 - 3:39 AMPermalink

Just hope that google doesn't see that...

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 15/07/04 - 5:45 PMPermalink

Yes, woooooohhhhhhhhhoooooooooo. August 3rd in the US, so how long will it take before it gets here, not that much longer i presume.

Submitted by Blitz on Thu, 15/07/04 - 11:59 PMPermalink

Shouldn't be too long, smart companies these days try to do simulatenous releases...reduces piracy for those people who just can't bear to wait an extra 3 days for the iso+crack :P
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:04 AMPermalink

As far as I know its being released here on Friday the 13th of August, about a week after the official US release on August 5th.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:13 AMPermalink

I can't believe it's almost here! This is the game that caused the huge riff between the top fellows at id software and got Paul Steed booted out of the company! (They should definately update the Masters of Doom book. I'm sure there are tonnes of stories during the production of Doom3).

This is a game that's taken 4 or so years of development from a pretty damn talented team, so it's gonna be a fantastic experience playing those 20 or so hours knowing that thousands and thousands of man hours from guys like Carmack and Kenneth Scott went into it.

I haven't been scared playing a game since Silent Hill 1, and I love all things sci-fi, so I'm looking forward to it [:)]

Submitted by arcane on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:19 AMPermalink

Whoa! It's fianlly done - Carmack can start on his next (and supposedly final) engine.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:41 AMPermalink

Awesome, well there goes the money I was saving for a new vid card

Submitted by souri on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:43 AMPermalink

[url="…"]There's not going to be a dvd version[/url] [:(]

quote:"I know some gamers are hoping to use the DVD players on their machines for something other than watching movies, but there are downsides," he said. "For us the cost of the goods and the cost of the replication and having to make two masters just isn't worth it."

Just make it on DVD only then! [:o)]

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:43 AMPermalink

Carmack will never die. He likes ferrari's [:D] thats an expensive taste that needs constant feeding. Hopefully he will be writing code until he simply is unable to do so. GO CARMACK

How long has that 'coming soon' box been sitting on the EB shelves now ? 9 months ? [:O]

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 16/07/04 - 12:48 AMPermalink

heh, Carmack will probably spend a while playing with his rocket before he starts his next engine (no double-entendre indended).

quote:it's gonna be a fantastic experience playing those 20 or so hours

I played Doom I/II a lot more than that [;)]. But yes, it'll be awesome.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Fri, 16/07/04 - 2:06 AMPermalink

that quote was probably delivered shortly before they restarted work on the game for the nth time.

Submitted by bullet21 on Fri, 16/07/04 - 2:45 AMPermalink

so does anyone know when quake 4 is coming out :P

Submitted by tbag on Fri, 16/07/04 - 6:35 AMPermalink

I popped into EB this morning and they had no idea it had gone gold, including the manager... mind you i didnt expect them to.

None the less this is great news [:)], only problem is i just bought Command and Conquer Generals ($44.90) and Unreal 2 ($9.75 at EB, the guy screwed up [:P]) so i only have like $80 left but i do have some cash lying around in the bank account...

Good news!

Submitted by arcane on Fri, 16/07/04 - 10:27 AMPermalink

Souri: At least they had the foresight to incorporate the estimated development time of DNF into it's title.

bullet21: You'd have to ask Raven Soft that - they're the ones developing Q4.