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Augmented Games

Submitted by lukeo25 on

I am interested in developing for Augmented reality. I understand there are only a few trialing this area but I was hoping to get an Idea of who has been successful.

Cheers all,
from Luke

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 04/08/03 - 11:56 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lukeo25

I am interested in developing for Augmented reality. I understand there are only a few trialing this area but I was hoping to get an Idea of who has been successful.

Cheers all,
from Luke

Can you define augmented reality? For my interest's sake than anything else.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 05/08/03 - 1:58 AMPermalink

Jesus. That's pretty far out.

So are the environments computer generated based on real locales or is it just the enemies and any effects/items/props that are computer generated?

This is very cool, but would it run the risk of only ever being used for FPS games? The mouse and keyboard might go only for us to have a whole new glut of generic FPS? Admittedly that's a bit harsh, the technology does sound very exciting but probably a long way off from being affordable.

Perhaps designated areas can be set up for this sort of thing. A combination between Laser Strike and an arcade. I also see implications for this being used in military training -- Metal Gear VR training, so to speak.

Controversy-wise, get ready for more 'Videogames make people kill one another' type arguments.

Will it be fun? I'd say so, because it's blurring the lines of immersion.

I also had thoughts about something like this for webcams/eyetoys. Instead of the backpak etc... you would wear a pad or sensor to your chest and stand directly in front of the camera. The camera would then measure where you (and hence your on-screen persona) is in relation to the enemies by the distance it takes to receive the signal back.

Submitted by lukeo25 on Tue, 05/08/03 - 2:14 AMPermalink

Yes, Whao, Hey.

When I found these guys in Adelaide I was totaly blown away too. I think its all the salt in the water. I was looking for some articles on motion detection for my own AR pack. Yeah I've been toying with small prog's to pick up motion detection through your webcam with some sucsess now for a year. Its capable of X,Y pick up and I'm working on tumble switching and Z motion also. Spare time I wish I had more. This is why I question the current products and the potential to go further. Who'd have ever thought you could excersise will playing a consol or PC game?.

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 05/08/03 - 2:37 AMPermalink

I remember reading about the ARQuake Project guys.
Imagine the ramifications for gamers if it really takes off, no longer sofa bound nerds!! We could rule the parking lots and disused warehouses of the world!! BOO HA HA!!!

Submitted by Maitrek on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:34 AMPermalink

Heh - I would love to have one of those for an augmented reality fighting game or something (obviously most people wouldn't appreciate the game)....but aside from that, it seems pretty far out, and gameing I think has always been a casual non-athletic pass time so it'd be interesting to see how that preiphal would catch on. It's certainly interesting though, perhaps more from a first person shooter perspective, or maybe a haunted house style perspective. You could scare the crap out of someone with some decent graphics :)

I wonder what kind of health hazard those things would be though? Aside from possible neck injury depending on the weight (although throw enough money at it and they'll shrink) but electrical signals in close proximity to brain never works out well in some scientific studies (no pun intended) :)

Submitted by lukeo25 on Tue, 05/08/03 - 7:05 PMPermalink

For lack of fear about others stealing ideas, I'll post this.... I can see a lazer zone style of environment where the layout of the rooms in the real world building coincide exactly with the software version of the room. Events occur per storyline or random activation and teams of people enter the game to play ( even network linkups for multiple country teams ). A central system generates the events for all rooms and transmits via microwave. Units on very lightweight heads up systems with radio emitters giving away locations and tumble switches send angle and aspect information. The heads up system provides the viewer with the game graphics and speakers dotted around giving 3D sound give added effects. Effectively you have a Holodeck. It can
all be achieved with off the shelf technologies and can incorporate set dressing and multi locality scenarios. This is all adaptable if your worried about microwaves then cameras picking up leds mounted in the roof and on the player would work also.

Its all doable NOW!

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:36 PMPermalink

There was an episode of X-Files that was based on an AR game, and after watching that I saw a show about how some people were calculating the precice location of a blimp in warehose using radio signals.

So, what would any geek do other than design their own AR system? ;)

I envisioned it as being something like a lazerforce/zone3 area where you run arround in but I was thinking of having the game completely computer generated, and just using the walls as sold geometry :) That way you could have animated textures on the walls and whatnot but still have the realness to it.

And it's been doable for around a decade...

Submitted by lukeo25 on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:51 PMPermalink

I just contacted some friends here in Brisbane and we all agreed "its time" I think my weekends will now be full of AR development. I intend the whole system to be off the shelf. We're just looking for a wharehouse to set it all up in and checking out financing. Ill keep you informed. I supose the first thing is to check out IP security.

Submitted by sho nuff on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:57 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by redwyre

There was an episode of X-Files that was based on an AR game, and after watching that I saw a show about how some people were calculating the precice location of a blimp in warehose using radio signals.

So, what would any geek do other than design their own AR system? ;)

I envisioned it as being something like a lazerforce/zone3 area where you run arround in but I was thinking of having the game completely computer generated, and just using the walls as sold geometry :) That way you could have animated textures on the walls and whatnot but still have the realness to it.

And it's been doable for around a decade...

arent u just repeating what luke said?

Anyhow, as far as this AR thing is concerned. I think they should extend it beyond the realm of games and medical application, and start thinking of ways to implement it in everyday life.

Imagine the possibilities of changing your view of the world to something you would prefer. Kind of like having themes for your desktop. So instead of seeing the world as is, your AR unit, discretely integrated into your bionic eyes, could transform it into one huge episode of simpsons where everyone looks sunshine yellow with big googly eyes, while drab onjects get a fresh coat of cel shaded paint. Or you could superimpose mullets and gandalf sized beards upon people you don't like, without them even knowing. Add to this, the ability to stick 'post-it's' on people, to remember querky things about the person you often forget, like there names and interests etc.

Yes, the future can be bright, so long as we can all learn to live in it peacefully.

BTW i did a bit of research and discovered that AR began development 30 yrs ago.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 05/08/03 - 9:37 PMPermalink

In a related note, I just posted a news item about John Passfield's [url=""]game musings on Eye Toy[/url]. It looks like a surgance of augmented reality's popularity may be just around the corner! And yeh, the technology has been around for ages. I remember attending an Amiga show over ten years ago where they had a camera capturing a guy, and on the tv screen were all these drum kits. If you could position your hands over them, you could play them. [:)].. It seemed like a novelty then, but I guess it took a company like Sony to see the potential of it..

I think that with a bit of imagination and idea storming, you could come up with some really cool games with abunch of people in a warehous that aren't point and shoot / paintball like. Picking up virtual objects and throwing them? A puzzle game? Class based, team orientated? So many possibilities!! [:)]

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 05/08/03 - 11:19 PMPermalink


I think that with a bit of imagination and idea storming, you could come up with some really cool games with abunch of people in a warehous that aren't point and shoot / paintball like. Picking up virtual objects and throwing them? A puzzle game? Class based, team orientated? So many possibilities!! [:)]

Indeed. When you think about it - moving menus and information around a screen is much like what Tom Cruise's character does in Minority Report or what the workers in the Zion Mainframe do in Reloaded. The only difference is the lack of holographic display for all to see.

Submitted by Blitz on Wed, 06/08/03 - 5:29 AMPermalink

Maybe someone could send me all the neccessary hardware free of charge? :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Daemin on Wed, 06/08/03 - 8:09 AMPermalink

There was a guy from Germany at the AGDC last year, he did an experiment in Augmented Reality / Games.

I think his site was or or something...

And as for the Augmented Quake game that's being done at UniSA - I know a guy doing research on that project :-)

Submitted by redwyre on Sat, 06/09/03 - 12:46 AMPermalink

did you get anywhere with this Luke?

Submitted by lukeo25 on Sat, 06/09/03 - 1:48 AMPermalink

I am in demand at the moment. Not enough time to scratch myself.

I have however been talking with a programming wizard who specializes in peripherals. He has sugested we try something small for proof of concept and we also need to look into Patents currently held for AR development. It would be a pain in the A if we got everything working and some Jerk walks in and claims it as his IP. We are going to try and be as original in application and development as possible.

Submitted by Happy Camper on Sat, 06/09/03 - 2:19 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lukeo25

I am in demand at the moment

Must be nice[;)].

I'd love to see the game industry head in this direction, I find AR extremely interesting, it could bring so many new innovations to games. I also like the idea of your physical abilities giving you a advantage/disadvantage rather than your skill with a controller. It would be nice to see AR take a peice of the gaming market, it would also be nice to see a few Australians take a peice of the augmented reality market if it ever comes to excist. The idea is so cool, it just seems so Sci-Fi.

Good Luck!

Submitted by Maitrek on Tue, 09/09/03 - 8:31 PMPermalink

I think if anything it'll open up a different market. Which would be interesting, however whether it's sustainable enough is another question.

Submitted by IronhideNT on Sun, 04/04/04 - 2:23 AMPermalink

Well what do ya know. I'm actually researching augmented reality at the moment.

Augmented reality,while i reckon will be controversial in the "shooter" type genre, I reckon could work in the life sim/virtual pet type genre.

An AR "The Sims" would be very interesting indeed

Submitted by Morphine on Mon, 05/04/04 - 11:09 PMPermalink

An AR "The Sims" would be very interesting indeed

Hmmm ... that would be interesting. Getting to beautiful ladies to get together and ...

*uhem* Ah, where were we? Ah yes, AR. This should be a cool slogan:

"AR. The only place you can really kill your family!" [:D]

Submitted by Jigen on Thu, 08/04/04 - 8:10 AMPermalink

Im sorry but I don't think I like the idea of AR FPS. Im quite happy with Real Reality at the moement. Give me skirmish anyday. But It would be nice to see an Rpg. Now that would be cool. Exspecially when you get a new sword. Can some one say dramatic pose.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 13/04/04 - 9:32 AMPermalink

Ah, but what about AR-Enhanced skirmish? Fight your real friends in a real jungle only with plasma rifles and flamethrowers instead of paintball guns. [:)]

Submitted by Jigen on Tue, 13/04/04 - 11:14 AMPermalink

it depends on how small the equipment to make it work is. Because Im all for jumping running diving anything to avoid being shot and if i have to lug around some big helmet or a vest its not worth it.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 13/04/04 - 11:45 PMPermalink

Yeah thats true. The idea would be to wait until the hardware becomes portable and lightweight enough.

How about skirmish co-op? You and your friends form a team and fight against a force of invading aliens in a real setting.

Submitted by Jigen on Wed, 14/04/04 - 12:09 AMPermalink

heh allows for some pretty interesting scenarios. I would have to go for aliens attacking the local hardware store. I drove past on of those and there HUGE first thing I thought. Kick ass skirmish place. Then we have accsess to all of the melee weapons. From the axe to the chain saw to the crow bar.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Wed, 14/04/04 - 12:21 AMPermalink

Hell yeah.. Don't know about the chainsaw though, I mean its cool in Doom but when its that lifelike it just seems so wrong.

And yes, a lot of cool scenarios. How about a sci-fi car chase? Equip a rally car with the AR gear, take it to some bushland and set some markers: Your vehicle is getting chased by alien hovercraft and you need to outrun it. One guy drives and some other dudes shoot out of the windows and stuff. Hell, you could even modify a buggy into a halo warthog type contraption. Very cool stuff.

Submitted by spageto on Wed, 14/04/04 - 7:54 PMPermalink

And don't forget the multi-billion dollar fitness market[:)] Forget running on a treadmill looking at a TV, now you can run in the Olympics... or on a beach... or up a hill... or (far more interesting) for your life... to get away from some bad guys chasing you... or in a war zone...

Good luck guys. I'm no programmer but a newbie artist. No doubt you'll need exceptional 3D graphics!

Submitted by redwyre on Wed, 14/04/04 - 9:54 PMPermalink

I think it might be hard to work with melee weapons... you won't get any feedback from then stabbing at in the air :) But some kind of gun with kickback would be cool.

Posted by lukeo25 on

I am interested in developing for Augmented reality. I understand there are only a few trialing this area but I was hoping to get an Idea of who has been successful.

Cheers all,
from Luke

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Mon, 04/08/03 - 11:56 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lukeo25

I am interested in developing for Augmented reality. I understand there are only a few trialing this area but I was hoping to get an Idea of who has been successful.

Cheers all,
from Luke

Can you define augmented reality? For my interest's sake than anything else.

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 05/08/03 - 1:58 AMPermalink

Jesus. That's pretty far out.

So are the environments computer generated based on real locales or is it just the enemies and any effects/items/props that are computer generated?

This is very cool, but would it run the risk of only ever being used for FPS games? The mouse and keyboard might go only for us to have a whole new glut of generic FPS? Admittedly that's a bit harsh, the technology does sound very exciting but probably a long way off from being affordable.

Perhaps designated areas can be set up for this sort of thing. A combination between Laser Strike and an arcade. I also see implications for this being used in military training -- Metal Gear VR training, so to speak.

Controversy-wise, get ready for more 'Videogames make people kill one another' type arguments.

Will it be fun? I'd say so, because it's blurring the lines of immersion.

I also had thoughts about something like this for webcams/eyetoys. Instead of the backpak etc... you would wear a pad or sensor to your chest and stand directly in front of the camera. The camera would then measure where you (and hence your on-screen persona) is in relation to the enemies by the distance it takes to receive the signal back.

Submitted by lukeo25 on Tue, 05/08/03 - 2:14 AMPermalink

Yes, Whao, Hey.

When I found these guys in Adelaide I was totaly blown away too. I think its all the salt in the water. I was looking for some articles on motion detection for my own AR pack. Yeah I've been toying with small prog's to pick up motion detection through your webcam with some sucsess now for a year. Its capable of X,Y pick up and I'm working on tumble switching and Z motion also. Spare time I wish I had more. This is why I question the current products and the potential to go further. Who'd have ever thought you could excersise will playing a consol or PC game?.

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 05/08/03 - 2:37 AMPermalink

I remember reading about the ARQuake Project guys.
Imagine the ramifications for gamers if it really takes off, no longer sofa bound nerds!! We could rule the parking lots and disused warehouses of the world!! BOO HA HA!!!

Submitted by Maitrek on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:34 AMPermalink

Heh - I would love to have one of those for an augmented reality fighting game or something (obviously most people wouldn't appreciate the game)....but aside from that, it seems pretty far out, and gameing I think has always been a casual non-athletic pass time so it'd be interesting to see how that preiphal would catch on. It's certainly interesting though, perhaps more from a first person shooter perspective, or maybe a haunted house style perspective. You could scare the crap out of someone with some decent graphics :)

I wonder what kind of health hazard those things would be though? Aside from possible neck injury depending on the weight (although throw enough money at it and they'll shrink) but electrical signals in close proximity to brain never works out well in some scientific studies (no pun intended) :)

Submitted by lukeo25 on Tue, 05/08/03 - 7:05 PMPermalink

For lack of fear about others stealing ideas, I'll post this.... I can see a lazer zone style of environment where the layout of the rooms in the real world building coincide exactly with the software version of the room. Events occur per storyline or random activation and teams of people enter the game to play ( even network linkups for multiple country teams ). A central system generates the events for all rooms and transmits via microwave. Units on very lightweight heads up systems with radio emitters giving away locations and tumble switches send angle and aspect information. The heads up system provides the viewer with the game graphics and speakers dotted around giving 3D sound give added effects. Effectively you have a Holodeck. It can
all be achieved with off the shelf technologies and can incorporate set dressing and multi locality scenarios. This is all adaptable if your worried about microwaves then cameras picking up leds mounted in the roof and on the player would work also.

Its all doable NOW!

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:36 PMPermalink

There was an episode of X-Files that was based on an AR game, and after watching that I saw a show about how some people were calculating the precice location of a blimp in warehose using radio signals.

So, what would any geek do other than design their own AR system? ;)

I envisioned it as being something like a lazerforce/zone3 area where you run arround in but I was thinking of having the game completely computer generated, and just using the walls as sold geometry :) That way you could have animated textures on the walls and whatnot but still have the realness to it.

And it's been doable for around a decade...

Submitted by lukeo25 on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:51 PMPermalink

I just contacted some friends here in Brisbane and we all agreed "its time" I think my weekends will now be full of AR development. I intend the whole system to be off the shelf. We're just looking for a wharehouse to set it all up in and checking out financing. Ill keep you informed. I supose the first thing is to check out IP security.

Submitted by sho nuff on Tue, 05/08/03 - 8:57 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by redwyre

There was an episode of X-Files that was based on an AR game, and after watching that I saw a show about how some people were calculating the precice location of a blimp in warehose using radio signals.

So, what would any geek do other than design their own AR system? ;)

I envisioned it as being something like a lazerforce/zone3 area where you run arround in but I was thinking of having the game completely computer generated, and just using the walls as sold geometry :) That way you could have animated textures on the walls and whatnot but still have the realness to it.

And it's been doable for around a decade...

arent u just repeating what luke said?

Anyhow, as far as this AR thing is concerned. I think they should extend it beyond the realm of games and medical application, and start thinking of ways to implement it in everyday life.

Imagine the possibilities of changing your view of the world to something you would prefer. Kind of like having themes for your desktop. So instead of seeing the world as is, your AR unit, discretely integrated into your bionic eyes, could transform it into one huge episode of simpsons where everyone looks sunshine yellow with big googly eyes, while drab onjects get a fresh coat of cel shaded paint. Or you could superimpose mullets and gandalf sized beards upon people you don't like, without them even knowing. Add to this, the ability to stick 'post-it's' on people, to remember querky things about the person you often forget, like there names and interests etc.

Yes, the future can be bright, so long as we can all learn to live in it peacefully.

BTW i did a bit of research and discovered that AR began development 30 yrs ago.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 05/08/03 - 9:37 PMPermalink

In a related note, I just posted a news item about John Passfield's [url=""]game musings on Eye Toy[/url]. It looks like a surgance of augmented reality's popularity may be just around the corner! And yeh, the technology has been around for ages. I remember attending an Amiga show over ten years ago where they had a camera capturing a guy, and on the tv screen were all these drum kits. If you could position your hands over them, you could play them. [:)].. It seemed like a novelty then, but I guess it took a company like Sony to see the potential of it..

I think that with a bit of imagination and idea storming, you could come up with some really cool games with abunch of people in a warehous that aren't point and shoot / paintball like. Picking up virtual objects and throwing them? A puzzle game? Class based, team orientated? So many possibilities!! [:)]

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Tue, 05/08/03 - 11:19 PMPermalink


I think that with a bit of imagination and idea storming, you could come up with some really cool games with abunch of people in a warehous that aren't point and shoot / paintball like. Picking up virtual objects and throwing them? A puzzle game? Class based, team orientated? So many possibilities!! [:)]

Indeed. When you think about it - moving menus and information around a screen is much like what Tom Cruise's character does in Minority Report or what the workers in the Zion Mainframe do in Reloaded. The only difference is the lack of holographic display for all to see.

Submitted by Blitz on Wed, 06/08/03 - 5:29 AMPermalink

Maybe someone could send me all the neccessary hardware free of charge? :)
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Daemin on Wed, 06/08/03 - 8:09 AMPermalink

There was a guy from Germany at the AGDC last year, he did an experiment in Augmented Reality / Games.

I think his site was or or something...

And as for the Augmented Quake game that's being done at UniSA - I know a guy doing research on that project :-)

Submitted by redwyre on Sat, 06/09/03 - 12:46 AMPermalink

did you get anywhere with this Luke?

Submitted by lukeo25 on Sat, 06/09/03 - 1:48 AMPermalink

I am in demand at the moment. Not enough time to scratch myself.

I have however been talking with a programming wizard who specializes in peripherals. He has sugested we try something small for proof of concept and we also need to look into Patents currently held for AR development. It would be a pain in the A if we got everything working and some Jerk walks in and claims it as his IP. We are going to try and be as original in application and development as possible.

Submitted by Happy Camper on Sat, 06/09/03 - 2:19 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lukeo25

I am in demand at the moment

Must be nice[;)].

I'd love to see the game industry head in this direction, I find AR extremely interesting, it could bring so many new innovations to games. I also like the idea of your physical abilities giving you a advantage/disadvantage rather than your skill with a controller. It would be nice to see AR take a peice of the gaming market, it would also be nice to see a few Australians take a peice of the augmented reality market if it ever comes to excist. The idea is so cool, it just seems so Sci-Fi.

Good Luck!

Submitted by Maitrek on Tue, 09/09/03 - 8:31 PMPermalink

I think if anything it'll open up a different market. Which would be interesting, however whether it's sustainable enough is another question.

Submitted by IronhideNT on Sun, 04/04/04 - 2:23 AMPermalink

Well what do ya know. I'm actually researching augmented reality at the moment.

Augmented reality,while i reckon will be controversial in the "shooter" type genre, I reckon could work in the life sim/virtual pet type genre.

An AR "The Sims" would be very interesting indeed

Submitted by Morphine on Mon, 05/04/04 - 11:09 PMPermalink

An AR "The Sims" would be very interesting indeed

Hmmm ... that would be interesting. Getting to beautiful ladies to get together and ...

*uhem* Ah, where were we? Ah yes, AR. This should be a cool slogan:

"AR. The only place you can really kill your family!" [:D]

Submitted by Jigen on Thu, 08/04/04 - 8:10 AMPermalink

Im sorry but I don't think I like the idea of AR FPS. Im quite happy with Real Reality at the moement. Give me skirmish anyday. But It would be nice to see an Rpg. Now that would be cool. Exspecially when you get a new sword. Can some one say dramatic pose.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 13/04/04 - 9:32 AMPermalink

Ah, but what about AR-Enhanced skirmish? Fight your real friends in a real jungle only with plasma rifles and flamethrowers instead of paintball guns. [:)]

Submitted by Jigen on Tue, 13/04/04 - 11:14 AMPermalink

it depends on how small the equipment to make it work is. Because Im all for jumping running diving anything to avoid being shot and if i have to lug around some big helmet or a vest its not worth it.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Tue, 13/04/04 - 11:45 PMPermalink

Yeah thats true. The idea would be to wait until the hardware becomes portable and lightweight enough.

How about skirmish co-op? You and your friends form a team and fight against a force of invading aliens in a real setting.

Submitted by Jigen on Wed, 14/04/04 - 12:09 AMPermalink

heh allows for some pretty interesting scenarios. I would have to go for aliens attacking the local hardware store. I drove past on of those and there HUGE first thing I thought. Kick ass skirmish place. Then we have accsess to all of the melee weapons. From the axe to the chain saw to the crow bar.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Wed, 14/04/04 - 12:21 AMPermalink

Hell yeah.. Don't know about the chainsaw though, I mean its cool in Doom but when its that lifelike it just seems so wrong.

And yes, a lot of cool scenarios. How about a sci-fi car chase? Equip a rally car with the AR gear, take it to some bushland and set some markers: Your vehicle is getting chased by alien hovercraft and you need to outrun it. One guy drives and some other dudes shoot out of the windows and stuff. Hell, you could even modify a buggy into a halo warthog type contraption. Very cool stuff.

Submitted by spageto on Wed, 14/04/04 - 7:54 PMPermalink

And don't forget the multi-billion dollar fitness market[:)] Forget running on a treadmill looking at a TV, now you can run in the Olympics... or on a beach... or up a hill... or (far more interesting) for your life... to get away from some bad guys chasing you... or in a war zone...

Good luck guys. I'm no programmer but a newbie artist. No doubt you'll need exceptional 3D graphics!

Submitted by redwyre on Wed, 14/04/04 - 9:54 PMPermalink

I think it might be hard to work with melee weapons... you won't get any feedback from then stabbing at in the air :) But some kind of gun with kickback would be cool.