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Brisbane IGDA: LAN party at 1PM, Sunday, 9 July

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

We are pleased to announce a meetup for the Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter!

Next event: What, who, when, where

WHAT: A LAN party where we visit the two ends of the gaming spectrum: an online text MUD and Unreal Tournament.

What is a MUD? Game developers need to see a MUD for the same reason writers need to read Shakespeare. It's roots, baby. The great-grand-daddy of World of Warcraft, with Everquest as its secret love child. This is an ideal chance to get a guided tour and see where it all came from. Then fast forward to the 21st century where we run around and shoot each other.

WHO: Anyone active, once-active, or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

WHEN: Sunday, 9 July, from 1PM until 5PM.

WHERE: QUT Creative Industries Precinct at Kelvin Grove, Z block - level 2 [the terrace], rooms z2-235, 237. Near intersection of Musk Avenue and Kelvin Grove Road. Park anywhere.

FINDING US: If you can?t find us, call the Help number below.

HELP: Superwoman truna's number (SMS preferred) is 04 0488 4027. Backup number is Matt's: 04 2315 7363.

UPDATES: Before the event, check replies to this event thread to see if there have been any changes in plan:

Meeting us online

If you already know how to play a MUD, we can use your help as a guide, so please come by. But if you cannot make it, meet us in the MUD. A follow-up email will be sent with details. If you get lost, send a text to Matt.

Bring Unreal mods

If you?d like to play a particular Unreal mod, please bring it burned onto one or more CDs so we can spread it around the lab. For questions, please contact truna.

Pass this on

Contagion power! Please forward this message to everyone you know in the game development industry here.

Because this IGDA chapter is strictly against poaching practices, we hope you feel safe sending this invitation to others in your game company.

If you got this invitation second-hand, you should join the low-traffic email list so you get future invitations directly. Simply email and follow the directions that ensue. Note that you do not have to get a Yahoo userID; you can elect just to join the mailing list without joining the group itself. There are only a few emails a month on that list so don?t be spam-shy; sign up!

The IGDA mailing list is for announcements only. To ask questions and have discussions, please visit the chapter forum.

What is the IGDA?

The IGDA helps game developers gather together in a non-competitive atmosphere to relax and learn from each other. To learn more about this IGDA chapter, please see our home page at:

To reply to the forums, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

See you there

Please check forum event thread, please come, please pass this on to other game developers!

Matt Ford
Chief Disorganizer

Submitted by Scrow on Wed, 05/07/06 - 5:27 AMPermalink

i will be there, even if it means going to the last place i want to be during the holidays... my university [:p]

Posted by Anonymous (not verified) on

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

We are pleased to announce a meetup for the Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter!

Next event: What, who, when, where

WHAT: A LAN party where we visit the two ends of the gaming spectrum: an online text MUD and Unreal Tournament.

What is a MUD? Game developers need to see a MUD for the same reason writers need to read Shakespeare. It's roots, baby. The great-grand-daddy of World of Warcraft, with Everquest as its secret love child. This is an ideal chance to get a guided tour and see where it all came from. Then fast forward to the 21st century where we run around and shoot each other.

WHO: Anyone active, once-active, or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

WHEN: Sunday, 9 July, from 1PM until 5PM.

WHERE: QUT Creative Industries Precinct at Kelvin Grove, Z block - level 2 [the terrace], rooms z2-235, 237. Near intersection of Musk Avenue and Kelvin Grove Road. Park anywhere.

FINDING US: If you can?t find us, call the Help number below.

HELP: Superwoman truna's number (SMS preferred) is 04 0488 4027. Backup number is Matt's: 04 2315 7363.

UPDATES: Before the event, check replies to this event thread to see if there have been any changes in plan:

Meeting us online

If you already know how to play a MUD, we can use your help as a guide, so please come by. But if you cannot make it, meet us in the MUD. A follow-up email will be sent with details. If you get lost, send a text to Matt.

Bring Unreal mods

If you?d like to play a particular Unreal mod, please bring it burned onto one or more CDs so we can spread it around the lab. For questions, please contact truna.

Pass this on

Contagion power! Please forward this message to everyone you know in the game development industry here.

Because this IGDA chapter is strictly against poaching practices, we hope you feel safe sending this invitation to others in your game company.

If you got this invitation second-hand, you should join the low-traffic email list so you get future invitations directly. Simply email and follow the directions that ensue. Note that you do not have to get a Yahoo userID; you can elect just to join the mailing list without joining the group itself. There are only a few emails a month on that list so don?t be spam-shy; sign up!

The IGDA mailing list is for announcements only. To ask questions and have discussions, please visit the chapter forum.

What is the IGDA?

The IGDA helps game developers gather together in a non-competitive atmosphere to relax and learn from each other. To learn more about this IGDA chapter, please see our home page at:

To reply to the forums, you will need to become an IGDA member. However, there is a free membership available.

See you there

Please check forum event thread, please come, please pass this on to other game developers!

Matt Ford
Chief Disorganizer

Submitted by Scrow on Wed, 05/07/06 - 5:27 AMPermalink

i will be there, even if it means going to the last place i want to be during the holidays... my university [:p]