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UnrealEd3 importer/exporter for maya7??

Submitted by Caroo on

G'day all. I have a problem.

I Have maya7 personal learning edition and I'm trying to export static meches into unreal using the UnrealED plugin. However this plugin is only good for maya5 and it wont let me use it.

Does an appropriate UnrealED plugin update exsit for maya 7 PLE? Or is there a way to bypass mayas doggy [This isn't for this version so me no work] stance on the plug-in?

Posted by Caroo on

G'day all. I have a problem.

I Have maya7 personal learning edition and I'm trying to export static meches into unreal using the UnrealED plugin. However this plugin is only good for maya5 and it wont let me use it.

Does an appropriate UnrealED plugin update exsit for maya 7 PLE? Or is there a way to bypass mayas doggy [This isn't for this version so me no work] stance on the plug-in?