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MElbourne Courses

Submitted by bullet21 on

Well i'm in yeear 12 next year, and i know for sure this is the industry i want to be in. I'm just wanting to know about a few of the Melbourne courses. I've narrowed it down to these:

- Multimedia Systeams (Game Developement) at Monash Berwick
- Multimedia Systems at RMIt in the City
- Multimedia (games and interactive) at Swinburne start next year
- Multimedia at Swinburne Hawthorne

Is there any one who can tell me what these courses are like, how good the lecturers and the hardware and stuff are. I doubt i will go to monash as it is like a 2 hour journey by public transport, but just info would be good.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 03/07/04 - 10:44 PMPermalink

i cant tell you what there like but personally im going for a bachelor of multimedia design at swindburne so if all else fails ill still have a uni degree on my resumue, then ill do a focused course like AIE. Its good to have something to fall back on and with something like multimedia design being broad enough to allow me to branch off into all sorts of things (like film, web-design etc).

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 04/07/04 - 2:37 AMPermalink

I think that swinburne course, the entrance is based of a folio and stuff. Whih i dont have, so how else can you get in? like are just sketches and 3d images enough to be considered a folio or do you need all that other stuff like photography and so on.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 04/07/04 - 4:32 AMPermalink

a folio is something anyone can build and if you are taking art subjects it is something you will build in year 12. All it is is a collection of your artworks presented (ta daaa) in a folio. So all you need to do is make a collection of artworks (i suppose multimedia related in this case) to present. Also note that a folio can encompass things like the WIPs before the completed project. As for how much? im not to sure.

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 04/07/04 - 4:45 AMPermalink

That's the thing though i dont do an art subject, if i do graphics next year will that help build a folio.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 04/07/04 - 6:13 AMPermalink

most definetly, pretty much every art/design subject is based around folio building in year 12, but the fact is even if its not, your still going to be doing work in that subject that you can add to the folio.

Theres nothing pre-req about a folio itself, its just a collection of works.

Posted by bullet21 on

Well i'm in yeear 12 next year, and i know for sure this is the industry i want to be in. I'm just wanting to know about a few of the Melbourne courses. I've narrowed it down to these:

- Multimedia Systeams (Game Developement) at Monash Berwick
- Multimedia Systems at RMIt in the City
- Multimedia (games and interactive) at Swinburne start next year
- Multimedia at Swinburne Hawthorne

Is there any one who can tell me what these courses are like, how good the lecturers and the hardware and stuff are. I doubt i will go to monash as it is like a 2 hour journey by public transport, but just info would be good.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 03/07/04 - 10:44 PMPermalink

i cant tell you what there like but personally im going for a bachelor of multimedia design at swindburne so if all else fails ill still have a uni degree on my resumue, then ill do a focused course like AIE. Its good to have something to fall back on and with something like multimedia design being broad enough to allow me to branch off into all sorts of things (like film, web-design etc).

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 04/07/04 - 2:37 AMPermalink

I think that swinburne course, the entrance is based of a folio and stuff. Whih i dont have, so how else can you get in? like are just sketches and 3d images enough to be considered a folio or do you need all that other stuff like photography and so on.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 04/07/04 - 4:32 AMPermalink

a folio is something anyone can build and if you are taking art subjects it is something you will build in year 12. All it is is a collection of your artworks presented (ta daaa) in a folio. So all you need to do is make a collection of artworks (i suppose multimedia related in this case) to present. Also note that a folio can encompass things like the WIPs before the completed project. As for how much? im not to sure.

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 04/07/04 - 4:45 AMPermalink

That's the thing though i dont do an art subject, if i do graphics next year will that help build a folio.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 04/07/04 - 6:13 AMPermalink

most definetly, pretty much every art/design subject is based around folio building in year 12, but the fact is even if its not, your still going to be doing work in that subject that you can add to the folio.

Theres nothing pre-req about a folio itself, its just a collection of works.