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Interact Games Day: Twitch

Submitted by Zaph on

(Hope this isn't a repost, but I haven't noticed anything about it)

If you happen to be attending the Interact Festival (or just live in Melbourne and have time to attend these sessions) then check out the Diegesis Games Day talks at Federation Square. You can even get a sneak preview of Transformers Armada!

Text reproduced here:

Games Day: Twitch
Presented by the Academy of Interactive Entertainment
Festival Day Pass $18.00 Metropolitan, $15.00 Regional

Games conceivers, designers and programmers will explore the world of games production in Australia. They will guide the audience through the roles and stages different games have gone through to reach their audience. The Atari team will introduce Transformers Armada, one of the biggest games slated for worldwide release in 2004. Then, industry and training experts will map out the vocational paths to the gaming industry.

Transforming Games

10:00am -11:30am

Festival director, John Long will host a high-powered panel of games experts as they demonstrate the vital stages a high end game goes through starting with the creative concept that is then transformed into the final product. The panel includes games artists, designers and programmers.

Individual tickets for this session are $10.00 Metropolitan, $8.00 Regional

Case Study ? Transformers Armada

12:30pm - 2.00pm

This year saw Atari launch Enter The Matrix, the game that has gone on to define how games should be performing on all platforms. In 2004 their signature game will be Transformers Armada, developed here in Melbourne by Atari Melbourne House. Mark Morrison, Design Manager for Atari MH, will take us through the development of the games strategy, design and functionality with a special preview of Transformers Armada.

Individual tickets for this session are $5.00

Games Careers

2:15pm - 3:30pm

What are the ways and means to break into the games industry when you leave school or university? David Giles is Australia?s foremost expert on training games people and he will be chairing a panel that includes graduates of games courses, freelance experts and industry movers and shakers who show us what it takes and how to get there. This session will prove invaluable for students interested in a gaming career.

Individual tickets for this session are $10.00 Metropolitan, $8.00 Regional

Submitted by tachyon on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:14 AMPermalink

ooo oooo, sounds cool. do u know if its too late to order tickets?

Submitted by David Giles on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:25 AMPermalink

plenty of tickets left...Hope to see you there.

Submitted by Jacana on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:35 AMPermalink

Dont suppose you can put it off till Sunday just for me? *grin*
I am actually heading down to Melb this coming weekend. Seems I miss it by a few days :(

Submitted by David Giles on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:38 AMPermalink

Yes that would be good...its a bit busy at the moment, I could use a few more days

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Wed, 03/09/03 - 10:44 PMPermalink

I'll be there, I take it I dont need to pre-book tickets.
I hope to see others from this site attending.

Submitted by tachyon on Fri, 05/09/03 - 3:05 AMPermalink

just got back from it today, went to all three sessions (lots of plugs about AIE but hey, they sponsored it so what do u expect). First two sessions were good, especially the Atari Transformers Case Study, I thought Mark was a really good speaker (i would have though he would be better at the game he's making though lol). I thought the thrid session about games careers was a bit boring (my gf went with me and fell asleep...). Was mainly a bunch of people talking about their careers which were slightly outside of the games industry. Overall, i thought the event was okay (worth missing out a day of uni for anyway).

sorry, i'm complete shite at describing things i've been to, which anyone that knows me can vouch for...

Submitted by Ninja on Fri, 05/09/03 - 3:25 AMPermalink

yeah i was so bored in that games career section too... nearly fell asleep.... [:(] i missed out on both the transformers case which was a bummer [:(]

hehe David Giles u have quite an interesting / amazing background [:)]

oh wells AGDC it is [:)].....

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 05/09/03 - 4:20 AMPermalink

I got in free to the first one because I showed up late :) But I liked all 3 talks, Transformers looked pretty good, a lot better than what I thought the ps2 could pull off. I found the guy talking about architecture in the third session to be rather interesting. and that little display he showed off using torque was cool. Plus I asked the guy who did the transformers presentation if he could get me into the AGDC for free but he said no :(

Submitted by Cam on Sat, 06/09/03 - 8:18 PMPermalink

yeh the third one was crap as.. i feel sorry for everyone who came just to the last session - as it sounded to be one of the most interesting ones - i was expecting them to talk about different avenues you can take (like different courses), the things you should be doing outside of uni in your own time to prepare for a job, and stuff like talking about a folio and stuff like that.

instead it was all 'well, uhh, yeh - i made cement blocks for a few years' - no offence to the dude.. they were pretty cool cement blocks ;)

Submitted by tachyon on Sat, 06/09/03 - 11:18 PMPermalink

After seeing all the AIE stuff around, I really thought that the third one would be an one hour AIE plug (much like the game careers session at agdc last year).

Submitted by Cam on Sun, 07/09/03 - 9:57 PMPermalink

thats what we were waiting for too..

Submitted by Jacana on Wed, 10/09/03 - 5:38 AMPermalink

So from the other side of things - How do you feel this went David? Well enough to run it again next year? Already have ideas for things you want to change?

Posted by Zaph on

(Hope this isn't a repost, but I haven't noticed anything about it)

If you happen to be attending the Interact Festival (or just live in Melbourne and have time to attend these sessions) then check out the Diegesis Games Day talks at Federation Square. You can even get a sneak preview of Transformers Armada!

Text reproduced here:

Games Day: Twitch
Presented by the Academy of Interactive Entertainment
Festival Day Pass $18.00 Metropolitan, $15.00 Regional

Games conceivers, designers and programmers will explore the world of games production in Australia. They will guide the audience through the roles and stages different games have gone through to reach their audience. The Atari team will introduce Transformers Armada, one of the biggest games slated for worldwide release in 2004. Then, industry and training experts will map out the vocational paths to the gaming industry.

Transforming Games

10:00am -11:30am

Festival director, John Long will host a high-powered panel of games experts as they demonstrate the vital stages a high end game goes through starting with the creative concept that is then transformed into the final product. The panel includes games artists, designers and programmers.

Individual tickets for this session are $10.00 Metropolitan, $8.00 Regional

Case Study ? Transformers Armada

12:30pm - 2.00pm

This year saw Atari launch Enter The Matrix, the game that has gone on to define how games should be performing on all platforms. In 2004 their signature game will be Transformers Armada, developed here in Melbourne by Atari Melbourne House. Mark Morrison, Design Manager for Atari MH, will take us through the development of the games strategy, design and functionality with a special preview of Transformers Armada.

Individual tickets for this session are $5.00

Games Careers

2:15pm - 3:30pm

What are the ways and means to break into the games industry when you leave school or university? David Giles is Australia?s foremost expert on training games people and he will be chairing a panel that includes graduates of games courses, freelance experts and industry movers and shakers who show us what it takes and how to get there. This session will prove invaluable for students interested in a gaming career.

Individual tickets for this session are $10.00 Metropolitan, $8.00 Regional

Submitted by tachyon on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:14 AMPermalink

ooo oooo, sounds cool. do u know if its too late to order tickets?

Submitted by David Giles on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:25 AMPermalink

plenty of tickets left...Hope to see you there.

Submitted by Jacana on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:35 AMPermalink

Dont suppose you can put it off till Sunday just for me? *grin*
I am actually heading down to Melb this coming weekend. Seems I miss it by a few days :(

Submitted by David Giles on Tue, 02/09/03 - 8:38 AMPermalink

Yes that would be good...its a bit busy at the moment, I could use a few more days

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Wed, 03/09/03 - 10:44 PMPermalink

I'll be there, I take it I dont need to pre-book tickets.
I hope to see others from this site attending.

Submitted by tachyon on Fri, 05/09/03 - 3:05 AMPermalink

just got back from it today, went to all three sessions (lots of plugs about AIE but hey, they sponsored it so what do u expect). First two sessions were good, especially the Atari Transformers Case Study, I thought Mark was a really good speaker (i would have though he would be better at the game he's making though lol). I thought the thrid session about games careers was a bit boring (my gf went with me and fell asleep...). Was mainly a bunch of people talking about their careers which were slightly outside of the games industry. Overall, i thought the event was okay (worth missing out a day of uni for anyway).

sorry, i'm complete shite at describing things i've been to, which anyone that knows me can vouch for...

Submitted by Ninja on Fri, 05/09/03 - 3:25 AMPermalink

yeah i was so bored in that games career section too... nearly fell asleep.... [:(] i missed out on both the transformers case which was a bummer [:(]

hehe David Giles u have quite an interesting / amazing background [:)]

oh wells AGDC it is [:)].....

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Fri, 05/09/03 - 4:20 AMPermalink

I got in free to the first one because I showed up late :) But I liked all 3 talks, Transformers looked pretty good, a lot better than what I thought the ps2 could pull off. I found the guy talking about architecture in the third session to be rather interesting. and that little display he showed off using torque was cool. Plus I asked the guy who did the transformers presentation if he could get me into the AGDC for free but he said no :(

Submitted by Cam on Sat, 06/09/03 - 8:18 PMPermalink

yeh the third one was crap as.. i feel sorry for everyone who came just to the last session - as it sounded to be one of the most interesting ones - i was expecting them to talk about different avenues you can take (like different courses), the things you should be doing outside of uni in your own time to prepare for a job, and stuff like talking about a folio and stuff like that.

instead it was all 'well, uhh, yeh - i made cement blocks for a few years' - no offence to the dude.. they were pretty cool cement blocks ;)

Submitted by tachyon on Sat, 06/09/03 - 11:18 PMPermalink

After seeing all the AIE stuff around, I really thought that the third one would be an one hour AIE plug (much like the game careers session at agdc last year).

Submitted by Cam on Sun, 07/09/03 - 9:57 PMPermalink

thats what we were waiting for too..

Submitted by Jacana on Wed, 10/09/03 - 5:38 AMPermalink

So from the other side of things - How do you feel this went David? Well enough to run it again next year? Already have ideas for things you want to change?